Graeme Clark Collection

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    Cochlear implants in children: the value of cochleostomy seals in the prevention of labyrinthitis following pneumococcal otitis media
    Dahm, M. C. ; Webb, R. L. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Franz, B. K-H. ; Shepherd, R. K. ; Burton, M. J. ; ROBINS-BROWNE, R. ( 1995)
    Cochlea implantation at an early age is important in rehabilitating profoundly hearing impaired children. Given the incidence of pneumococcal otitis media in young children, there has been concern that cochlear implantation could increase the possibility of otitis media, leading to labyrinthitis in this age group. Clinical experience has not indicated an increase in the frequency of otitis media and labyrinthitis in implanted adults or children over two years. However, labyrinthitis has occurred in implanted animals with otitis media. In order to assess the impact of cochlear implants on the occurrence of labyrinthitis, pneumococcal otitis media was induced in 21 kittens. Thirty-two kitten cochleas were implanted, of which 9 had a fascial graft and 9 a Gelfoam® graft. Nine control cochleas were unimplanted. Labyrinthitis occurred in 44% of unimplanted controls. 50% of implanted ungrafted cochleas, and 6% of implanted grafted cochleas. There was no statistically significant difference between the incidence of labyrinthitis in the implanted cochleas and the unimplanted controls. However there was a statistically significant difference between the ungrafted and grafted cochleas, but not between the two types of graft.
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    Cochlear implantation in young children: histological studies on head growth, leadwire design, and electrode fixation in the monkey model
    Burton, M. J. ; Shepherd, R. K. ; Xu, S. A. ; Xu, J. ; Franz, B. K-H. G. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1994)
    For safe cochlear implantation in children under 2 years of age, the implant assembly must not adversely affect adjacent tissues or compromise head growth. Furthermore, growth changes and tissue responses should not impair the function of the device. Dummy receiver-stimulators, interconnect plugs, and leadwire-lengthening systems were implanted for periods of 36 months in the young monkey to effectively model the implantation of the young child. The results show that implanting a receiver-stimulator package has no adverse effects on skull growth or the underlying central nervous system. The system for fixing the electrode at the fossa incudis proved effective. There was marked osteoneogenesis in the mastoid cavity, resulting in the fixation of the leadwire outside the cochlea. This study provides evidence for the safety of cochlear implantation in young subjects.
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    Surgical complications with the cochlear multiple-channel intracochlear implant: experience at Hannover and Melbourne
    Webb, Robert L. ; Lehnhardt, Ernst ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Laszig, Roland ; Pyman, Brian C. ; Franz, Burkhard K-H. G. ( 1991)
    The surgical complications for the first 153 multi-channel cochlear implant operations carried out at the Medizinische Hochschule in Hannover and the first 100 operations at The University of Melbourne Clinic, The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, are presented. In the Hannover experience the major complications were wound breakdown, wound infection, electrode tie erosion through the external auditory canal, electrode slippage, a persistent increase in tinnitus, and facial nerve stimulation. The incidence of wound breakdown requiring removal of the package was 0.6% in Hannover and 1.0% in Melbourne. The complications for the operation at both clinics were at acceptable levels. It was considered that wound breakdown requiring implant removal could be kept to a minimum by making a generous incision and suturing the flap without tension.
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    Recent developments with the Nucleus 22-electrode cochlear implant: a new two formant speech coding strategy and its performance in background noise
    Franz, Burkhard K-H. G. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Seligman, Peter M. ; Patrick, James F. ( 1987)
    A clinical evaluation of speech processing strategies for the Nucleus 22-electrode cochlear implant showed improvements in understanding speech using the new F0F1F2 speech coding strategy instead of the F0F2 strategy. Significant improvement in closed-set speech recognition in the presence of background noise was an additional advantage of the new speech processing strategy.
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    Surgical anatomy of the round window with special reference to cochlear implantation
    Franz, Burkhard K. H. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Bloom, David M. (Cambridge University Press, 1987)
    When the multi-channel cochlear implant electrode is inserted into the scala tympani through the round window the operation is best performed via a posterior tympanotomy. The view of the round window membrane, however, is incomplete because of its orientation and the fact that it has a conical shape. Nevertheless, a good view along the basal turn is obtained after the antero-inferior overhang of the round window niche and the crista fenestrae have been removed. It might be damaging to drill away the postero-superior overhang as the osseous spiral lamina lies extremely close to the round window membrane.
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    Effect of experimentally induced otitis media on cochlear implants
    Franz, Burkhard K-H. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Bloom, David M. ( 1987)
    Cat cochleas implanted with scala tympani prostheses were investigated histologically after inoculating the bullae with a suspension of group A streptococci. The prosthesis was passed through the round window membrane in one ear. In the other the prosthesis bypassed the round window via an opening anteroinferior to the round window niche. Before death, horseradish peroxidase was administered as a tracer for possible pathways of infection. Results showed that group A streptococci were pathogenic to the cat and caused inflammation in the bulla. The unimplanted round window membrane and the seals around the electrode entry points prevented infection from entering the cochlea. The seals around electrodes inserted either through the round window membrane or an opening drilled anteroinferior to the niche were equally effective. The horseradish peroxidase tracer studies showed, however, that a gap existed between the electrode and membranous seal, and this could be a potentially vulnerable site under certain conditions. Drilling an anteroinferior opening into the cochlea resulted in bony sequestra entering the cochlea. This can be avoided by blue-lining the opening and removing bone with picks before making an opening through the endosteum.
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    Refined surgical technique for insertion of banded electrode array
    Franz, B. K-H. G. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1987)
    A refined electrode insertion technique is presented for the multichannel cochlear implant. It comprises two basic steps. The first step is the removal of the anteroinferior overhang of the round window and crista fenestrae, or alternatively an opening drilled into the scala tympani anteroinferior to the round window. The second is rotation of the electrode during insertion, counterclockwise in the right ear and clockwise in the left ear.
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    Middle ear infection postimplantation: response of the round window membrane to Streptococcus pyogenes
    Cranswick, N. E. ; Franz, B. K-H. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Shepherd, R. K. ; Bloom, D. M. ( 1987)
    The seal of the implanted round window membrane to resist Streptococcus pyogenes invasion from the middle ear was investigated in 12 cats. Results showed that the implanted round window membrane is able to form a barrier for S pyogenes starting 1 week postimplantation. Under normal conditions S pyogenes did not pass through the round window membrane, nor through the gap that existed between the membrane and the prosthesis. Mechanical disruption of the round window seal, however, and severe inflammatory response to S pyogenes caused the infection to extend into the inner ear.
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    Preliminary results for the Cochlear Corporation multielectrode intracochlear implant in six prelingually deaf patients
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Busby, Peter A. ; Roberts, Susan A. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Mecklenburg, Dianne J. ; Webb, Robert L. ; Pyman, Brian C. ; Franz, Burkhard K. ( 1987)
    The preliminary results from this study indicate that some prelingually deaf patients may get worthwhile help from a multiple-electrode cochlear implant that uses a formant-based speech processing strategy. It is encouraging that these improvements can occur in young adults and teenagers. The results for two children are also encouraging. A 10-year-old child obtained significant improvement on some speech perception tests. It was easy to set thresholds and comfortable listening levels on a 5-year-old child, and he is now a regular user of the device. There are, however, considerable variations in performance among the prelingual patients, which may be related to the following factors: whether they have had some hearing after birth, the method of education used, the motivation of the patient, and age at implantation.
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    A multiple-electrode intracochlear implant for children
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Busby, Peter A. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Franz, Burkhard K-H. ; Musgrave, Gaye Nicholls ; Nienhuys, Terry G. ; Pyman, Brian C. ; Roberts, Susan A. ; Tong, Yit C. ; Webb, Robert L. ; Kuzma, Januz A. ; Money, David K. ; Patrick, James F. ; Seligman, Peter M. ( 1987)
    A multiple-electrode intracochlear implant that provides 21 stimulus channels has been designed for use in young children. It is smaller than the adult version and has magnets to facilitate the attachment of the headset. It has been implanted in two children aged 5 and 10 years. The two children both lost hearing in their third year, when they were still learning language. Following implantation, it was possible to determine threshold and comfortable listening levels for each electrode pair. This was facilitated in the younger child by prior training in scaling visual and electrotactile stimuli. Both children are regular users of the implant, and a training and assessment program has been commenced.