Graeme Clark Collection

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    Speech analysis and synthesis [Abstract]
    Tong, Y. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Patrick, J. F. ; Gwyther, J. L. ( 1976)
    Speech sounds are digitized and stored in mass storage units of a Hewlett Packard computer system. A short-time frequency analysis of the speech sounds is then performed, and sound spectrographs are displayed on a Tektronix 4014 terminal. The speech sounds are also processed using a digital computer model of hasilar membrane motion, and envelope details of the cochlear analysis are displayed using the same technique as the sound spectrograph. Speech sounds are synthesized by rule using a hardward terminal analog synthesizer. A digital computer is used to translate a sequence of phonemes which comprise the speech sound into the control signals required by the synthesizer.
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    Chronic electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve in cats
    Shepherd, R. K. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Black, R. C. ; Patrick, J. F. ( 1982)
    One requirement for the success of a cochlear hearing prosthesis is that long-term electrical stimulation must not have adverse effects on the residual spiral ganglion cell population. Electrochemically 'safe' stimulation regimes have been defined for the cortex (Brummer &Turner, 1977). However, few investigators have examined the effects of long-term intracochlear electrical stimulation. Walsh et al (1980), stimulating with current densities greater than the 'safe' limits defined by Brummer &Turner (1977), for periods of up to 800 hours at current levels of 4.0-8.0 mA, recorded slight local neural degeneration adjacent to the electrodes.