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    Desarrollo Humano, Ética y Cosmovisión Andina
    CARBALLO, AE (Economistas sin Fronteras, 2016)
    This article, whose title in English is 'Human Development, Ethics and Andean Cosmovision' analyses contemporary discussions in Latin American development thinking and practice. Over the last decade, the calls for Buen Vivir (Spanish for ‘Good Living’) that have emerged from the Andean region have prompted a revival of interest in Latin American contributions to development thinking. Buen Vivir (BV), refers to a notion emerging from the indigenous philosophies in the region, that focuses on a harmonic understanding of the life cycle, which not only take into consideration the individual’s wellbeing, but also that of the earth and the communities as a whole. As a result of the multiplication of policy and academic initiatives, BV has come to be seen as offering alternative notions, projects and practices of development, revivifying the interest in such alternatives. In recent years, policy documents and initiatives have linked and virtually equated ideas of Human Development (HD) and BV. The conceptual lack of clarity characteristic of discussions of development in particular and of policy initiatives in general, has allowed both the Indigenous epistemologies and the HD discourses present in the region to ‘blend’ into a sort of ‘environmentally conscious’ idea of development, that virtually pervades current policy initiatives from government, international organisations and NGOs. This paper argues for the necessity to distinguish between the HD paradigm and the development discussions connected to Andean indigenous cosmovisions. As such, it explores some of the key concepts embedded in the Andean cosmovision, particularly those connected to the bio-centric considerations that underping BV's approach to development.