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    A "Combionic Aid": Combined speech processing for a cochlear implant in one ear and speech processing hearing aid in the other ear [Abstract]
    Dooley, Gary J. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Seligman, Peter M. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1993)
    Independent use of a cochlear implant in one ear and a hearing aid in the other is not acceptable for many implant users with some residual hearing. Psychophysical evidence suggests that there are substantial interactions between acoustic and electrical signals including masking and loudness summation. These effects may contribute to the difficulty in using two independent devices and it is desirable to control the parameters of the electrical and acoustical signals far more accurately than is possible with two independent devices with separate microphones. In order to achieve this control we have developed a Combionic aid incorporating an implant and an 'in1planlcompatible' hearing aid controlled from the same speech processor. The new processor is particularly flexible and can implement a wide variety of speech processing strategies for combined acoustic and electrical stimulation. A benchtop prototype has been tested with five patients using a range of different speech tests. In general, patients do better when they use acoustic and electrical information simultaneously than they do with either alone. Some patients on some tests perform significantly better with the bimodal aid than they do with independent hearing aids and implant processors worn together. Wearable devices have now been built and evaluations of these devices are continuing.
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    Improved sound processing for cochlear implants
    James, C.J. ; Just, Y. ; Knight, M.R. ; Martin, L.F.A. ; McKay, C.M. ; Plant, K.L. ; Tari, S. ; Vandali, A.E. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, R.S.C. ; McDermott, H. J. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Dawson, P. ; Fearn, R. A. ; Grayden, D. B. ; Henshall, K. R. ( 2002)
    Four signal processing schemes currently under development aim to improve the perception of sounds/ especially speech, for children and adults using the Nucleus cochlear implant system. The schemes are (1) fast-acting input-signal compression, (2) Adaptive Dynamic Range Optimisation (ADRO), (3) TESM, a scheme that emphasises transients in signals, and (4) DRSP, a strategy that applies different stimulation rates to selected sets of electrodes.
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    What factors contribute to successful outcomes for children using cochlear implants
    Cowan, Robert C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Dettman, Shani J ; Barker, Elizabeth ; Latus, Katie ; Hollow, Rod ; Blamey, Peter J. ( 2000)
    Long term speech perception data has been collected for 100 children using the Nucleus multichannel cochlear prosthesis in Melbourne. Scores on a number of different assessments are available at approximately six month intervals following implantation for these children. The group represents an unselected sample of cochlear implant users, as all children were included if they had sufficient developmental skills to perform formal speech perception tests. Information was also collected on each child regarding type of hearing loss, age of onset of profound hearing loss, duration of profound hearing loss, age at implantation, pre and post-implant communication mode, developmental delay, speech processing strategy and length of experience with implant use.
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    Latest results for adults & children using cochlear implants & future implications
    Cowan, Robert C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Dettman, Shani J ; Barker, Elizabeth ; Latus, Katie ; Hollow, Rod ; Blamey, Peter J. ( 2000)
    The overall success of a cochlear implant procedure is most often quantified by assessing how well implantees can understand speech. This is because a primary aim of the application of cochlear implants is to improve communication, and it is relatively straightforward to obtain accurate measures of speech recognition. The quality of cochlear implant hearing is not well described by measuring an audiogram, as the detection of sound is similar across all implantees if the device is functioning correctly. A commonly used measure of speech understanding is the CID everyday sentence test where the number of correctly identified words within sentences is assessed. In the early days of cochlear implants, subjects could only recognize a few words without lipreading but the most recent results show average scores of 80% without lipreading for this sentence test, after 6 months of experience with the device.
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    Pre- & post-operative factors affecting speech perception in adult cochlear implant users
    Blamey, Peter J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Dowell, Richard C. ( 1997)
    A common feature of published studies of cochlear implantation is a very wide range of performance levels within a group of patients. It is well-established that preoperative factors including duration of deafness, age at implantation, duration of implant use and etiology can have statistically significant effects on speech perception with a cochlear implant, but they do not account for a very high proportion of the variance within groups of implant users. The biological basis for these effects is not well established. For example, it is unclear whether the effect of duration of deafness is due to a decrease in the number of surviving ganglion cells in the cochlea, to the detailed distribution of functional neurons within the cochlea, to degeneration of nerve function at higher auditory centers, to plastic neural effects during deafness, or to a combination of all of these mechanisms. Data for other factors may cast some light on these possibilities.
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    The auditory cortex and auditory deprivation: experience with cochlear implants in the congenitally deaf [Abstract]
    Shepherd, R. K. ; Hartmann, R. ; Heid, S. ; Klinke, R. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Clarke, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    The primary auditory cortex (AI) exhibits a topographic representation of the organ of Corti in normal hearing animals. Plasticity studies have shown that this orderly representation of frequency can be modified following a restricted hearing loss or by behavioural trainingl,2. Little is known, however, of the effects of a profound hearing loss on AI, although a number of early studies have suggested an enhancement of activity from other modalities3. Knowledge of the functional status of the central auditory pathway in the profoundly deaf, and the ability of these structures to undergo reorganization particularly following long periods of auditory deprivation - are important issues for the clinical management of cochlear implant patients. In this paper we review our recent clinical and experimental experience with cochlear implants in the congenitally deaf.
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    The effect of language knowledge on speech perception: what are we really assessing? [Abstract]
    Sarant, J. Z. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    It is a common finding that many hearing-impaired children have poorer language skills than their normally-hearing peers of the same age. It is also logical to assume that the measurement of open-set speech perception in children with cochlear implants could be affected by limited receptive vocabulary and syntactic knowledge. Therefore, we may be significantly underestimating the speech perception abilities of some hearing-impaired children.
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    Effects of rate and pulse manipulations of the spectral maxima speech processor upon speech production
    Tobey, Emily A. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; McDermott, Hugh J. ; McKay, Colette M ( 1993)
    Postlingually deafened adults experience many changes in their speech as a consequence of late-onset deafness. Previous studies have indicated changes in fundamental frequency, duration, intensity, and vowel formant frequencies in postlingually deafened adults. Postlingually deafened adults who receive multichannel cochlear implants demonstrate improved control of fundamental frequency and intensity. Shifts in formant frequencies to values similar to normal hearing. speakers also appears in some adult implant users. In order to examine how adult implant users adjust their vowel production in response to map changes, we examined vowel production following manipulations to the processing strategy of the Spectral Maxima Speech Processor. This processor uses a speech processing scheme in which six spectral maxima from the outputss of 16 bandpass filters stimulate the cochlea on a place basis at a constant rate. The rate of sampling of the filterbank output is 250 Hz, so six biphasic pulses are presented every 4 msec and there is no attempt to extract fundamental frequency or to find the formant peaks in the speech signal. Two manipulations to the scheme were examined. In the first condition, the rate of sampling remained at 250Hz but eight biphasic pulses were presented rather than six. In the second condition, six biphasic pulses were presented but the rate of sampling of the filterbank output was increased to 400 Hz. Speech samples also were acquired using the standard spectral maxima processor .and with no auditory feedback when the processor was turned off. Speech samples from three �subjects were acquired immediately after receiving the manipulated speech processors and after two weeks experience with the various processors. Preliminary data indicate one subject experienced increased fundamental frequencies while using the 400 Hz high rate strategy. No significant changes were observed in fundamental frequency between the normal SMSP processor and the eight pulse variation. Elimination of feedback resulted in significantly lower fundamental frequencies. The high rate and eight pulse variations resulted in significantly higher first formant frequencies. Second formant frequencies also appear to be influenced by the processing strategies. Comparisons of values produced immediately after receiving a new strategy versus those produced after two weeks use show shifts in primarily first formant values. Data will be presented for all three subjects and discussed in regard to sensitivity to variations in speech processing schemes and the influence of experience with manipulated schemes. (Work supported by the N1H-NIDCD).
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    Clinical comparison of open-set speech perception with MSP and WSPIII speech processors and preliminary results for the new SPEAK processor [Abstracts]
    Whitford, Lesley A. ; Partick, James F. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Marsh, Michael A. ; HOLLOW, RODNEY ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Pyman, Brian C. ; Seligman, Peter M. ( 1993)
    There are several studies which compare the WSP III (FOIF11F2) and MSP (Multipeak) speech processors for the Nucleus multiple-channel cochlear implant in small, controlled groups of patients. In the present study we were interested in the benefits of open set speech perception provided by the MSP over the prior WSP III speech processor in a large, unselected clinical population.
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    Future directions in the clinical application of multichannel cochlear prostheses [Abstract]
    Dowell, Richard C. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; McDermott, H. J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1992)
    Three main areas of work at the University of Melbourne relating to the clinical application of multichannel cochlear prostheses will be discussed. Speech perception results for 40 children and adolescents implanted with the Nucleus multichannel device will be presented with an analysis of potentially predictive clinical factors. Overall results have shown that 60% of the children have developed useful open-set speech recognition ability without visual cues. Due to the improved speech perception for postlinguistically deafened adult cochlear implant patients, the multichannel implant has become a viable alternative for patients with some useful residual hearing. A "bimodal" speech processor which provides acoustic output for the residual hearing ear and electrical output for the cochlear implant will also be discussed. This device provides a flexible, programmable acoustic processor which can make use of feature coding aspects of the implant processing. The "bimodal" device has also addressed problems of incompatibility of the implant signal with the acoustic signal from conventional hearing aids. Results for the new "Spectral Maxima Speech Processor" (SMSP) will also be presented. The SMSP has shown improved speech perception performance in quiet and in noise when compared with the MSP (MULTIPEAK) system, currently in use with the Nucleus device. Results for four subjects with the SMSP showed mean scores of 57.4% for open-set monosyllabic words in quiet, and 78.7% for open-set sentences in a 10 dB signal-to-noise ratio