Office for Environmental Programs - Theses

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    The challenges of emissions trading in China
    Chen, Lanyun ( 2012)
    Under the 12`h Five-Year-Plan (FYP), China is moving forward to the implementation of pilot emissions trading scheme (ETS). This would be the first experiment of mandatory ETS in China and also an important sign on the evolution of the climate policy for China. Voluntary emissions trading practices based around Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Voluntary Emissions Reductions (VERs) have existed in China in recent years. By contrast, the upcoming pilot ETSs in China will be mandatory for covered sectors and installations. This research compares the EU ETS and the CCX with the China's proposed mandatory pilot ETSs and existing voluntary ETS respectively. Then, challenges that China's ETS may face can be suggested based on the key criteria come up from the EU ETS and the CCX. The challenges of China's ETS can be found in the respects of the establishment of regulatory contexts, cap setting-up and allowances allocation, designing and implementation of a compliance framework, and establishment and operation of diverse trading mechanisms. When comes to the co-operation and linkage among proposed Chinese pilot ETSs and a future national ETS in China, two most possible scenarios are discussed in the thesis. The first potential scenario is that the national ETS replaces pilot ETSs. The second potential scenario is that pilots are linked directly and then to expand as the national ETS. On the other hand, the potential linkage between China's ETS and the EU ETS can be expected, especially as the European Commission announced that the EU would assist China in establishing the national ETS according to an agreement signed by the EU and China in September 2012. However, there will be several issues existing in the establishment of a linkage. Whether those two ETSs are compatible and the allowances are recognised by each other are the key elements of the potential linkage building between the EU ETS and the future national ETS in China.
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    Unlocking the poverty-food-environment trilemma in the Loess Plateau, northwest China
    Zhang, Dongwei ( 2011)
    For centuries the Loess Plateau of northwest China has been suffering from pressing environmental, social and economic challenges. The interlinked problems of extensive soil erosion, food deficiency and chronic poverty on the Plateau have posed a devastating threat to local sustainability and an imperilled menace to life and property safety to downstream waterways alongside the Yellow River. In order to understanding and tackling this trilemma, a small catchment basin, Gaoquan Watershed in hinterland of Loess Plateau's gullied hilly region, was chosen as a research site. Long-term multidisciplinary researches and demonstrations have been carried out with focusing on utilising agricultural resources in a holistic manner. Successful practice of integrated resource management strategy has led this marginal semiarid catchment basin to a way towards sustainable development. By reviewing main technological and managerial aspects of Gaoquan Watershed experiences, this study analyses the matrix of incentives and interests of different stake holders, and provides recommendations of coping with the problems of land degradation, food security and related social consequences in the Loess Plateau from a wider and more integrated perspective.
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    Awareness, understanding and acceptance of fairtrade in China
    Gomersall, Kate ( 2011)
    No abstract available
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    How has the construction of the Three Gorges Dam shifted the dynamics of water-related diseases?: A systematic review of relevant studies and reports
    Yi, Zhai ( 2014)
    Objective: 1) systematically summarise currently available evidences regarding the impact of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) on the dynamics of water-related diseases in surrounding areas; 2) overcome barriers created by language; 3) update on current research efforts in this area; 4) identify existing information gaps; 5) provide suggestions for future work. Data sources: electronic platform `discovery' and CNKI (for literatures published in Chinese); individual databases including MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, BIOSIS preview, Web of Science and Science Direct; reference lists of screened literatures Review method: the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions and the PRISMA Statement have been used as the primary sources to guide through the process. Besides, Guidance on the Conduct of Narrative Synthesis in Systematic Reviews has also been used to aid in the analysis and narrative synthesis process of this systematic review. Studies/reports were selected according to the predetermined eligibility criterion. Potential studies/reports were screened through their titles, abstracts and full texts for inclusion. Two data extraction forms were developed. Data extraction was undertaken by the author as the only reviewer. Individual results of included studies and reports were graphed to present relevant disease trends with narrative analysis. Studies were critically appraised using STROBE Statement while reports were appraised according the generic features of their contributing surveillance systems Results: five publications including two studies published in English and three surveillance reports published in Chinese were included in this review. Six water-related diseases including schistosomiasis, hepatitis A, hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, diarrhoea and typhoid were covered in the included studies and reports. Most of the studies and reports have found downward trends in the disease incidence/prevalence of relevant water-related diseases over their durations. However, similarities and differences observed from the detailed results of the included studies and reports are more informative regarding the trends of each water related disease. Only one study was found to be of satisfactory quality. The other study and the included reports are at risks of different biases. Conclusion: due to the small number of studies and reports included in this review and the small amount of water-related diseases covered in the included studies and reports, information summarised in this systematic review should only be regarded as an overview of current research efforts in relevant areas rather than taken as an evidence of the TGD's impact on water-related diseases.
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    Urban xiagang workers' life course experiences and their attitude towards migrant workers
    Gomersall, Kate ( 2012)
    Between 1998 and 2002, millions of urban workers known as the xiagang were made redundant as a consequence of SOE reforms in China. Since that time workers have had to adjust to working in a new competitive labour market that provided none of the welfare and benefits that the old SOE system did. The labour market experiences of workers from three Chinese cities were analysed to determine their life course trajectories over the 10 year period. Occupational prestige was used to determine whether workers increased, decreased or remained stable with respect to the rank of their job post redundancy. The trajectory for many workers over this period was downward sloping, with many struggling to keep their heads above the poverty line. Some have been able to take advantage of market opportunities through education and training, but many of the workers who were upwardly mobile simply found unskilled jobs that were less tedious than the manual factory work they did pre-redundancy. Mobility up or down was on a minor scale. Most of the xiagang workers are still looking for secure jobs with welfare and benefits so that they can provide for their families, even after ten years in the new system. Many of these workers would prefer to go back to an SOE; however, sector is becoming less of an issue: SOE or private firm will do. As a consequence of the transition of so many workers out of the State system, there is the beginning of a new labour market segmentation developing, with younger, better skilled and educated workers capitalising on opportunities. These workers are feeling optimistic about the future in the open market and are not threatened by migrant workers who fill the ranks of the supplementary service sector and who they feel are contributing to the general increase in prosperity. In conclusion overall the SOE system still dominates workers' mentalities while the new labour market system is benefiting a privileged few.
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    Green development?: Beijing's air quality policy during and after the 2008 Green Olympics
    Huo, Lei ( 2012)
    Beijing's air quality underwent a radical transformation during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as a result of a series of powerful, direct temporary air quality policies. However, given socio-economic pressures for growth, it proved difficult for the municipal government to maintain those short-term policies after the Olympics. Nevertheless, with guidance towards sustainable development from the national plan, Beijing's emerging policies on energy, construction, and transport have contributed to a gradual recent improvement of air quality. This thesis examines the relevant policies that have been delivered by the government since the Olympics. It seeks to understand the key factors driving the changes of air quality in Beijing, to consider the roles of relevant government authorities, and to explore the potential in Beijing for sustainable green development by modernising ecological governance