Graeme Clark Collection

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    Speech perception benefits for implanted children with preoperative residual hearing [Abstract]
    Hollow, R. ; Rance, G. ; Dowell, R.C. ; Pyman, B. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Dettman, S. ( 1995)
    Since the implantation of the first children with the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear prosthesis in Melbourne in 1985, there has been rapid expansion in the number of implanted children world-wide. Improved surgical technique and experience in paediatric assessment and management have contributed to a trend to implant very young children. At the same time there has also been continuing development of improved speech processing strategies resulting in greater speech perception benefits. In the Melbourne program, over 60% of children obtain significant scores on open-set word and sentence tests using their cochlear implant alone without the aid of lipreading. As parents and professionals have become aware of these improved benefits to speech perception benefits in profoundly deaf children, there have been requests to consider implanting severely-to-profoundly deaf children. In these children with higher levels of residual hearing, only those children with poorer-than-expected performance on speech perception tests using hearing aids have been considered for surgery. A number of such cases have now been implanted in the Melbourne program. The speech perception benefits for this group are reported and are being compared with benefits for the profoundly deaf group of children.
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    Speech perception benefits for children using the Speak speech processing strategy in quiet and noise [Abstract]
    Whitford, L.A. ; Dowell, R.C. ; Brown, C. ; Gibson, W.P.R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Shaw, S. ; Everingham, C. ( 1995)
    The Speak speech processing strategy, based on the Spectral Maxima Speech Processor (SMSP) developed at the University of Melbourne, has now been implemented in the Spectra 22 speech processor developed by Cochlear Pty Limited, and clinical trials of both patients changing from the previous Multipeak strategy to Speak and patients starting up with. Speak have been conducted. Results in adult patients changing to Speak have shown significant improvements in speech perception in quiet and particularly in background noise as compared with Multipeak. Preliminary studies with children changing from Multipeak to Speak strategy, measured over a 10 month period, have also shown significant benefits from use of the Speak scheme in both quiet and noisy test situations. Results of follow up studies of these children after more than one year experience with the Speak processing strategy are presented. Statistical analysis of performance over time suggests that an increase in benefit is observed in children after additional experience with the Speak processing strategy. In addition, results for children who have used only the Speak processing strategy from the time of implantation are also presented. The results confirm that the Speak processing strategy provides significant benefits in quiet, and particularly in the presence of background noise for both groups of patients.
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    Latest results and future directions in speech processing for the Nucleus multichannel cochlear prosthesis [Abstract]
    Dowell, R. ; Whitford, L. ; Seligman, P. ; Vandali, A. ; Hollow, R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    The past two years has seen the introduction of the Speak speech encoding scheme for most patients using the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear prosthesis. This scheme, based on the Spectral Maxima Speech Processor (SMSP) developed at the University of Melbourne, uses a bank of 20 band-pass filters to present detailed spectral information to the intracochlear electrode array. Clinical trials of this speech processor have shown highly significant improvements over the previous Multipeak scheme in English, German, French and Japanese speaking patients. The largest improvements were evident for open-set testing in background noise, which represents a more realistic measure of everyday benefit than testing in quiet. The latest results for adults who have changed from Multipeak to Speak will be presented, along with results over time for newly-implanted patients using the Speak scheme. New research aimed at improving the speech processing in both the spectral and temporal domains will also be discussed.
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    Results of multichannel cochlear implantation in very young children [Abstract]
    Galvin, K. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Dettman, S. ; Dowell, R. ; Barker, E. ; Rance, G. ; Hollow, R. ; Cowan, R. ( 1995)
    Most researchers and clinicians working in the cochlear implant field have assumed that profoundly deaf children will have a better prognosis in terms of speech perception, speech production and language development. if implanted at as young an age as possible. However, it has been difficult to gather direct evidence for this hypothesis due to the problems in assessing children under the age of five years with formal tests. Recent results with older children have supported the view that early implantation may provide the optimal outcome in most cases. The implantation of very young children raises two areas of concern that do not apply in adults and older children: accurate assessment of degree of hearing loss and auditory potential; and postoperative assessment of outcomes. This paper will describe research results from the University of Melbourne which address these issues and present results for children implanted as young as eighteen months of age.
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    Speech perception benefits for children using an advanced cochlear implant speech processing strategy in quiet and in noise [Abstract]
    Dettman, Shani J. ; Skok, Marissa ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Whitford, Lesley A. ; Sarant, Julia Z. ; Galvin, Karyn L. ; Barker, Elizabeth J. ; King, Alison ( 1994)
    A new speech processing strategy (SPEAK) has been developed by the University of Melbourne and Cochlear Pty Ltd for use with the Nucleus 22-channel electrode array. In this strategy, 20 programmable filters are repetitively scanned at an average rate of 250Hz and the largest spectral components or maxima are selected from the incoming speech signal. This new speech processing strategy has been shown to provide significantly improved benefits in adult implant patients, particularly in the presence of background noise. This report presents data of a preliminary paediatric clinical trial of the new SPEAK speech processing strategy.
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    Clinical results for profoundly deaf patients using the 22-elctrode cochlear prosthesis [Abstract]
    Dowell, R. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1987)
    The 22-electrode cochlear prosthesis developed in Australia by the University of Melbourne and Cochlear Pty. Limited has been in clinical use in Melbourne for five years. Results for 40 postlingually deaf adults have shown significant communication benefit for 90% of patients. Twenty patients (50%) have demonstrated the ability to understand conversational speech without lipreading or visual cues. No electronic or mechanical failures have been observed in any of the implanted devices. There have been no serious medical complications, but psychological disturbance has occurred in two cases. Experience with prelingually deaf adults has indicated that initial hearing responses for this group are not as good as for the postlingually deaf patients. However, improvement over time has been evident with consistent use of the device. Long-term benefit for these patients will depend to a large extent on motivational and social factors. Results for a small number of young deaf children have been encouraging. The age at onset of profound deafness, intelligence, educational management and family support are all important factors affecting the potential benefit of a cochlear implant for a child.