Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research - Research Publications

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    Paid Parental Leave evaluation: Phase 1
    Martin, B ; HEWITT, B ; Baird, M ; Baxter, J ; Heron, A ; Whitehouse, G ; Zadoroznyj, M ; Xiang, N ; Broom, D ; Connelly, L ; Jones, A ; Kalb, G ; McVicar, D ; Strazdins, L ; Walter, M ; Western, M ; Wooden, M (Commonwealth of Australia, 2012)
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    From substance use to homelessness or vice versa?
    McVicar, D ; Moschion, J ; van Ours, JC (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2015-07)
    Homelessness is associated with substance use, but whether substance use precedes or follows homelessness is unclear. We investigate the nature of the relationship between homelessness and substance use using data from the unique Australian panel dataset Journeys Home collected in 4 surveys over the period from October 2011 to May 2013. Our data refer to 1325 individuals who were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. We investigate dynamics in homelessness and substance use over the survey period. We find that the two are closely related: homeless individuals are more likely to be substance users and substance users are more likely to be homeless. These relationships, however, are predominantly driven by observed and unobserved individual characteristics which cause individuals to be both more likely to be homeless and to be substance users. Once we take these personal characteristics into account it seems that homelessness does not affect substance use, although we cannot rule out that alcohol use increases the probability that an individual becomes homeless. These overall relationships also hide some interesting heterogeneity by 'type' of homelessness.
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    Work-Related Training and the Probability of Transitioning from Non-Permanent to Permanent Employment
    Mcvicar, D ; Wooden, M ; Leung, F ; Li, N (Wiley, 2016-01-01)
    It is widely believed that work-related training increases a worker's probability of moving up the job-quality ladder. This is usually couched in terms of effects on wages, but it has also been argued that training increases the probability of moving from non-permanent forms of employment to more permanent employment. This hypothesis is tested using nationally representative panel data for Australia, a country where the incidence of non-permanent employment, and especially casual employment, is high by international standards. While a positive association between participation in work-related training and the subsequent probability of moving from either casual or fixed-term contract employment to permanent employment is observed among men, this is shown to be driven not by a causal impact of training on transitions but by differences between those who do and do not receive training, that is selection bias.