School of Physics - Theses

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    Dark matter halos in the early Universe
    Angel, Paul ( 2016)
    We use high resolution N-Body simulations to study the properties of dark matter halos during the Epoch of Reionization. The halo concentration and spin parameters are measured in the mass range 10^8Msun/ h < M < 10^11M sun/h and redshifts 55 concentration-mass (c(M)) relation that is almost flat and well described by a simple power-law for both NFW and Einasto fits. The equilibrium state of the halo has a significant effect on the resulting concentrations. We also measure the spin distribution and spin mass relation, which has a weak dependence on equilibrium state. The spin virial mass relation has a mild negative correlation at high redshift. The correlation between the local density (the environment) of a halo and its formation history is examined. There is very little correlation between the formation time of a halo with local density, but some correlation between environment and the number of mergers the halo has experienced since formation.
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    Direct shear mapping: the first technique to measure weak gravitational shear directly
    de Burgh-Day, Catherine Odelia ( 2015)
    This thesis develops and tests a new technique, called Direct Shear Mapping (DSM), to measure weak gravitational lensing shear, $\gamma$, directly from observations of a single background source. The technique assumes the velocity map of an un-lensed, stably-rotating galaxy will be rotationally symmetric. Lensing distorts the velocity map, making it asymmetric. The degree of lensing can be inferred by determining the transformation required to restore axisymmetry. This technique is in contrast to traditional weak lensing methods, which require averaging an ensemble of background galaxy ellipticity measurements, to obtain a single shear measurement. The accuracy of the fitting algorithm is tested in simulated data with a suite of systematic tests. It is demonstrated that in principle shears as small as $0.01$ can be measured. The shear is then fitted in very low redshift (and hence un-lensed) velocity maps, and a null result is obtained with an error of $\pm 0.01$. The high sensitivity achievable with DSM results from analysing spatially resolved spectroscopic images, including not just shape information (as in traditional weak lensing measurements) but velocity information as well. To investigate the prospects for making nonzero shear measurements with DSM in current and future surveys, a theoretical estimate is made of the frequency of galaxy-galaxy weak lensing at low redshift. The probability of weak lensing at low redshifts is found to be good (1 in 1,000 galaxies at $z\sim 0.2$). An algorithm is then presented to make an empirically driven estimate of the frequency of occurrence of weak lensing in existing low redshift galaxy survey data. This algorithm is applied to the Galaxy and Mass Assembly Phase 1 Survey Data Release 2 catalogue. It is estimated that to a redshift of $z\sim 0.6$, the probability of a galaxy being weakly lensed by at least $\gamma = 0.02$ is $\sim$0.01. A technique is then demonstrated to measure the scatter in the stellar mass-halo mass relation using a simulated sample of low redshift DSM shear measurements. It is estimated that for a shear measurement error of $\Delta\gamma = 0.02$, this measurement could be made with a sample of $\sim$50,000 spatially and spectrally resolved galaxies. Finally, the first step towards extending DSM to incorporate weak lensing flexion is made. Including flexion in a lensing analysis increases the sensitivity of weak lensing measurements, and facilitates measurement of the gradient of the gravitational potential. Weak lensing convergence, shear, and flexion field variables are derived for a generalised lensing mass, without assuming circular symmetry. It is shown that the equations reduce back to the correct expressions for simple lens mass distributions, and when solved numerically for circularly symmetric lenses reproduce the results obtained for analytical solutions. Finally, the equations are solved numerically for a simple non-circularly symmetric lens.
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    Gravitational lensing and clustering of galaxies in the epoch of reionization
    Barone-Nugent, Robert Luke ( 2015)
    The epoch of reionization marks the period where neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium was ionized by high energy photons emitted by the first stars and galaxies. Observations of galaxies during this period aim to uncover the types of stars and galaxies that were responsible for producing the ionizing flux to complete reionization within one billion years after the Big Bang (by z~6), and study the formation of the first galaxies in the Universe. These galaxies are observed in the near-infrared (NIR) today, and so require space-based observatories with sensitive NIR cameras such as Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Considerable effort has been dedicated to ultradeep observations with HST in order to identify galaxies in the epoch of reionization. Surveys such as the eXtreme Deep Field (XDF), Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS), Early Release Science (ERS) and the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG) have now discovered hundreds of these galaxies. This thesis makes use of these observations to address two important topics: how gravitational lensing affects the observations of such galaxies, and what their spatial distribution can tell us about the underlying dark matter distribution at this early time. Photons emitted by the first galaxies traverse most of the Universe’s history before reaching our telescopes. As such, they are subject to gravitational lensing by foreground galaxies along the line of sight. Gravitational lensing can result in the magnification of high redshift galaxies, skewing their observed luminosities. Because bright galaxies are significantly rarer than their fainter counterparts, the chance of gravitational magnification for observationally bright galaxies is significantly enhanced. This effect is known as magnification bias. We use the largest samples of Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) candidates observed in the first 1:5 billion years after the Big Bang (46.5. The clustering signal at z~7 is detected at >4 sigma, and corresponds to a real-space correlation length of r_0 = 6.7 +0.9/-1.0 cMpc, a galaxy bias of b = 8.6 +/- 0:9, and dark matter haloes of mass M = 10^(11:3+0:2/-0.3) M_sun . We reassess the clustering of LBGs at z=4–6 and find a trend of increasing bias from z=3.8 (b~3.0) to z=7:2 (b~8.6). We use these measurements to infer the fraction of dark matter haloes hosting UV-bright galaxies, and find that values near unity are preferred at z=7.2, which may be explained by the shorter halo assembly time at high redshift.
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    Interacting dark matter: decay and bremsstrahlung processes
    Galea, Ahmad Jacob ( 2013)
    Though there is substantial indirect astrophysical evidence for the existence of dark matter (DM), it has yet to be directly detected. Consequently, little is known about its internal structure. It is possible that there is a small but finite non-gravitational interaction between dark matter and the Standard Model (SM) which may have observable consequences. The purpose of this thesis is the exploration of some of these interactions and consequences. In particular we consider the possibility that dark matter is unstable on long timescales, as motivated by discrepancies between simulation and observation of structure on sub-galactic scales. We also consider the consequences of electroweak radiative corrections to annihilation processes involving dark matter, as such corrections are necessarily present in many well motivated models. We consider this possibility in the contexts of dark matter annihilation in galactic halos, and production in colliders. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to dark matter, including some of its astrophysical and particle aspects. As a motivation for the following sections, we begin by briefly outlining some of the observational evidence for dark matter. We go on to discuss structure formation, and the cold dark matter distribution on galactic scales. Next we discuss the possibility of non-gravitational interactions involving dark matter, including decay, annihilation, scattering off nuclei, and production. Finally we discuss the determination of the relic abundance in the early Universe, including a discussion of models involving coannihilation. Late decaying dark matter has been proposed as a solution to the small scale structure problems inherent to cold dark matter cosmology. In these models the parent dark matter particle is unstable, and decays into a daughter with near degenerate mass, plus a relativistic final state. In Chapter 2 we review the observational constraints on decaying dark matter, and construct explicit particle physics models to realize this scenario. To achieve this, we introduce a pair of fermionic dark matter candidates and a new scalar field, which obey either a Z4, or a U(1) symmetry. Through the spontaneous breaking of these symmetries, and coupling of the new fields to standard model particles, we demonstrate that the desired decay process may be obtained. We also discuss the dark matter production processes in these models. In Chapter 3 we investigate electroweak radiative corrections to dark matter annihilation into leptons, in which a W or Z boson is also radiated. In many dark matter models the annihilation rate into fermions is helicity suppressed. We demonstrate that bremsstrahlung processes can remove this helicity suppression, causing the branching ratios Br($\ell \nu W $), Br($\ell^+\ell^-Z$), and Br($\bar\nu \nu Z$) to dominate over Br($\ell^+\ell^-$) and Br($\bar\nu \nu$). We find this effect to be most significant in the limit where the dark matter mass is nearly degenerate with the mass of the boson which mediates the annihilation process. Finally, in Chapter 4, we investigate a mono-Z process as a potential dark matter search strategy at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this channel a single Z boson recoils against missing transverse momentum attributed to dark matter particles, $\chi$, which escape the detector. For illustrative purposes we consider the process $q\bar{q} -> \chi\chi Z$ in a toy dark matter model, where the Z boson is emitted from either the initial state quarks, or from the internal propagator. We look for muonic decays of the Z, showing the Standard Model backgrounds to this process to be easily removable with modest selection cuts. We compare signal with Standard Model backgrounds and demonstrate that there exist regions of parameter space where the signal may be clearly visible above background in future LHC data.
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    The fundamental plane and peculiar velocities from the 6dF galaxy survey
    Early-type galaxies (ellipticals and lenticulars) are observed to populate the relation known as the Fundamental Plane that links their effective radius, R_e, stellar velocity dispersion, σ, and mean surface brightness, I_e. We have measured Fundamental Plane parameters in the near-infrared J, H and K passbands for ~10^4 of the brightest early-type galaxies in the 6dF Galaxy Survey (6dFGS). We improve upon previous regression techniques used to derive the Fundamental Plane by developing a robust maximum likelihood algorithm for fitting the galaxy distribution in Fundamental Plane space with a 3D Gaussian model. We exploit this large near-infrared-selected sample of galaxies to investigate trends in the Fundamental Plane with stellar population, morphology and environment. The 6dFGS galaxies exhibit clear stellar population trends in Fundamental Plane space, with age varying most strongly orthogonal to the plane. Remarkably, none of the stellar population parameters vary along the long axis of the plane, which corresponds to luminosity density. The Fundamental Plane slopes show little variation with either morphology or environment, but the Fundamental Plane size zeropoint is systematically larger for galaxies in lower density environments and for early-type spiral bulges. We speculate that age drives all the trends with residuals about the plane through its correlation with environment, morphology and metallicity. Using the Fundamental Plane, we measure distances and peculiar velocities for ~10^4 6dFGS galaxies to form the largest and most homogeneous peculiar velocity sample to date. Using a maximum-likelihood approach, we measure the overall bulk galaxy motions from the 6dFGS velocity field for the local volume of the universe, finding broad agreement with the predicted velocity field constructed from the 2MASS Redshift Survey. The local volume out to 16 120 km/s is found to have a bulk motion of 337 km/s in the direction (l,b) = (313°±9°,14°±10°), in good agreement with the results of other recent studies. A comparison of the observed and predicted fields is used to constrain parameters relating the distribution of galaxies and matter. We obtain a redshift-space distortion parameter β = 0.29±0.06 and a bias parameter for the 6dFGS velocity sample of b = 1.69±0.36. The 6dFGS velocity field provides an independent probe of cosmological parameters defining models of large-scale structure formation. Next steps include: (i) combining the 6dFGS sample in the south with the SDSS sample in the north to obtain an all-sky velocity field; (ii) deriving additional constraints on cosmological parameters from the velocity power spectrum analysis; and (iii) comparing the Fundamental Plane distances and velocities for early-type galaxies with the Tully-Fisher distances and velocities for spiral galaxies that will be obtained with the WALLABY survey on the Australian SKA Pathfinder.
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    The broad emission line region of quasars and gravitational lensing by early-type galaxies
    Ruff, Andrea Joy ( 2012)
    This thesis has focused on predicting emission line flux ratios from the broad emission line region of quasars under different physical conditions, and measuring the dark matter fraction and total mass density slope within early-type galaxies using gravitational lensing. Quasars are the energetic cores of distant galaxies, and they reside in some of the oldest, most massive objects formed in the universe. Due to their incredible luminosity (as much as $10^5$ times greater than a typical galaxy), quasars can be observed at extremely large distances. Quasars have a unique spectrum, with bright, broad emission lines that are produced by photoionised gas that is close to the central super-massive black hole. Despite the prominence of these broad emission features, the gas physical conditions and the geometry of the emission region are poorly understood. Due to its small scale and large distance, the emission line region cannot be resolved directly — even with the most powerful telescopes — and simulations are required to understand the mechanism that produces the unique quasar spectrum. Using simulations of micro-physical processes, including photoionisation, the broad emission line flux ratios can be calculated for a range of gas densities and distances from the central black hole. Using the photoionisation code, Cloudy, hydrogen and helium line emission was over the range of possible broad emission line region conditions. The hydrogen and helium lines are of particular interest because the line emission has strong dependence on the gas number density and incident ionising flux, whilst having only a negligible dependence on several other free parameters of the model. These simulations were then used to find a set of interesting ratios that can be used to determine the limits on the upper limit on the gas number density, and outer radius of the emission region. This thesis demonstrates a new technique for determining the physical conditions of the broad line emitting gas in quasars, using optical and near-infrared hydrogen and helium emission lines. Near-infrared line ratios are advantageous, as they have a negligible dependence on the amount of internal dust. A locally optimally emitting cloud model of the broad emission line region was applied to four nearby (z $\sim$ 0.2) quasars from the Glikman et al. (2006) sample. By comparing simulated emission line ratios to measured ratios from optical and near-infrared spectroscopy, the physical conditions required to produce the observed emission lines were inferred. The model provides a good fit to three of the objects, and a fair fit to the fourth object. We find that low incident ionising fluxes ($phi <10^{18}$cm^-2 s^-1), and high gas densities (n>10^{12} cm^-3) are required to reproduce the observed line ratios. This analysis demonstrates that the use of composite spectra in photoionisation modelling is inappropriate; models must be fitted to the individual spectra of quasars. This thesis also derives properties of early-type galaxies using a joint gravitational lensing and stellar-dynamics analysis. The sample consists of 11 early-type galaxies from the Strong Lenses in the Legacy Survey (SL2S). The median deflector redshift is 0.5, making it the largest sample of intermediate redshift lenses that have been studied using a joint lensing and dynamics analysis. By combining measured redshifts and stellar velocity dispersions from Keck spectroscopy with lens models from Gavazzi et al. (2012, submitted), the total mass density slope inside the Einstein radius for each of the 11 lenses was derived. The average total density slope was found to be 2.16$\pm$0.9, with an intrinsic scatter of 0.25. The dark matter fraction for each lens within half the effective radius was also determined. The average projected dark matter mass fraction was found to be 0.42$\pm$0.08 with a scatter of 0.25 for a Salpeter initial mass function. By combining the SL2S results with those from previous studies, a mild trend in the cosmic evolution of the total mass density slope was found. This suggests that the total density profile of massive galaxies has become slightly steeper over cosmic time. If this result is confirmed by larger samples, it would indicate that either dissipative processes or off-axis major mergers play an important role in the growth of massive galaxies since a redshift of 1.
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    Collective superfluid vortex dynamics and pulsar glitches
    WARSZAWSKI, LILA ( 2011)
    Pulsar glitches offer a way of studying the dynamics of cold, ultradense matter in systems of stellar dimensions, under extremes of density, temperature and magnetisation unattainable on Earth. This thesis aims to build a robust model of pulsar glitches, based on the superfluid vortex unpinning paradigm, which relates the physical parameters of the pulsar interior to the observed distribution of glitch sizes and waiting times (power laws and exponentials respectively). Our modelling efforts draw together knowledge about superfluid vortex dynamics and pinning, garnered from condensed matter and nuclear physics, the observational facts gathered by pulsar astronomers, and the theoretical framework of non-equilibrium stochastic systems, such as those exhibiting self-organised criticality. In each case, we emphasise the necessity of collective mechanisms in triggering avalanche-like vortex unpinning events. We begin by studying the dynamics of superfluid vortices from first principles, using numerical solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE). We solve the GPE in the presence of a lattice of pinning sites, in a container that is decelerated at a constant rate, mimicking the electromagnetic spin-down torque on a pulsar. The superfluid spins down spasmodically, as vortices unpin and hop between pinning sites when the Magnus force, due to the lag between the superfluid and vortex line velocities, exceeds a threshold. Torque feedback between the superfluid and its container regulates the lag between the superfluid and crust, resulting in abrupt increases in the container angular velocity. We study how the statistics of the sizes and waiting times between spin-up events change with the mean and dispersion of pinning strengths, the electromagnetic spin-down torque, the relative number of vortices compared to pinning sites, and the ratio of the crust and superfluid moment of inertia - all parameters of interest in neutron stars. We find that mean glitch size increases with mean pinning strength and the ratio of the moments of inertia. It is independent of the relative number of pinning sites and vortices, suggesting that vortices move a characteristic distance before repinning, rather than repinning at the next available site. The mean waiting time decreases with the number of pinning sites and vortices, the ratio of the moments of inertia and the spin-down torque, and it increases with the width of the pinning strength distribution. In order to explain the broad range of observed glitch sizes using the vortex unpinning paradigm, a collective unpinning mechanism is required. Using numerical solutions of the GPE, we study how the unpinning of one vortex can cause other vortices to unpin. We identify two knock-on triggers: acoustic pulses emitted as a vortex repins, and the increased repulsive force between vortices locally, when an unpinned vortex approaches its nearest neighbours. In the second half of the thesis, we construct a suite of three large-scale stochastic models of glitches. We are inspired to prosecute this program by similarities between the statistics of archetypal self-organised critical systems, such as earthquakes and sand piles, and those of pulsar glitches. The essential features of the vortex dynamics observed in the GPE simulations are abstracted and condensed into a set of iterative rules that form the basis of automata and analytic glitch models. A cellular automaton model, in which vortices interact with nearest neighbours via the Magnus force, reveals that when all pinning sites are of the same strength, large-scale inhomogeneities in the pinned vortex distribution are necessary to produce a broad range of glitch sizes. In this case, glitch sizes and durations are power-law-distributed, and waiting times obey an exponential distribution. We find no evidence of history-dependent glitch sizes or aftershocks. A coherent noise model, based on a similar model developed to study atom hopping in glasses, in which pinning strength varies from site to site, but the pinned vortex distribution is assumed to be spatially homogeneous, exhibits power-law-distributed glitch sizes. Exponential waiting times are put in by hand, by assuming that the stress released in a glitch accumulates over exponentially-distributed time intervals. A wide range of pinning strengths is needed to find agreement with radio timing data. Mean pinning strength is found to decrease with increasing characteristic pulsar age. Finally, we construct a statistical model that tracks the vortex unpinning rate as a function of the stochastically fluctuating global lag between the superfluid and container. Monte-Carlo simulations and a jump-diffusion master equation reveal that a knock-on mechanism that is finely tuned with respect to the pinning strength, is essential to producing a broad range of glitch sizes. Estimates of the power dissipated in acoustic waves during repinning, and of the strength of the proximity effect, do not meet the fine-tuning criteria. We propose to extend this promising model to include nearest-neighbour interactions in the future, in the hope that this may lessen the need for fine tuning. The non-axisymmetric rearrangement of the superfluid velocity field during a vortex-avalanche-driven glitch is a source of gravitational radiation. We calculate the gravitational wave strain using the characteristic vortex motion observed in the GPE simulations. We set an upper bound on the wave strain of h ~ 10-23 for a glitch resulting from an unpinning avalanche of the maximum observed size. We also estimate the contribution to the stochastic gravitational wave background from the superposition of many glitches from a Galactic neutron star population. We place an upper bound on the signal-to-noise ratio of the background of ~ 10-5 for the Advanced LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) detector. Detection of a gravitational wave signal from glitches can teach us about the physics of matter at nuclear densities, from the equation of state to transport coefficients like viscosity.
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    Studying the epoch of hydrogen reionisation in redshifted 21-cm radiation
    Geil, Paul M. ( 2011)
    The measurement of the spatial distribution of neutral hydrogen in the high-redshift intergalactic medium, through its 21-cm hyperfine transition, will revolutionise our understanding of the period in the evolution of the early Universe known as the cosmic dark ages. This period began once hot ionised gas, formed in the Big Bang, combined to form neutral gas, and lasted until the first stars, galaxies and quasars reionised most of the neutral hydrogen sometime between 400 000 to 700 million years after the Big Bang. The epoch of reionisation, driven by these first sources of light, is arguably the least understood, but one of the most important, periods in the evolution of the Universe. This thesis is an attempt to explain and explore some of the techniques we may employ in order to advance our understanding of this period and prepare for the first observations to come from a new generation of low-frequency instruments. Using a new efficient semi-numerical ionisation model to create simulations of the ionisation state of the intergalactic medium during the epoch of reionisation, we analyse the impact a percolating intergalactic medium has on redshifted 21-cm observations of high-luminosity quasar-generated regions of ionised hydrogen. We also investigate how a population of quasars modifies the 21-cm power spectrum during this period. The study of the reionisation history of hydrogen and, indirectly, the first galaxies will be limited not by raw sensitivity to the signal, but rather, by bright foreground radiation from Galactic and extragalactic radio sources and the Galactic continuum. We analyse the effect of non-polarised foreground subtraction on redshifted 21-cm observations, and demonstrate a method for removing polarised foregrounds using Faraday tomography.