Graeme Clark Collection

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    Temporal coding of frequency: neuron firing probabilities for acoustic and electric stimulation of the auditory nerve
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Carter, T. D. ; Maffi, C. L. ; Shepherd, R. K. ( 1995)
    A better understanding of the temporal coding of frequency, and its application to electrical stimulation of auditory nerve fibers, should lead to advances in cochlear implant speech processing. Past research studies have suggested that the intervals between nerve action potentials are important in the temporal coding of frequency. For sound frequencies up to approximately 500 Hz, the shortest or predominant intervals between the nerve action potentials are usually the same as the periods of the sound waves. The intervals between each nerve action potential can be plotted as an interval histogram. Although there is evidence that the intervals between spikes are important in the temporal coding of frequency, it is not known up to what frequency this applies. It is also not known whether the information transmitted along individual fibers or an ensemble of fibers is important, to what extent the coding of frequency is interrelated with the coding of intensity, the relative importance of temporal and place coding for different frequencies, and finally, how well electrical stimulation can simulate the temporal coding of sound.
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    Cross-fiber interspike interval probability distribution in acoustic stimulation: a computer modeling study
    Au, D. ; Bruce, I. ; Irlicht, L. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Electrical stimulation strategies for cochlear implants may be improved by studying temporal frequency coding in single auditory fibers and across fibers in acoustic stimulation (Clark et al, this suppl, section 5). In single nerve fibers, phase locking between action potentials and the acoustic stimulus can only be maintained at frequencies below about 600 Hz. At these frequencies, the time interval between successive action potentials, called the interspike interval (lSI), is distributed around the period of the stimulus, and it can therefore be used to code frequency within single fibers. At higher frequencies, the phase locking of individual nerve fibers diminishes, but it may still be possible to retain phase-locking properties by combining the action potentials in an ensemble of nerve fibers. In an ensemble of fibers, the lSI in each nerve is affected by factors such as the spectral shape of the stimulus, the characteristic frequency, and the firing characteristics of the nerve. The lSI between the fibers, however, is further affected by the propagation or phase delay of the traveling wave. It is therefore uncertain how these factors would affect frequency coding across fibers. It is possible that the propagation delay between the fibers may lower the phase locking in an ensemble of nerves -because the probability that the majority of nerves in an ensemble will fire simultaneously may be low. It is also possible that the combined firing statistics of the fibers in an ensemble may result in a higher degree of synchrony such that the predominant intervals in an ensemble are preserved over a wider frequency range than in a single fiber. Are these accurate postulations of the physical system? In a future electrical stimulation strategy that incorporates temporal frequency coding, is it necessary to mimic the spatial-temporal delay in the firing patterns caused by the traveling wave? These are important questions that need to be studied and answered. (From Introduction)