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    A clinical report on vocabulary skills in cochlear implant users [Abstract]
    Dawson, P. ; Blamey, P. ; Dettman, S. ; Rowland, L. ; Barker, E. ; Cowan, R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1994)
    Receptive vocabulary results are reported for 32 children, adolescents and prelinguistically deafened adults implanted with the 22-electrode cochlear implant at the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic. Age at implantation ranged from 2 years, 6 months to 20 years and implant use ranged from 1 year to 7 years, 8 months. There were significant gains from pre- to postoperative assessments on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) for the majority of subjects. Rates of improvement found are compatible with previous reports on smaller numbers of implant users, but cannot be attributable unambiguously to use of the implant. The group postoperative performance was significantly higher than mean preoperative performance (n =25). The relationship of variables such as duration of implant use, duration of profound deafness and speech perception ability to improvement on the PPVT is discussed. Expressive vocabulary results on the Renfrew Word Finding Vocabulary Scale are reported for 11 of the subjects. Less substantial gains were made on this measure.
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    Issues in long-term management of children with cochlear implants and tactile devices [Abstract]
    COWAN, ROBERT ; DOWELL, RICHARD ; Barker, Elizabeth ; GALVIN, KARYN ; DETTMAN, SHANI ; SARANT, JULIA ; RANCE, GARY ; Hollow, Rod ; BLAMEY, PETER ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1994)
    For many children with severe and profound hearing losses, conventional hearing aids are unable to provide sufficient amplification to ensure good oral communication and/or in the case of very young children, development of speech and language. Traditionally a number of these children have opted for the use of sign language alone or in Total Communication approaches as a primary means of communication. The advent of multiple channel cochlear implants for children and the continuing development of multiple channel speech processing tactile devices provide auditory approaches to resolving communication difficulties for these children. The successful use of such devices depends on a number of factors including the information provided through the aid; the ease of use, convenience and reliability of the aid; the individual communication needs of the child; and the habilitation and management program used with the device. Long-term data has shown that children continue to show increased speech perception benefits from improvements in speech processing and from further experience with these devices. Habilitation and management programs must therefore be geared to meet the changing needs of children as they progress and of families as children mature and face new challenges. Habilitation must address specific individual needs in speech perception and in speech production. For very young children, benefits of improved speech perception should have an impact on the development of speech and language, and habilitation and management must emphasise the need for language growth.
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    A clinical report on speech production of cochlear implant users [Abstract]
    Dawson, P. ; Blamey, P. ; Dettman, S. ; Rowland, L. ; Barker, E. ; Tobey, E. ; Busby, P. ; Cowan, R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1994)
    Speech production results are reported for a group of 15 children, adolescents and prelinguistically deafened adults implanted with the 22-electrode cochlear implant. Age at implantation ranged from 5 years to 20 years and implant experience ranged from 1 year to 4 years, 7 months. On a speech intelligibility test using sentences seven implant users improved significantly over time. Mean group performance (n = 11) improved from 18% preoperatively to 43% postoperatively. Similarly on a test of articulation, eight implant users improved significantly over time and the group mean postoperative performance (n = 11) exceeded the preoperative performance (55% compared to 38%). This group effect was significant for consonants and blends but was nonsignificant for vowels. Improvements occurred for front, middle and back consonants, for stops, nasals, fricatives and glides and for voiceless and voiced consonants. Three implant users showed no significant gain on either test. The results suggest complex relationships between speech production performance and sensory information provided by a multichannel implant.
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    Habilitation issues in the management of children using the cochlear multiple-channel cochlear prosthesis
    Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Barker, Elizabeth J. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; RANCE, GARY ; Sarant, Julia Z. ; Galvin, Karyn L. ; Dawson, Pam W. ; Hollow, Rod ; Dowell, Richard C. ; PYMAN, BRIAN ; Clark, Graeme M. (Wien, 1994)
    Since 1985, a significant proportion of patients seen in the Melbourne cochlear implant clinic have been children. The children represent a diverse population, with both congenital and acquired hearing-impairments, a wide-range of hearing levels pre-implant, and an age range from 2 years to 18 years. The habilitation programme developed for the overall group must be flexible enough to be tailored to the individual needs of each child, and to adapt to the changing needs of children as they progress. Long-term data shows that children are continuing to show improvements after 5-7 years of device use, particularly in their perception of open-set words and sentences. Habilitation programs must therefore be geared to the long-term needs of children and their families. Both speech perception and speech production need to be addressed in the specific content of the habilitation program for any individual child. In addition, for young children, the benefits of improved speech perception should have an impact on development of speech and language, and the focus of the programme for this age child will reflect this difference in emphasis. Specific materials and approaches will vary for very young children, school-age and teenage children. In addition, educational setting will have a bearing on the integration of listening and device use into the classroom environment.
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    Results for children and adolescents using the multichannel cochlear prosthesis [Abstract]
    Dowell, Richard C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Dawson, Pamela W. ( 1992)
    The first adolescent to use the 22-electrode cochlear prosthesis was Implanted In Melbourne in 1985 and the first child (less than 10 years), the following year. Since then, over 100 children have received the cochlear prosthesis in Australia and over 1200 worldwide. Detailed assessment of 200 children in the U.S.A., Australia and Germany lead to the market approval of the prosthesis by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in July 1990. The analysis of results for these children has proven to be difficult due to the use of different tests in different places, the lack of appropriate assessment tools for young children, the wide range of performance, and the problems of cooperation for young children. Despite these problems, some trends are beginning to emerge in the speech perception results for implanted children. Children with a greater amount of auditory experience before becoming profoundly deaf tend to perform better, as do children with more experience with the cochlear prosthesis. Those with a greater number of electrodes in use also perform better, a result supported by adult studies. Although older prelinguistically deafened children do not perform as well as postlinguistically deafened adults, there appears to be little difference between results for pre-and post-linguistically deafened young children. These trends In speech perception results will be discussed in more detail.
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    Cochlear implants in children, adolescents, and prelinguistically deafened adults: speech perception
    Dawson, Pam. W ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Rowland, Louise C. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Busby, Peter A. ; Brown, Alison M. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Rickards, Field W. ( 1992)
    A group of 10 children, adolescents, and prelinguistically deafened adults were implanted with the 22-electrode cochlear implant (Cochlear Pty Ltd) at the University of Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic and have used the prosthesis for periods from 12 to 65 months. Postoperative performance on the majority of closed-set speech perception tests was significantly greater than chance, and significantly better than preoperative performance for all of the patients. Five of the children have achieved substantial scores on open-set speech tests using hearing without lipreading. Phoneme scores in monosyllabic words ranged from 30% to 72%; word scores in sentences ranged from 26% to 74%. Four of these 5 children were implanted during preadolescence (aged 5:5 to 10:2 years) and the fifth, who had a progressive loss, was implanted during adolescence (aged 14:8 years). The duration of profound deafness before implantation varied from 2 to 8 years. Improvements were also noted over postoperative data collection times for the younger children. The remaining 5 patients who did not demonstrate open-set recognition were implanted after a longer duration of profound deafness (aged 13:11 to 20:1 years). The results are discussed with reference to variables that may affect implant performance, such as age at onset of loss, duration of profound loss, age at implantation, and duration of implantation. They are compared with results for similar groups of children using hearing aids and cochlear implants.
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    Speech perception, production and language results in a group of children using the 22-electrode cochlear implant
    Blamey, P. J. ; Dawson, P. W. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Rowland, L. C. ; Brown, A. M. ; Busby, P. A. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Rickards, F. W. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1992)
    Five children out of a group of nine (aged 5.5 to 19.9 years) implanted with the 22-electrode cochlear implant (Cochlear Ply. Ltd.) have achieved substantial scores on open-set speech tests using hearing without lipreading. Phoneme scores for monosyllabic words ranged from 40% to 72%. Word scores in sentences ranged from 26% to 74%. Four of these five children were implanted during preadolescence. The fifth child, who had a progressive loss and was implanted during adolescence after a short period of very profound deafness, scored highest on all speech perception tests. The remaining four children who did not demonstrate open-set recognition were implanted during adolescence after a long duration of profound deafness. Post-operative performance on closed-set speech perception tests was better than pre-operative performance for all children. Improvements in speech and language assessments were also noted. These improvements tended to be greater for the younger children. The results are discussed with reference to variables which may contribute to successful implant use: such as age at onset, duration of profound hearing loss, age at implantation, aetiology, educational program, and the type of training provided.
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    Cochlear implants in children, adolescents, and prelinguistically deafened adults: speech perception
    Dawson, Pam W. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Rowland, Louise C. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Busby, Peter A. ; Brown, Alison M. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Rickards, Field W. ( 1992)
    A group of 10 children, adolescents, and prelinguistically deafened adults were implanted with the 22-electrode cochlear implant (Cochlear Ply Ltd) at the University of Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic and have used the prosthesis for periods from 12 to 65 months. Postoperative performance on the majority of closed-set speech perception tests was significantly greater than chance, and significantly better than preoperative performance for all of the patients. Five of the children have achieved substantial scores on open-set speech tests using hearing without lipreading. Phoneme scores in monosyllabic words ranged from 30% to 72%; word scores in sentences ranged from 26% to 74%. Four of these 5 children were implanted during preadolescence (aged 5:5 to 10:2 years) and the fifth, who had a progressive loss, was implanted during adolescence (aged 14:8 years). The duration of profound deafness before implantation varied from 2 to 8 years. Improvements were also noted over postoperative data collection times for the younger children. The remaining 5 patients who did not demonstrate open-set recognition were implanted after a longer duration of profound deafness (aged 13:11to 20:1 years). The results are discussed with reference to variables that may affect implant performance, such as age at onset of loss, duration of profound loss, age at implantation, and duration of implantation. They are compared with results for similar groups of children using hearing aids and cochlear implants.
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    Preliminary speech perception results for children with the 22-electrode Melbourne/ cochlear hearing prosthesis
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Dawson, P. W. ; Rance, G. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1993)
    The 22-electroce cochlear prosthesis developed by the University of Melbourne and Cochlear Pty. Ltd. has been shown to provide significant speech perception benefits to profoundly deafened adults. More recently, use of an improved Multipeak encoding strategy has significantly improved speech perception performance both in quiet and in noise. Benefits to speech perception in children have not as yet been fully documented, in part due to the shorter history of implant use in children and the smaller overall number of children implanted as compared with adults. The first implantation of the 22-electrode cochlear prosthesis in a child was carried out in Melbourne in January of 1985. In Melbourne, a 5-year-old child was operated on in April 1986, and a first congenitally deaf child in April 1987. The age of implantation has been progressively reduced, with the first 2-year-old child implanted in Melbourne in 1990. As at January 1992, approximately 1,200 children (under 18 years of age inclusive) have been implanted worldwide with the 22-electrode cochlear prosthesis. Of this number, approximately 50% are under the age of 6 years. The age of the child, aetiology of the hearing loss, age at onset and duration of the hearing loss, education program attended both prior to and subsequent to implantation, and parental motivation to assist in habilitation are all factors which may affect an individual child's development and progress with the device. Evaluation of performance in children is complicated by a number of issues, including the effects of delayed speech and language development, and the ability of individual children to perform auditory tests. The measure of performance chosen for any evaluation will also reflect the interests of the particular clinician. For example, effects of device use on speech production may be of interest to the speech therapist, whereas educational progress will be of primary importance to the teacher of an implanted child. However, in choosing an appropriate evaluation test to measure progress woth the cochlear prosthesis, it is vital to realize that all measures such as effects of device use on speech production, educational progress, development of language, and effects on social and communication skills depend on the child being able to accurately perceive speech information through her/his device.
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    Speech perception results in children using the 22-electrode cochlear implant [Abstract]
    Dawson, P. W. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Rowland, L.C. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Altidis, P. M. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Busby, P. A. ; Brown, A. M. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Rickards, F. W. ( 1990)
    Twenty-one profoundly hearing impaired children ranging in age from 3 to 20 years have been implanted with the 22-electrode cochlear implant (Cochlear Pty ltd) at the University of Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic. Five children (aged 6.0 to 14.8 years) have achieved substantial scores on open set speech tests using hearing without lipreading. Phoneme scores in monosyllabic words ranged from 30% to 72%. Word scores in sentences ranged from 26% to 74%. Four of these five children were implanted during preadolescence and the fifth who had a progressive loss, was implanted during adolescence. Eight children (aged 3.0 to 11 years), have either been implanted recently or are too young for detailed assessments. However some have shown using closed set speech perception tests or vowel imitation tasks, that they are beginning to use the auditory input provided by the implant. The remaining children (aged 13.11 to 20.1 years) have not demonstrated open set recognition but are all full time users of the device. This group was implanted during adolescence after a long duration of profound deafness. The results will be discussed with reference to a number of variables which may contribute to successful implant use; such as age of onset of deafness, duration of deafness. age of implantation, educational program and type of training.