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    The effect of language ability and residual hearing on speech perception outcomes for older children using multichannel cochlear implants [Abstract]
    Dowell, Richard C. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Hill, Katie ; Winton, Elizabeth ; Hollow, Rod ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 2002)
    Early-deafened teenagers or young adults have shown somewhat disappointing performance with cochlear implants in the past, however, in recent years a proportion of older children have demonstrated excellent speech perception performance. There is a great deal of variability in speech perception performance within this group. It is important to investigate the factors influencing performance so that adolescents and their families can make informed decisions regarding cochlear implant surgery. This study considered a number of possible predictive factors in a group of 25 children implanted in Melbourne between the ages of 8 and 18 years. Subjects completed open set speech perception testing using BKB sentences both pre-and postoperatively, and pre-operative language testing using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Data were collected regarding the type of hearing loss, age at implant, age at hearing aid fitting, audiometric details, and the pre-and post-operative communication mode. Multivariate analysis suggested that three factors were associated with postoperative speech perception performance. Results were improved for subjects with better pre-operative speech perception, better pre-operative language ability, and when the duration of profound hearing loss was shorter. These three factors accounted for 66% of the variance in this group. The results of this study suggest that children who have useful pre-implant speech perception, and higher age-equivalent scores on language measures, would be expected to do well with a cochlear implant. A shorter duration of profound hearing loss is also advantageous. Mean speech perception scores for the older group were not significantly different from younger children.
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    The effects of post-implant habilitation on long-term outcomes for children using multichannel cochlear implants [Abstract]
    Dowell, Richard C. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; WILLIAMS, SARAH ; TOMOV, ALEXANDRA ; Hollow, Rod ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 2002)
    Those working in the cochlear implant field advocate a regular habilitation program for young children receiving implants. Developing auditory skills and the incorporating these into general language development are considered to be key areas for such programs. Investigations of speech perception and language outcomes have demonstrated that the emphasis of spoken language development appears to enhance the results for implanted children. It remains difficult, however, to demonstrate the effect of habilitation as a separate factor and to determine how much individual attention is desirable for each child. This preliminary study considered the long term speech perception and language outcomes for two groups of children who received Nucleus cochlear implants in Melbourne. The first group (n = 17) was identified as receiving regular habilitation from the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic over a four year post-operative period. A second group (n = 11) was identified as receiving very little regular habilitation over the post-operative period. Language and speech perception results for these two groups showed significant differences in performance on a wide range of measures. The group who received regular, formal habilitation demonstrated better performance on all measures. These groups included only congenitally, profoundly hearing- impaired children and did not differ significantly on mean age at implant or experience at the time of assessment. A more comprehensive study is needed to clarify these results on a larger group of children, and to control for additional confounding variables. Nonetheless, these results provide support for the incorporation of regular long-term habilitation into cochlear implant programs for children.
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    Speech perception in children using cochlear implants: prediction of long-term outcomes.
    Dowell, RC ; Dettman, SJ ; Blamey, PJ ; Barker, EJ ; Clark, GM (Informa UK Limited, 2002-03)
    A group of 102 children using the Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant were assessed for open-set speech perception abilities at six-monthly intervals following implant surgery. The group included a wide range of ages, types of hearing loss, ages at onset of hearing loss, experience with implant use and communication modes. Multivariate analysis indicated that a shorter duration of profound hearing loss, later onset of profound hearing loss, exclusively oral/aural communication and greater experience with the implant were associated with better open-set speech perception. Developmental delay was associated with poorer speech perception and the SPEAK signal coding scheme was shown to provide better speech perception performance than previous signal processors. Results indicated that postoperative speech perception outcomes could be predicted with an accuracy that is clinically useful.
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    The progress of children using the multichannel cochlear implant in Melbourne
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Hollow, R. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Rance, G. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Webb, R. C. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Cousins, V. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Multi-channel cochlear implantation in children began in Australia in 1985 and there are now close to 4000 profoundly deaf children and adolescents using the Australian implant system around the world. The aim of the implant procedure is to provide adequate hearing for speech and language development through auditory input. This contrasts with the situation for adults with acquired deafness where the cochlear implant aims to restore hearing for someone with well-developed auditory processing and language skills. As with adults, results vary over a wide range for children using the Multi-channel implant. Many factors have been suggested that may contribute to differences in speech perception for implanted children. In an attempt to better understand these factors, the speech perception results for children implanted in Melbourne were reviewed and subjected to statistical analysis. This has indicated that the amount of experience with the implant and the length of sensory deprivation are strongly correlated with perceptual results. This means that younger children are likely to perform better with an implant and that a number of years of experience are required for children to reach their full potential. The results have also indicated that educational placement and management play a crucial role in children reaching their potential. Overall, 60% of the children and adolescents in the study have reached a level of open-set speech understanding using the cochlear implant without lipreading.
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    Phonetic and phonological changes in the connected speech of children using a cochlear implant
    Grogan, M. L. ; Barker, E. J. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Blamey, P. J. ( 1995)
    In excess of 5,000 children, with profound hearing impairment, have received a cochlear implant hearing device. Researchers have recently begun to study the speech production skills of these children.1-6 This topic is of interest because the speech of young prelingually or postlingually deaf children is in a constant state of development. The effectiveness of the implant, therefore, must be measured in its ability to provide enough auditory information for the child to develop intelligible speech. This is in addition to the maintenance of intelligible speech in the case of older postlingually deaf children or adults. The aim of the present study was to investigate some characteristics of the connected speech of a selected group of children from the University of Melbourne Cochlear Implant Programme. More specifically, the study aimed to determine how these characteristics changed over time. Studies of conversational speech samples are useful in that they do not depend on imitation yet they do reflect the child's everyday communication skills and are sensitive to co-articulatory effects. Analyses performed on the preoperative and postoperative data aimed to detect both the phonetic and phonologic changes in the segmental features of speech. The following questions were addressed: 1) What was the pattern of change in the phonetic inventories from before to after implantation? 2) Was there a difference in the correct production of consonants depending on their position in the word? 3) Did the group performance for correct production of phonemes change significantly from before to after implantation? 4) Did performance change over time for individuals? 5) What were the most common phonologic processes and was there a significant reduction in any of these processes from before to after implantation?
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    Speech perception benefits for implanted children with preoperative residual hearing [Abstract]
    Hollow, R. ; Rance, G. ; Dowell, R.C. ; Pyman, B. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Dettman, S. ( 1995)
    Since the implantation of the first children with the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear prosthesis in Melbourne in 1985, there has been rapid expansion in the number of implanted children world-wide. Improved surgical technique and experience in paediatric assessment and management have contributed to a trend to implant very young children. At the same time there has also been continuing development of improved speech processing strategies resulting in greater speech perception benefits. In the Melbourne program, over 60% of children obtain significant scores on open-set word and sentence tests using their cochlear implant alone without the aid of lipreading. As parents and professionals have become aware of these improved benefits to speech perception benefits in profoundly deaf children, there have been requests to consider implanting severely-to-profoundly deaf children. In these children with higher levels of residual hearing, only those children with poorer-than-expected performance on speech perception tests using hearing aids have been considered for surgery. A number of such cases have now been implanted in the Melbourne program. The speech perception benefits for this group are reported and are being compared with benefits for the profoundly deaf group of children.
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    Results of multichannel cochlear implantation in very young children [Abstract]
    Galvin, K. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Dettman, S. ; Dowell, R. ; Barker, E. ; Rance, G. ; Hollow, R. ; Cowan, R. ( 1995)
    Most researchers and clinicians working in the cochlear implant field have assumed that profoundly deaf children will have a better prognosis in terms of speech perception, speech production and language development. if implanted at as young an age as possible. However, it has been difficult to gather direct evidence for this hypothesis due to the problems in assessing children under the age of five years with formal tests. Recent results with older children have supported the view that early implantation may provide the optimal outcome in most cases. The implantation of very young children raises two areas of concern that do not apply in adults and older children: accurate assessment of degree of hearing loss and auditory potential; and postoperative assessment of outcomes. This paper will describe research results from the University of Melbourne which address these issues and present results for children implanted as young as eighteen months of age.