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    The effect of language ability and residual hearing on speech perception outcomes for older children using multichannel cochlear implants [Abstract]
    Dowell, Richard C. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Hill, Katie ; Winton, Elizabeth ; Hollow, Rod ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 2002)
    Early-deafened teenagers or young adults have shown somewhat disappointing performance with cochlear implants in the past, however, in recent years a proportion of older children have demonstrated excellent speech perception performance. There is a great deal of variability in speech perception performance within this group. It is important to investigate the factors influencing performance so that adolescents and their families can make informed decisions regarding cochlear implant surgery. This study considered a number of possible predictive factors in a group of 25 children implanted in Melbourne between the ages of 8 and 18 years. Subjects completed open set speech perception testing using BKB sentences both pre-and postoperatively, and pre-operative language testing using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. Data were collected regarding the type of hearing loss, age at implant, age at hearing aid fitting, audiometric details, and the pre-and post-operative communication mode. Multivariate analysis suggested that three factors were associated with postoperative speech perception performance. Results were improved for subjects with better pre-operative speech perception, better pre-operative language ability, and when the duration of profound hearing loss was shorter. These three factors accounted for 66% of the variance in this group. The results of this study suggest that children who have useful pre-implant speech perception, and higher age-equivalent scores on language measures, would be expected to do well with a cochlear implant. A shorter duration of profound hearing loss is also advantageous. Mean speech perception scores for the older group were not significantly different from younger children.
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    The effects of post-implant habilitation on long-term outcomes for children using multichannel cochlear implants [Abstract]
    Dowell, Richard C. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; WILLIAMS, SARAH ; TOMOV, ALEXANDRA ; Hollow, Rod ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 2002)
    Those working in the cochlear implant field advocate a regular habilitation program for young children receiving implants. Developing auditory skills and the incorporating these into general language development are considered to be key areas for such programs. Investigations of speech perception and language outcomes have demonstrated that the emphasis of spoken language development appears to enhance the results for implanted children. It remains difficult, however, to demonstrate the effect of habilitation as a separate factor and to determine how much individual attention is desirable for each child. This preliminary study considered the long term speech perception and language outcomes for two groups of children who received Nucleus cochlear implants in Melbourne. The first group (n = 17) was identified as receiving regular habilitation from the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic over a four year post-operative period. A second group (n = 11) was identified as receiving very little regular habilitation over the post-operative period. Language and speech perception results for these two groups showed significant differences in performance on a wide range of measures. The group who received regular, formal habilitation demonstrated better performance on all measures. These groups included only congenitally, profoundly hearing- impaired children and did not differ significantly on mean age at implant or experience at the time of assessment. A more comprehensive study is needed to clarify these results on a larger group of children, and to control for additional confounding variables. Nonetheless, these results provide support for the incorporation of regular long-term habilitation into cochlear implant programs for children.
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    Predicting speech perception results for children using multichannel cochlear implants [Abstract]
    Dowell, Richard C. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; WILLIAMS, SARAH ; Hill, Katie ; TOMOV, ALEXANDRA ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 2002)
    It is most helpful in counselling families considering cochlear implantation to have some ability to predict outcomes for individual hearing-impaired children. Speech perception results for open-set words and sentences have been collected for all children implanted with the Nucleus device in Melbourne. Assessments are available at approximately six month intervals following implantation, Data was collected for each child regarding type of hearing loss, duration and age at onset of profound hearing loss, age at implantation, pre and post-implant communication mode, developmental delay, speech coding scheme and implant experience. These data were used as predictor variables in step-wise multiple linear regression analyses with the speech perception scores as the dependent variables. Shorter duration of profound hearing loss, later onset of profound hearing loss, exclusively oral communication mode following implantation, and longer implant experience were associated with significantly (p < 0.00 I) improved open-set speech perception. The use of the SPEAK signal coding scheme was shown to provide significantly better speech perception performance for children (p < 0.00 I). Developmental delay was associated with poorer speech perception outcomes (p < 0.0 I). Over 50% of the variance in speech perception scores was accounted for by these variables. The study suggests that younger implantation for congenitally deaf children leads to improved speech perception results. On the other hand, the development of auditory language skills in implanted children may be as important as age at implantation in enhancing long term outcomes. Regression equations derived from these results can be used to predict outcomes for cochlear implant candidates with a reasonable accuracy.
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    Speech perception in implanted children: influence of preoperative residual hearing on outcomes [Abstract]
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Barker, E. J. ; Pegg, P. ; Dettman, S. ; Rennie, M. ; Galvin, K. ; Meskin, T. ; Rance, G. ; Cody, K. ; Sarant, J. ; Larratt, M. ; Latus, K. ; HOLLOW, RODNEY ; Rehn, C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Pyman, B. ; Gibson, W. P. R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1998)
    Since the first child was implanted with the Nucleus 22-channel prosthesis in Melbourne in 1985, several thousand children world-wide have now benefitted from this technology. More effective paediatric assessment and management procedures have now been developed, allowing cochlear implants to be offered to children under the age of 2 years. Improvements in speech processing strategy have also been implemented in the Nucleus implant system, resulting in increased mean speech perception benefits for implanted adults. Although a range of performance on formal measures of hearing, speech or language has been reported for children using implants, results from the first decade of implant experience consistently show that significant benefits are available to children receiving their implant at an early age. Reported speech perception results for implanted children show that a considerable proportion (60%) of paediatric patients in the Melbourne and Sydney clinics are able to understand some open-set speech using electrical stimulation alone. These results, and the upward trend of mean speech perception benefits shown for postlinguistically deafened adults have raised questions as to whether severely, or severely-to-profoundly deaf children currently using hearing aids would in fact benefit more from a cochlear implant. To investigate the potential influence of the degree of preoperative residual hearing on postoperative speech perception, results for all implanted children in the Melbourne and Sydney cochlear implant programs were analysed. Results showed that as a group, children with higher levels of preoperative residual hearing were consistently more likely to achieve open-set speech perception benefits. Potential factors in this finding could be higher levels of ganglion cell survival or greater patterning of the auditory pathways using conventional hearing aids prior to implantation. Conversely, children with the least preoperative residual hearing were less predictable, with some children achieving open-set perception, and others showing more limited closed-set benefits to perception. For these children, it is likely that preoperative residual hearing is of less significance than other factors in outcomes.
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    Multichannel auditory brainstem implants: an Australian case study [Abstract]
    Hollow, Rod ; COWAN, ROBERT ; BRIGGS, ROBERT ; KAYE, ANDREW ; DOWELL, RICHARD ; Shaw, Stephanie ; Clarke, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    The multichannel Auditory Brainstem Implant (ABI) is an implantable device designed to restore a level of auditory perception in patients with bilateral acoustic neuromas, where the removal of the tumours is expected to result in a total loss of hearing. As with the cochlear implant, the ABI utilises an externally worn speech processor and headset, together with a surgically-placed receiver-stimulator and electrode array. The electrode array, developed through the collaboration of the House Ear Institute in the United States and Cochlear Corporation, consists of eight electrodes on a carrier, which is placed on the surface of the brainstem in the area of the cochlear nucleus.
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    Current trends in speech perception performance in adult cochlear implant patients [Abstract]
    Hollow, Rod ; Plant, Kerrie ; Whitford, Lesley ; Skok, Marisa ; DOWELL, RICHARD ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    In 1994, Cochlear Pty. Ltd. (Now Cochlear Limited) released a new speech processor, the Spectra 22, for use with the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear implant. The Spectra 22 speech processor incorporates a new speech processing strategy called SPEAK, which is based upon research conducted by the University of Melbourne. This paper reports post-operative scores on open-set word and sentence materials for adult patients in the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic who have been started up with the Spectra 22 speech processor.
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    Speech perception in people with a severe hearing loss: preliminary results [Abstract]
    Flynn, Mark C. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    Recent improvements in multichannel cochlear implants have led to improved speech perception for people with profound hearing impairments. Given this improvement, it has been suggested that some people with severe hearing impairments would be more successful with a cochlear implant than a hearing aid. Unfortunately little research exists to support the suitability of cochlear implants for these individuals. In order to determine this, a detailed investigation of the aided performance of people with severe hearing losses is being conducted at The University of Melbourne (School of Audiology). Severe hearing loss was defined as a pure tone average of greater than 60dBHL, but no worse that 100dBSPL in the better ear. At present, 15 participants have taken part in this study and their results will be discussed. Each participant took part in a standard audiometric assessment which included an audiogram, AB words, tympanometry with acoustic reflexes and an ABR. Each participant’s hearing aids were assessed to make sure that they were optimally aided. Following the hearing aid evaluation the participants took part in a series of traditional speech perception tests which included 24 consonant recognition, 11 vowel recognition, CNC words, CUNY sentences, and the Connected Speech Test (CSTv2). Other tests of speech perception were conducted which looked at the effects of different types of background noise, amounts of reverberation, rates of speech and amount of available context. The aim of this was to better simulate “real-life” listening conditions. Consequently, a range of results for both traditional assessments of speech perception and simulated listening conditions will be presented and compared.
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    Speech perception for hearing aid users versus cochlear implantees [Abstract]
    Flynn, Mark C. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    Abstract not available due to copyright.
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    Speech perception for children with different levels of residual hearing using the cochlear 22-channel cochlear prosthesis [Abstract[
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Barker, E. J. ; Del Dot, J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Dettman, S. ; Hollow, R. ; Herridge, S. ; Rance, G. ; Larratt, M. ; Skok, M. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Pyman, B. ; Gibson, W. P. R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    Over the past 10 years, since the implantation of the first children with the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear prosthesis in Melbourne, the number of profoundly deaf children using this implant system has rapidly expanded. Longer-term experience with implanted children has led to improvements in paediatric assessment and management. Speech processing strategies have also been improved, resulting in a series of increases in speech perception benefits. Results of comparative studies of Speak and Multipeak speech processing strategies have shown that open-set word and sentence scores for a group of thirteen children evaluated over a two year period showed an advantage with the Speak speech processing strategy. The increases were noted particularly in speech perception in poor signal-to-noise conditions. Analysis has shown that consonant perception was significantly increased, due to an improved place perception. Given current speech perception scores for implanted children, it has been suggested that severely-to-profoundly deaf children currently using hearing aids could in fact benefit more from a cochlear implant. Preliminary investigation of results for children in the Melbourne and Sydney cochlear implant programs has shown that children with higher levels of preoperative residual hearing as a group do score significantly on open-set word and sentence perception tests using the implant alone. In children with lower levels of residual hearing, results were variable across the group.
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    Signal processing for multichannel cochlear implants: past, present and future [Abstract]
    DOWELL, RICHARD ; SELIGMAN, PETER ; MCDERMOTT, HUGH ; Whitford, Lesley ; BLAMEY, PETER ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1994)
    Since the late 1970's, many groups have worked on developing effective signal processing for multichannel cochlear implants. The main aim of such schemes has been to provide the best possible speech perception for those using the device. Secondary aims of providing awareness and discrimination of environmental sounds and appreciation of music have also been considered. Early designs included some that attempted to simulate the normal cochlea. The application of such complex processing schemes was limited by the technology of the times. In some cases, researchers reverted to the use of single channel systems which could be controlled reliably with the existing technology. In other cases, as with the Australian implant, a simple multichannel processing scheme was devised that allowed a reliable implementation with available electronics. Over the next 15 years, largely due to the improvements in integrated circuit technology, the signal processors have slowly become more complex. Further psychophysical research has shown how additional information can be transferred effectively to implant users via electrical stimulation of the cochlea. This has lead to rapid improvement in the speech perception abilities of adults using cochlear implants. Some of the main developments in signal processing over the last 15 years will be discussed along with the latest speech perception results obtained with the new SPEAK processing scheme for the Australian 22-channel cochlear implant. Initial results for SPEAK show mean scores of 70% (equivalent to 85-90% phoneme scores) for open set monosyllabic word testing for experienced adult users. Although there remains a large range of performance for all users of cochlear implants, average speech perception scores for all implanted adults have also improved significantly with the developments in signal processing. It appears likely that multichannel cochlear implants will be a viable alternative for the treatment of severe hearing loss in the future.