Graeme Clark Collection

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    Assessment of intracochlear ossification by three-dimensional reconstruction of computerised scans
    Pyman, B. C. ; Seldon, H. L. ; O'Sullivan, R. ; Tillner, W. D. ; Donnelly, M. ; Scott, M. ; Mack, K. F. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    The aim of the study was to investigate whether the three-dimensional (3-D) images from computed tomography (CT) scans of the ears could adequately define the site and extent of new bone in the cochlea, and how these images compared with those created by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The patients whose investigations were used in the study were being assessed for a cochlear implant and were selected on the basis of their history and the appearance of their two-dimensional (2-D) CT scans. Four patients had progressive mixed deafness, a family history of deafness, and stapedectomies. They were considered to be deaf from otosclerosis and needed further assessment because their scans showed either obstructed cochleas from new bone, or demineralized otic capsules to the point that we could not determine whether new bone was present or not. The fifth patient was being assessed within 3 months of suffering deafness from meningitis. In one ear he had extensive ossification, and in the other the degree of opacification shown in axial and coronal cuts of the basal turn was inconsistent. Essentially the problem is that at the magnification used in examination of the inner ear, the resolution of 2-D CT scans gives indistinct borders between bone and water. Magnetic resonance imaging has commonly been used in these cases. The study showed that it is now possible to confirm whether or not there is new bone and to demonstrate the site and extent of new bone with both 3-D and MRI images. It is not possible to give a degree of sensitivity and specificity for this observation because of the small group of subjects in the study. It should be worth applying the reconstruction software to scans from helical scanners with a view to assessing whether the resolution of the 3-D images can be improved further.
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    The progress of children using the multichannel cochlear implant in Melbourne
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Hollow, R. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Rance, G. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Webb, R. C. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Cousins, V. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Multi-channel cochlear implantation in children began in Australia in 1985 and there are now close to 4000 profoundly deaf children and adolescents using the Australian implant system around the world. The aim of the implant procedure is to provide adequate hearing for speech and language development through auditory input. This contrasts with the situation for adults with acquired deafness where the cochlear implant aims to restore hearing for someone with well-developed auditory processing and language skills. As with adults, results vary over a wide range for children using the Multi-channel implant. Many factors have been suggested that may contribute to differences in speech perception for implanted children. In an attempt to better understand these factors, the speech perception results for children implanted in Melbourne were reviewed and subjected to statistical analysis. This has indicated that the amount of experience with the implant and the length of sensory deprivation are strongly correlated with perceptual results. This means that younger children are likely to perform better with an implant and that a number of years of experience are required for children to reach their full potential. The results have also indicated that educational placement and management play a crucial role in children reaching their potential. Overall, 60% of the children and adolescents in the study have reached a level of open-set speech understanding using the cochlear implant without lipreading.
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    Cochlear implants in children: the value of cochleostomy seals in the prevention of labyrinthitis following pneumococcal otitis media
    Dahm, M. C. ; Webb, R. L. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Franz, B. K-H. ; Shepherd, R. K. ; Burton, M. J. ; ROBINS-BROWNE, R. ( 1995)
    Cochlea implantation at an early age is important in rehabilitating profoundly hearing impaired children. Given the incidence of pneumococcal otitis media in young children, there has been concern that cochlear implantation could increase the possibility of otitis media, leading to labyrinthitis in this age group. Clinical experience has not indicated an increase in the frequency of otitis media and labyrinthitis in implanted adults or children over two years. However, labyrinthitis has occurred in implanted animals with otitis media. In order to assess the impact of cochlear implants on the occurrence of labyrinthitis, pneumococcal otitis media was induced in 21 kittens. Thirty-two kitten cochleas were implanted, of which 9 had a fascial graft and 9 a Gelfoam® graft. Nine control cochleas were unimplanted. Labyrinthitis occurred in 44% of unimplanted controls. 50% of implanted ungrafted cochleas, and 6% of implanted grafted cochleas. There was no statistically significant difference between the incidence of labyrinthitis in the implanted cochleas and the unimplanted controls. However there was a statistically significant difference between the ungrafted and grafted cochleas, but not between the two types of graft.
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    The University of Melbourne Department of Otolaryngology
    Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    The University of Melbourne Department of Otolaryngology runs a general ENT Clinic as well as a Cochlear Implant Clinic. It forms the core of a Multicentre research group for deafness research, is heavily involved in teaching and education, and includes a School of Audiology. This article presents an overview of the activities of the Department.
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    Comparison of the SPEAK (Spectral Maxima) and multipeak speech processing strategies and improved speech perception in background noise
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Whitford, L. ; Van Hoesel, R. ; McKay, C. M. ; McDermott, H. D. ; Seligman, P. ; Vandali, A. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Cowan, R. C. ( 1995)
    As more is known about speech processing for Cochlear Implant patients, results should continue to improve. It now appears possible that Cochlear Implant patients may, in some instances, reach performance levels that are better than those obtained by most severely deaf people who use hearing aids.
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    New temporal coding scheme for auditory nerve stimulation
    Irlicht, L. ; Au, D. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve provides deaf people with a perception of sound inferior to that of normal hearing people. Since any acoustic perception is derived entirely from the output of the auditory nerve, effective cochlear implant stimulation strategies should evoke an output of the electrically stimulated auditory nerve that is in some sense a good approximation to that of an acoustically stimulated auditory nerve. A typical cochlear implant may have around 20 independent electrodes, each of which transmits data in the form of discrete electrical pulses at a practical limit of a few thousand pulses per second. In contrast, the normal hearing ear has approximately 30,000 nerve fibers, each of which can achieve action potential independently of the others at any time during the stimulus. Clearly, it is beyond the scope of current technology to achieve an electrically evoked auditory nerve output identical to that evoked via the normal hearing situation (NHS), so cochlear stimulation strategies must be limited to approximating certain features of neural firing patterns. How should such features be chosen?
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    Chronic middle ear disease and cochlear implantation
    Donnelly, M. J. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Profound or total hearing loss can occur in the setting of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), either coincidentally or secondary to the disease process. Obviously, inserting a foreign body through a potentially infected field into a space that communicates intracranially presents a challenging management problem. This paper presents the experience from the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic (CIC) in implanting patients with bilateral CSOM. This is certainly not a common problem, as there have been only 3 cases from 121 implanted adults. However, we feel that it is an important issue with potentially devastating consequences. In addition, there are many countries in which bilateral CSOM is a more common problem and cause of profound or total hearing loss.
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    Initial investigation of the efficacy and biosafety of sodium hyaluronate (healon) as an aid to electrode array insertion
    Donnelly, M. J. ; Cohen, L. T. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Stimulation of residual neural elements by electrodes inserted into the cochlea to produce the perception of speech and environmental sounds in profoundly deaf people is a fundamental aim of cochlear implantation. The multiple-channel cochlear implant utilizes the tonotopic arrangement of the organ of Corti to also achieve place pitch perception by stimulating different electrode bands. It may be possible to improve the range of pitches perceived by present cochlear implant patients by inserting the electrode array more deeply. To help achieve this, investigators have used sodium hyaluronate as a lubricant for electrode insertions. 1 It was felt deeper insertions were produced with sodium hyaluronate. Before introducing this substance as part of the surgical protocol for the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic, it was decided to investigate its efficacy in aiding deeper insertions of the electrode. In addition, it was also necessary to determine if sodium hyaluronate, in conjunction with cochlear implantation, had adverse effects on the inner ear. This study was undertaken to address these issues.
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    Electrical stimulation of residual hearing in the implanted cochlea
    Clark, Graeme M. ; McAnally, K. I. ; Black, R. C. ; Shepherd, R. K. ( 1995)
    The average profoundly deaf person using a cochlear implant can now understand more speech than some severely to profoundly deaf people who use a hearing aid. For this reason there will be an increasing need to consider implanting people with residual hearing. In many of these people there could be significant hearing in the operated ear, as a majority of severely to profoundly deaf people are likely to have a symmetrical hearing loss. When three frequency average hearing thresholds were measured on 219 pensioners from the Australian National Acoustic Laboratories (H. Dillon, unpublished findings), 64% had less than a 10-dB difference between thresholds in each ear.
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    Cochlear implantation: osteoneogenesis, electrode-tissue impedance, and residual hearing
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Shute, S. A. ; Shepherd, R. K. ; Carter, T. D. ( 1995)
    This study was undertaken to find out how new bone is produced in the implanted cochlea, and the effects of fibrous tissue and new bone growth on electrode-tissue impedance. This knowledge is essential, as bone and fibrous tissue in the cochlea could account for variations in patients' speech perception performance. The study was also carried out to examine the effects of implantation on residual hearing. This information is also important, as cochlear implant speech perception results in profoundly deaf people are now better on average than severely or profoundly deaf people obtain with a hearing aid. Consequently, more people will need to be considered for cochlear implantation in ears with some residual hearing. In this case we need to know to what extent residual hearing is affected by implantation. (From Introduction)