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    A clinical report on speech production of cochlear implant users
    Dawson, P. W. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Rowland, L. C. ; Barker, E. J. ; Tobey, E. A. ; Busby, P. A. ; Cowan, R. C. ( 1995)
    Objective: The aim was to assess articulation and speech intelligibility over time in a group of cochlear implant users implanted at 8 yr or over. The hypothesis was that the postoperative speech production performance would be greater than the preoperative performance. Design: A test of intelligibility using sentences and an articulation test measuring non-imitative elicited speech were administered to 11 and 10 subjects, respectively, who were implanted with the 22-electrode cochlear implant. Nine subjects received both tests. Age at implantation ranged from 8 yr to 20 yr and implant use ranged from 1 yr to 4 yr 5 mo. Results: For both the intelligibility and articulation tests roughly half of the subjects showed significant improvements over time and group mean postoperative performance significantly exceeded preoperative performance. Improvements occurred for front, middle, and back consonants; for stops, fricatives, and glides and for voiceless and voiced consonants. Conclusions: Despite being deprived of acoustic speech information for many childhood years, roughly half of the patients assessed showed significant gains in speech intelligibility and articulation postimplantation. The lack of a control group of non-implanted patients means that we cannot separate out the influence of the implant on speech production from other influences such as training and tactile-kinaesthetic feedback.
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    Continuing improvements in speech processing for adult cochlear implant patients
    Hollow, R. D. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Skok, M. C. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    The Cochlear 22-channel cochlear implant has employed a succession of improved speech-processing strategies since its first use in an adult patient in Melbourne in 1982. 1 The first patients received the F0F2 coding strategy developed by the University of Melbourne, in the Wearable Speech Processor (WSP). The F0F2 coding scheme presented the implant user with three acoustic features of speech. These were 1) the amplitude of the waveform, presented as the amount of current charge, 2) fundamental frequency (F0) or voice pitch, presented as rate of biphasic pulsatile stimulation, and 3) the spectral range of the second formant frequency (F2), which was represented by varying the site of stimulation along the electrode array.
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    Issues in the development of multichannel tactile devices for hearing-impaired children and adults
    Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Galvin, Karyn L. ; Sarant, Julia Z. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Levitt, Pickett and Houde (1980), in their landmark monograph, noted that the history of tactile aid development has been characterized by periodic bursts of enthusiasm and research, often culminating in identification of new avenues to be explored for improving tactile perception of speech. While several research groups have maintained long-term interest in tactile research (Boothroyd, 1985; Oller, Payne, & Gavin, 1980; Saunders, 1985), there was a marked increase in reports of new multichannel tactile devices during the 1980s (reviewed in McGarr, 1989). This upsurge may have been spurred in part by the rapid increase world-wide in the number of hearing-impaired children and adults using cochlear implants as everyday communication devices, and the perceived need for a non-surgical approach to assisting hearing-impaired children. Despite this increase in tactile research, no tactile device has yet achieved widespread commercial use by the hearing-impaired community. It is, therefore, of interest to question why cochlear implants have been more widely accepted than tactile devices.
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    Issues in long-term management of children with cochlear implants and tactile devices [Abstract]
    COWAN, ROBERT ; DOWELL, RICHARD ; Barker, Elizabeth ; GALVIN, KARYN ; DETTMAN, SHANI ; SARANT, JULIA ; RANCE, GARY ; Hollow, Rod ; BLAMEY, PETER ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1994)
    For many children with severe and profound hearing losses, conventional hearing aids are unable to provide sufficient amplification to ensure good oral communication and/or in the case of very young children, development of speech and language. Traditionally a number of these children have opted for the use of sign language alone or in Total Communication approaches as a primary means of communication. The advent of multiple channel cochlear implants for children and the continuing development of multiple channel speech processing tactile devices provide auditory approaches to resolving communication difficulties for these children. The successful use of such devices depends on a number of factors including the information provided through the aid; the ease of use, convenience and reliability of the aid; the individual communication needs of the child; and the habilitation and management program used with the device. Long-term data has shown that children continue to show increased speech perception benefits from improvements in speech processing and from further experience with these devices. Habilitation and management programs must therefore be geared to meet the changing needs of children as they progress and of families as children mature and face new challenges. Habilitation must address specific individual needs in speech perception and in speech production. For very young children, benefits of improved speech perception should have an impact on the development of speech and language, and habilitation and management must emphasise the need for language growth.
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    Habilitation issues in the management of children using the cochlear multiple-channel cochlear prosthesis
    Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Barker, Elizabeth J. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; RANCE, GARY ; Sarant, Julia Z. ; Galvin, Karyn L. ; Dawson, Pam W. ; Hollow, Rod ; Dowell, Richard C. ; PYMAN, BRIAN ; Clark, Graeme M. (Wien, 1994)
    Since 1985, a significant proportion of patients seen in the Melbourne cochlear implant clinic have been children. The children represent a diverse population, with both congenital and acquired hearing-impairments, a wide-range of hearing levels pre-implant, and an age range from 2 years to 18 years. The habilitation programme developed for the overall group must be flexible enough to be tailored to the individual needs of each child, and to adapt to the changing needs of children as they progress. Long-term data shows that children are continuing to show improvements after 5-7 years of device use, particularly in their perception of open-set words and sentences. Habilitation programs must therefore be geared to the long-term needs of children and their families. Both speech perception and speech production need to be addressed in the specific content of the habilitation program for any individual child. In addition, for young children, the benefits of improved speech perception should have an impact on development of speech and language, and the focus of the programme for this age child will reflect this difference in emphasis. Specific materials and approaches will vary for very young children, school-age and teenage children. In addition, educational setting will have a bearing on the integration of listening and device use into the classroom environment.
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    Cochlear implants for congenitally deaf adolescents: is open-set speech perception a realistic expectation?
    Sarant, J. Z. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1994)
    The prognosis for benefit from use of cochlear implants in congenitally deaf adolescents, who have a long duration of profound deafness prior to implantation, has typically been low. Speech perception results for two congenitally deaf patients implanted as adolescents at the University of Melbourne/Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Clinic show that, after 12 months of experience, both patients had significant open-set speech discrimination scores without lipreading. These results suggest that although benefits may in general be low for congenitally deaf adolescents, individuals may attain significant benefits to speech perception after a short period of experience. Prospective patients from this group should therefore be considered on an individual basis with regard to prognosis for benefit from cochlear implantation.
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    Role of a multichannel electrotactile speech processor in a cochlear implant program for profoundly hearing-impaired adults
    Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Sarant, Julia Z. ; Galvin, Karyn L. ; Alcantara, Joseph I. ; Whitford, Lesley A. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1991)
    Four profoundly hearing-impaired adults who did not meet current selection criteria for implantation at the University of Melbourne were each fitted with a wearable multichannel electrotactile speech processor (Tickle Talker). The subjects were evaluated with a test battery of speech discrimination tests subsequent to training in use of the device. Thresholds for detection of pure tones were lower for the Tickle Talker than for hearing aids across the frequency range 250 to 4000 Hz. Mean speech detection thresholds for the Ling 5-sound test showed that all sounds were detected by users of the electrotactile device at normal conversational speech intensity levels. Mean speech discrimination scores were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the tactually aided condition as compared with the tactually unaided for identification of vowels and consonants, on open-set words, open-set sentences, and on connected discourse tracking. Mean scores increased by 20% for vowels, 19% for consonants, 30% for openset words, and 25% for open-set sentences when the Tickle Talker was used in a multimodal combination with lipreading or lipreading and hearing aids. Speechtracking rates for three subjects showed increases of from 18 to 28 wpm when the tactile device was used. Comparison of tactually aided versus unaided tracking rates for two subjects with long-term experience shows continuing improvement with additional experience with the device. These results demonstrate that hearing impaired adults not meeting selection criteria for cochlear implantation may benefit from use of an electrotactile speech processor, and highlight the potential benefits from integration of such devices into cochlear implant programs for profoundly hearing-impaired patients.
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    Results of multichannel cochlear implantation in very young children [Abstract]
    Galvin, K. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; DETTMAN, SHANI ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Barker, E. J. ; Rance, G. ; Hollow, R. ; Cowan, R. ( 1995)
    Most researchers and clinicians working in the cochlear implant field have assumed that profoundly deaf children will have a better prognosis in terms of speech perception, speech production and language development, implanted at as young an age as possible. However, it has been difficult to gather direct evidence for this hypothesis due to the problems in assessing children under the age of five years with formal tests.
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    Speech perception benefits for implanted children with preoperative residual hearing [Abstract]
    Hollow, R. ; Rance, G. ; Dowell, R.C. ; Pyman, B. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Dettman, S. ( 1995)
    Since the implantation of the first children with the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear prosthesis in Melbourne in 1985, there has been rapid expansion in the number of implanted children world-wide. Improved surgical technique and experience in paediatric assessment and management have contributed to a trend to implant very young children. At the same time there has also been continuing development of improved speech processing strategies resulting in greater speech perception benefits.
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    Comparative performance of children using the cochlear 22-channel implant and 8-channel 'Tickle Talker'
    Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Sarant, S. J. ; Dettman, K. L ; Galvin, K. L. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1992)
    Direct comparison of "Tickle Talker" and Cochlear Implant users is problematic, due to difficulties in matching groups of children for hearing loss, age, duration of deafness, speech perception and language skills, and educational placement. However, two studies were undertaken to compare and contrast potential benefits available from these two devices. In the first study, a number of children from one educational setting were evaluated over a six month period. Half of the children used the multiple channel cochlear implant, while the other half used the multiple channel "Tickle Talker". The number of training sessions, clinicians involved, type of training provided, and overall management philosophy were identical for both devices. Comparison of progress of these two groups of children demonstrates that both devices are effective in improving' communication. However, differences were found with the tactile device being more limited in information provided and speech perception benefits. In the second study, two children who have used both devices were evaluated. These two children initially used the ''Tickle Talker" for periods up to two years, and subsequently had a multiple-channel cochlear implant. Similar habilitation was provided to these children with both devices, and measures of speech perception were taken at similar time periods. Results for one of the children, a prelinguistically deafened adolescent, already show similar benefits in terms of supplementation of lipreading for both devices. However, this patient has also shown some open-set word and sentence perception using the implant-alone. To date, this level of performance has not been achieved with the ''Tickle Talker". The results of these studies suggest a role for a multiple channel tactile device in a cochlear implant clinic as a training device for evaluating the ability of adults or children to integrate speech information presented through different sensory modalities. This could facilitate pre-implant evaluation of the potential for children to benefit from added speech information, which is often difficult to evaluate in congenitally deaf children.