Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Research Publications

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    Closeness of Solutions for Singularly Perturbed Systems via Averaging
    Deghat, M ; Ahmadizadeh, S ; Nesic, D ; Manzie, C ( 2018-09-20)
    This paper studies the behavior of singularly perturbed nonlinear differential equations with boundary-layer solutions that do not necessarily converge to an equilibrium. Using the average of the fast variable and assuming the boundary layer solutions converge to a bounded set, results on the closeness of solutions of the singularly perturbed system to the solutions of the reduced average and boundary layer systems over a finite time interval are presented. The closeness of solutions error is shown to be of order O(\sqrt(\epsilon)), where \epsilon is the perturbation parameter.
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    Adaptive Scan for Atomic Force Microscopy Based on Online Optimisation: Theory and Experiment
    Wang, K ; Ruppert, MG ; Manzie, C ; Nesic, D ; Yong, YK ( 2019-02-11)
    A major challenge in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is to reduce the scan duration while retaining the image quality. Conventionally, the scan rate is restricted to a sufficiently small value in order to ensure a desirable image quality as well as a safe tip-sample contact force. This usually results in a conservative scan rate for samples that have a large variation in aspect ratio and/or for scan patterns that have a varying linear velocity. In this paper, an adaptive scan scheme is proposed to alleviate this problem. A scan line-based performance metric balancing both imaging speed and accuracy is proposed, and the scan rate is adapted such that the metric is optimised online in the presence of aspect ratio and/or linear velocity variations. The online optimisation is achieved using an extremum-seeking (ES) approach, and a semi-global practical asymptotic stability (SGPAS) result is shown for the overall system. Finally, the proposed scheme is demonstrated via both simulation and experiment.
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    Ordinal Optimisation for the Gaussian Copula Model
    Chin, R ; Rowe, JE ; Shames, I ; Manzie, C ; Nešić, D ( 2019-11-05)
    We present results on the estimation and evaluation of success probabilities for ordinal optimisation over uncountable sets (such as subsets of R d ). Our formulation invokes an assumption of a Gaussian copula model, and we show that the success probability can be equivalently computed by assuming a special case of additive noise. We formally prove a lower bound on the success probability under the Gaussian copula model, and numerical experiments demonstrate that the lower bound yields a reasonable approximation to the actual success probability. Lastly, we showcase the utility of our results by guaranteeing high success probabilities with ordinal optimisation.
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    Active Learning for Linear Parameter-Varying System Identification
    Chin, R ; Maass, AI ; Ulapane, N ; Manzie, C ; Shames, I ; Nešić, D ; Rowe, JE ; Nakada, H ( 2020-05-02)
    Active learning is proposed for selection of the next operating points in the design of experiments, for identifying linear parameter-varying systems. We extend existing approaches found in literature to multiple-input multiple-output systems with a multivariate scheduling parameter. Our approach is based on exploiting the probabilistic features of Gaussian process regression to quantify the overall model uncertainty across locally identified models. This results in a flexible framework which accommodates for various techniques to be applied for estimation of local linear models and their corresponding uncertainty. We perform active learning in application to the identification of a diesel engine air-path model, and demonstrate that measures of model uncertainty can be successfully reduced using the proposed framework.
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    Tracking and regret bounds for online zeroth-order Euclidean and Riemannian optimisation
    Maass, AI ; Manzie, C ; Nesic, D ; Manton, JH ; Shames, I ( 2020-10-01)
    We study numerical optimisation algorithms that use zeroth-order information to minimise time-varying geodesically-convex cost functions on Riemannian manifolds. In the Euclidean setting, zeroth-order algorithms have received a lot of attention in both the time-varying and time-invariant cases. However, the extension to Riemannian manifolds is much less developed. We focus on Hadamard manifolds, which are a special class of Riemannian manifolds with global nonpositive curvature that offer convenient grounds for the generalisation of convexity notions. Specifically, we derive bounds on the expected instantaneous tracking error, and we provide algorithm parameter values that minimise the algorithm’s performance. Our results illustrate how the manifold geometry in terms of the sectional curvature affects these bounds. Additionally, we provide dynamic regret bounds for this online optimisation setting. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first regret bounds even for the Euclidean version of the problem. Lastly, via numerical simulations, we demonstrate the applicability of our algorithm on an online Karcher mean problem.
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    Tuning of multivariable model predictive controllersthrough expert bandit feedback
    Ira, AS ; Manzie, C ; Shames, I ; Chin, R ; Nesic, D ; Nakada, H ; Sano, T ( 2020-02-09)
    For certain industrial control applications an explicit function capturing the nontrivial trade-off between competing objectives in closed loop performance is not available. In such scenarios it is common practice to use the human innate ability to implicitly learn such a relationship and manually tune the corresponding controller to achieve the desirable closed loop performance. This approach has its deficiencies because of individual variations due to experience levels and preferences in the absence of an explicit calibration metric. Moreover, as the complexity of the underlying system and/or the controller increase, in the effort to achieve better performance, so does the tuning time and the associated tuning cost. To reduce the overall tuning cost, a tuning framework is proposed herein, whereby a supervised machine learning is used to extract the human-learned cost function and an optimization algorithm that can efficiently deal with a large number of variables, is used for optimizing the extracted cost function. Given the interest in the implementation across many industrial domains and the associated high degree of freedom present in the corresponding tuning process, a Model Predictive Controller applied to air path control in a diesel engine is tuned for the purpose of demonstrating the potential of the framework.