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    Ultraviolet microbeam irradiations of mitotic diatoms: investigation of spindle elongation.
    Leslie, RJ ; Pickett-Heaps, JD (Rockefeller University Press, 1983-02)
    Our simple instrumentation for generating a UV-microbeam is described UV microbeam irradiations of the central spindle in the pennate diatom Hantzschia amphioxys have been examined through correlated birefringence light microscopy and TEM. A precise correlation between the region of reduced birefringence and the UV-induced lesion in the microtubules (MTs) of the central spindle is demonstrated. The UV beam appears to dissociate MTs, as MT fragments were rarely encountered. The forces associated with metaphase and anaphase spindles have been studied via localized UV-microbeam irradiation of the central spindle. These spindles were found to be subjected to compressional forces, presumably exerted by stretched or contracting chromosomes. Comparisons are made with the results of other writers. These compressional forces caused the poles of a severed anaphase spindle to move toward each other and the center of the cell. As these poles moved centrally, the larger of the two postirradiational central spindle remnants elongated with a concomitant decrease in the length of the overlap. Metaphase spindles, in contrast, did not elongate nor lose their overlap region. Our interpretation is that the force for anaphase spindle elongation in Hantzschia is generated between half-spindles in the region of MT overlap.
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    Cell division in two large pennate diatoms Hantzschia and Nitzschia III. A new proposal for kinetochore function during prometaphase.
    Tippit, DH ; Pickett-Heaps, JD ; Leslie, R (Rockefeller University Press, 1980-08)
    Prometaphase in two large species of diatoms is examined, using the following techniques: (a) time-lapse cinematography of chromosome movements in vivo; (b) electron microscopy of corresponding stages: (c) reconstruction of the microtubules (MTs) in the kinetochore fiber of chromosomes attached to the spindle. In vivo, the chromosomes independently commence oscillations back and forth to one pole. The kinetochore is usually at the leading edge of such chromosome movements; a variable time later both kinetochores undergo such oscillations but toward opposite poles and soon stretch poleward to establish stable bipolar attachment. Electron microscopy of early prometaphase shows that the kinetochores usually laterally associate with MTs that have one end attached to the spindle pole. At late prometaphase, most chromosomes are fully attached to the spindle, but the kinetochores on unattached chromosomes are bare of MTs. Reconstruction of the kinetochore fiber demonstrates that most of its MTs (96%) extend past the kinetochore and are thus apparently not nucleated there. At least one MT terminates at each kinetochore analyzed. Our interpretation is that the conventional view of kinetochore function cannot apply to diatoms. The kinetochore fiber in diatoms appears to be primarily composed of MTs from the poles, in contrast to the conventional view that many MTs of the kinetochore fiber are nucleated by the kinetochore. Similarly, chromosomes appear to initially orient their kinetochores to opposite poles by moving along MTs attached to the poles, instead of orientation effected by kinetochore MTs laterally associating with other MTs in the spindle. The function of the kinetochore in diatoms and other cell types is discussed.
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    On the mechanism of anaphase spindle elongation in Diatoma vulgare.
    McDonald, K ; Pickett-Heaps, JD ; McIntosh, JR ; Tippit, DH (Rockefeller University Press, 1977-08)
    Central spindles from five dividing cells (one metaphase, three anaphase, and one telophase) of Diatoma vulgare were reconstructed from serial sections. Each spindle is made up of two half-spindles that are composed almost entirely of polar microtubules. A small percentage of continuous microtubules and free microtubules were present in every stage except telophase. The half-spindles interdigitate at the midregion of the central spindle, forming a zone of overlap where the microtubules from one pole intermingle with those of the other. At metaphase the overlap zone is fairly extensive, but as elongation proceeds, the spindle poles move apart and the length of the overlap decreases because fewer microtubules are sufficiently long to reach from the pole to the zone of interdigitation. At telophase, only a few tubules are long enough to overlap at the midregion. Concurrent with the decrease in the length of the overlap zone is an increase in the staining density of the intermicrotubule matrix at the same region. These changes in morphology can most easily be explained by assuming zone mechanochemical interaction between microtubules in the overlap zone which results in a sliding apart of the two half-spindles.
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    Analysis of the distribution of spindle microtubules in the diatom Fragilaria.
    Tippit, DH ; Schulz, D ; Pickett-Heaps, JD (Rockefeller University Press, 1978-12)
    The spindle of the colonial diatom Fragilaria contains two distinct sets of spindle microtubules (MTs): (a) MTs comprising the central spindle, which is composed of two half-spindles interdigitated to form a region of "overlap"; (b) MTs which radiate laterally from the poles. The central spindles from 28 cells are reconstructed by tracking each MT of the central spindle through consecutive serial sections. Because the colonies of Fragilaria are flat ribbons of contiguous cells (clones), it is possible, by using single ribbons of cells, to compare reconstructed spindles at different mitotic stages with minimal intercellular variability. From these reconstructions we have determined: (a) the changes in distribution of MTs along the spindle during mitosis; (b) the change in the total number of MTs during mitosis; (c) the length of each MT (measured by the number of sections each traverses) at different mitotic stages; (d) the frequency of different classes of MTs (i.e., free, continuous, etc.); (e) the spatial arrangement of MTs from opposite poles in the overlap; (f) the approximate number of MTs, separate from the central spindle, which radiate from each spindle pole. From longitudinal sections of the central spindle, the lengths of the whole spindle, half-spindle, and overlap were measured from 80 cells at different mitotic stages. Numerous sources of error may create inaccuracies in these measurements; these problems are discussed. The central spindle at prophase consists predominantly of continuous MTs (pole to pole). Between late prophase and prometaphase, spindle length increases, and the spindle is transformed into two half-spindles (mainly polar MTs) interdigitated to form the overlap. At late anaphase-telophase, the overlap decreases concurrent with spindle elongation. Our interpretation is that the MTs of the central spindle slide past one another at both late prophase and late anaphase. These changes in MT distribution have the effect of elongating the spindle and are not involved in the poleward movement of the chromosomes. Some aspects of tracking spindle MTs, the interaction of MTs in the overlap, formation of the prophase spindle, and our interpretation of rearrangements of MTs, are discussed.
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    The effects of isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate on the green alga Oedogonium cardiacum. I. Cell division.
    Coss, RA ; Pickett-Heaps, JD (Rockefeller University Press, 1974-10)
    Cell division in vegetative filaments of the green alga Oedogonium cardiacum is presented as an experimental system. We report on how we have used this system to study the effects of isopropyl N-phenylcarbamate (IPC) on the mitotic apparatus and on the phycoplast, a planar array of cytokinetic microtubules. Polymerization of microtubules was prevented when filaments, synchronized by a light/dark regime and chilled (2 degrees C) while in metaphase or just before phycoplast formation, were exposed to 5.5 x 10(-4) M IPC and then returned to room temperature. Spindles reformed or phycoplasts formed when these filaments were transferred to growth medium free of IPC. However, the orientation of both microtubular systems was disturbed: the mitotic apparatus often contained three poles, frequently forming three daughter nuclei upon karyokinesis; the phycoplast was often stellate rather than planar, and it sometimes was displaced to the side of both daughter nuclei, resulting in a binucleate and an anucleate cell upon cytokinesis. Our results suggest that IPC (a) prevents the assembly of microtubules, (b) increases the number of functional polar bodies, and (c) affects the orientation of microtubules in O. cardiacum. High voltage (1,000 kV) electron microscopy of 0.5-microm thick sections allowed us to visualize the polar structures, which were not discernible in thin sections.
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    Organization of spindle microtubules in Ochromonas danica.
    Tippit, DH ; Pillus, L ; Pickett-Heaps, J (Rockefeller University Press, 1980-12)
    The entire framework of microtubules (MTs) in the mitotic apparatus of Ochromonas danica is reconstructed (except at the spindle poles) from transverse serial sections. Eleven spindles were sectioned and used for numerical data, but only four were reconstructed: a metaphase, an early anaphase, a late anaphase, and telophase. Four major classes of MTs are observed: (a) free MTs (MTs not attached to either pole); (b) interdigitated MTs (MTs attached to one pole which laterally associate with MTs from the opposite pole); (c) polar MTs (MTs attached to one pole); (d) kinetochore MTs (kMTs). Pole-to-pole MTs are rare and may be caused by tracking errors. During anaphase, the kMTs, free MTs, and polar MTs shorten until most disappear, while interdigitated MTs lengthen. In the four reconstructed spindles, the number of MTs decreases between early anaphase and telophase from 881 to 285, while their average length increases from 1.66 to 4.98 micron. The total length of all the MTs in the spindle (placed end to end) remains at 1.42 +/- 0.04 mm between these stages. At late anaphase and telophase the spindle is comprised mainly of groups of interdigitated MTs. Such MTs from opposite poles form a region of overlap in the middle of the spindle. During spindle elongation (separation of the poles), the length of the overlap region does not decrease. These results are compatible with theories that suggest that MTs directly provide the force that elongates the spindle, either by MT polymerization alone or by MT sliding with concomitant MT polymerization.
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    Chromosome motion and the spindle matrix.
    Pickett-Heaps, J ; Spurck, T ; Tippit, D (Rockefeller University Press, 1984-07)
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    Mitosis in the pennate diatom Surirella ovalis.
    Tippit, DH ; Pickett-Heaps, JD (Rockefeller University Press, 1977-06)
    Mitosis in Surirella is described; this organism displays a number of unusual features including an unorthodox method of chromosome attachment to the spindle, and the differentiation of an extranuclear central spindle from a large spherical organelle named the microtubule center (MC). The MC, present during interphase, breaks down at late prophase as the central spindle is formed. Later, the spindle enters the nucleus; the chromatin, in association with microtubules (MTs) from the poles, increasingly aggregates around the middle "overlap" region of the central spindle, and by metaphase completely encircles it. Throughout, MTs usually associate laterally with the chromatin. We were not able to identify kinetochore MTs with confidence at either metaphase or anaphase. Instead, at anaphase the leading point of the chromosomes is embedded in a ring of electron-dense material, named the "collar," which encircles each half spindle and extends from the chromatin to the pole. Anaphase separation of the chromosomes is achieved by at least three separate mechanisms: (a) between metaphase and late anaphase the central spindle increases in length by the addition of MT subunits; (b) at late anaphase the central spindle elongates concurrent with a reduction in the overlap; this apparently results from an MT/MT sliding mechanism; (c) each set of chromosomes moves to the poles by a thus far unknown mechanism; however, we anticipate some interaction of the collar and central spindle. At telophase, the polar complexes, (i.e., structures at the spindle pole) separate from the spindle, and later a new MC is formed near each polar complex, after which the polar complexes break down. Aspects of the complex differentiation of the MC, spindle formation, and some unusual characteristics of the diatom spindle as they relate to anaphase motion and spindle function are discussed.
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    On the mechanism of anaphase A: evidence that ATP is needed for microtubule disassembly and not generation of polewards force.
    Spurck, TP ; Pickett-Heaps, JD (Rockefeller University Press, 1987-10)
    As anaphase began, mitotic PtK1 and newt lung epithelial cells were permeabilized with digitonin in permeabilization medium (PM). Permeabilization stopped cytoplasmic activity, chromosome movement, and cytokinesis within about 3 min, presumably due to the loss of endogenous ATP. ATP, GTP, or ATP-gamma-S added in the PM 4-7 min later restarted anaphase A while kinetochore fibers shortened. AMPPNP could not restart anaphase A; ATP was ineffective if the spindle was stabilized in PM + DMSO. Cells permeabilized in PM + taxol varied in their response to ATP depending on the stage of anaphase reached: one mid-anaphase cell showed initial movement of chromosomes back to the metaphase plate upon permeabilization but later, anaphase A resumed when ATP was added. Anaphase A was also reactivated by cold PM (approximately 16 degrees C) or PM containing calcium (1-10 mM). Staining of fixed cells with antitubulin showed that microtubules (MTs) were relatively stable after permeabilization and MT assembly was usually promoted in asters. Astral and kinetochore MTs were sensitive to MT disassembly conditions, and shortening of kinetochore MTs always accompanied reactivation of anaphase A. Interphase and interzonal spindle MTs were relatively stable to cold and calcium until extraction of cells was promoted by longer periods in the PM, or by higher concentrations of detergent. Since we cannot envisage how both cold treatment or relatively high calcium levels can reactivate spindle motility in quiescent, permeabilized, and presumably energy-depleted cells, we conclude that anaphase A is powered by energy stored in the spindle. The nucleotide triphosphates effective in reactivating anaphase A could be necessary for the kinetochore MT disassembly without which anaphase movement cannot proceed.