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    A training program for use with multichannel speech perception/production tactile devices [Abstract]
    GALVIN, KARYN ; COWAN, ROBERT ; Mavrias, Gina ; Moore, Alessandra ; SARANT, JULIA ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    Over the past ten years, there have been remarkable improvements in both conventional hearing aid technology and in the use of multichannel cochlear prostheses. These developments have resulted in improved speech perception for severely and profoundly hearing impaired adults and children. However, a small number of adults and children remain unable to benefit from either of these prosthetic approaches. This may occur as a result of medical/surgical issues, which render implantation unfeasible, or from a decision by the patient or parents that the device is inappropriate for the individual person. In these cases, use of a supplemental speech perception device employing the intact tactile modality has been advocated. A number of single and multichannel devices have been developed, both commercially and in the laboratory. One of these, the Tickle Talker, a multichannel electrotactile speech processor, has been developed and thoroughly evaluated with both adults and children at the University of Melbourne. Benefits to speech perception have been noted on both closed-set phonemic discrimination tests, and on open-set word and sentence scores, where the device was used to supplement lipreading and/or aided residual hearing. Benefits to articulation have also been noted. Recently, improved speech processing and the design of a new electrode handset have been implemented. While these factors are important to device acceptance, the critical factor in improving speech perception and production appears to be the training program which is employed with the device. The program must be based on the information available through the device, but organised to emphasize the integration of tactually-encoded speech information into open-set understanding of words and sentences if communication is to be improved. The important elements of the program will be discussed. At present, no tactile device is able to provide sufficient information for open-set speech understanding using only the tactile input. While this may be an ultimate goal, significant periods of training may be required to achieve this outcome.
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    Speech perception for children with different levels of residual hearing using the cochlear 22-channel cochlear prosthesis [Abstract[
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Barker, E. J. ; Del Dot, J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Dettman, S. ; Hollow, R. ; Herridge, S. ; Rance, G. ; Larratt, M. ; Skok, M. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Pyman, B. ; Gibson, W. P. R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    Over the past 10 years, since the implantation of the first children with the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear prosthesis in Melbourne, the number of profoundly deaf children using this implant system has rapidly expanded. Longer-term experience with implanted children has led to improvements in paediatric assessment and management. Speech processing strategies have also been improved, resulting in a series of increases in speech perception benefits. Results of comparative studies of Speak and Multipeak speech processing strategies have shown that open-set word and sentence scores for a group of thirteen children evaluated over a two year period showed an advantage with the Speak speech processing strategy. The increases were noted particularly in speech perception in poor signal-to-noise conditions. Analysis has shown that consonant perception was significantly increased, due to an improved place perception. Given current speech perception scores for implanted children, it has been suggested that severely-to-profoundly deaf children currently using hearing aids could in fact benefit more from a cochlear implant. Preliminary investigation of results for children in the Melbourne and Sydney cochlear implant programs has shown that children with higher levels of preoperative residual hearing as a group do score significantly on open-set word and sentence perception tests using the implant alone. In children with lower levels of residual hearing, results were variable across the group.
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    A review of the biological, psychophysical, and speech processing principles used to design the tickle talker
    Blamey, P. J. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Alcantara, J. I. ; Whitford, L. A. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1992)
    The Tickle Talker is a wearable electrotactile speech processor, designed to be used by profoundly hearing-impaired children and adults in conjunction with lipreading and residual hearing. The effectiveness of such a device is affected by an interaction between biological, human engineering, psychophysical, and speech processing considerations. The requirements, the design principles, and the performance of the Tickle Talker in each of these areas will be discussed. Electrical stimulation of the nerve bundles lying along the sides of the fingers was chosen to provide safe, comfortable, energy-efficient stimulation of a well-organised and sensitive part of the tactile sensory system. This is achieved at a small cost to the appearance and mobility of one hand when using the Tickle Talker. The biphasic pulse waveform used to stimulate the nerve bundles has been chosen to ensure a biologically safe stimulus. The electrical parameters (pulse duration, pulse rate, and electrode position) that are used to encode speech information are varied within ranges that are matched to the characteristics of the tactile sense. The usable ranges and information-carrying potential of each of these parameters have been assessed in psychophysical experiments. A comparison of these results with similar experimental data for cochlear implant and hearing aid users is instructive in assessing the possible limitations of tactile and auditory speech processors. The results discussed will include the discrimination and identification of stimuli differing in intensity, duration and pulse rate; the identification of different spatial patterns of stimulation, and the detection of gaps in stimuli. In most respects, the tactile results are similar to the corresponding auditory measures. The resolution of temporal differences such as pulse rate discrimination or gap detection are generally not as good as in the auditory case, but may be as good or better than the corresponding results for some profoundly hearing-impaired individuals. The speech processor used in the Tickle Talker is a "feature extraction" device that explicitly estimates the second formant frequency, amplitude envelope, and fundamental frequency of the voice and encodes them in terms of electrode position, pulse width and pulse rate of the electrical stimulation pattern. Consideration of the psychophysical results and the speech information available from these parameters allows optimization of the Tickle Talker's operation and a broad estimation of its potential performance in speech discrimination. The perception of duration and place of articulation (front/back) of vowels, and the manner and voicing of consonants are expected to be improved by the Tickle Talker. Prosodic variations conveyed by pulse rate are expected to be perceived by some users, but not all. High frequency consonants such as: /s/,/z/./?/, and /t?/ are encoded in a particularly salient manner by the Tickle Talker.
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    The effect of language knowledge on speech perception: what are we really assessing? [Abstract]
    Sarant, J. Z. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    It is a common finding that many hearing-impaired children have poorer language skills than their normally-hearing peers of the same age. It is also logical to assume that the measurement of open-set speech perception in children with cochlear implants could be affected by limited receptive vocabulary and syntactic knowledge. Therefore, we may be significantly underestimating the speech perception abilities of some hearing-impaired children.
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    The effect of language knowledge on speech perception in children with impaired hearing
    Sarant, J. Z. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    Open-set words and sentences were used to assess auditory speech perception of three hearing-impaired children aged 9 to 15 years using the Nucleus 22channel cochlear implant. Vocabulary and syntax used in the tests were assessed following the initial perception tests. Remediation was given in specific vocabulary and syntactic areas, chosen separately for each child, and the children were reassessed. Two children showed a significant post-remediation improvement in their overall scores on the syntactic test and both perception measures. The third child who was older, had the best language knowledge and the lowest auditory speech perception scores, showed no significant change on any of the measures. Language remediation in specific areas of weakness may be the quickest way to enhance speech perception for some children with impaired hearing in this age range.
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    Speech perception benefits for children using the Speak speech processing strategy in quiet and noise [Abstract]
    Whitford, L.A. ; Dowell, R.C. ; Brown, C. ; Gibson, W.P.R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Shaw, S. ; Everingham, C. ( 1995)
    The Speak speech processing strategy, based on the Spectral Maxima Speech Processor (SMSP) developed at the University of Melbourne, has now been implemented in the Spectra 22 speech processor developed by Cochlear Pty Limited, and clinical trials of both patients changing from the previous Multipeak strategy to Speak and patients starting up with Speak have been conducted. Results in adult patients changing to Speak have shown significant improvements in speech perception in quiet and particularly in background noise as compared with Multipeak.
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    Speech perception results for children changing from multipeak to SPEAK speech processing strategy [Abstract]
    Sarant, J.Z. ; DelDot, J. ; Dettman, S. ; Hollow, R. ; Skok, M. ; Seligman, P.M. ; Dowell, R.C. ; Gibson, W.P.R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Pyman, B. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Shaw, S. ; Barker, E. J. ; Brown, C. ( 1996)
    In mid-1994, a new speech processing strategy termed SPEAK was introduced for the Nucleus Spectra-22 cochlear prostheses. To compare benefits in implanted children changing to the SPEAK strategy, speech perception in a group of twelve children from Melbourne and Sydney was evaluated. The children were assessed in quiet and in background noise.
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    Speech perception in children following habilitation with background noise [Abstract]
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Klieve, S. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    Recent evaluation of open-set work and sentence perception results for a group of children evaluated over a two year period showed that improvements to speech perception scores in poor signal-to-noise conditions were possible with use of the Speak speech processing strategy. The increases were noted particularly in speech perception in poor signal-to-noise conditions. However, overall scores were still lower that for hearing in quiet. As children are often in noisy environments, it was of interest to assess whether specific habilitation involving perception in controlled background noise could improve perception. A preliminary study evaluating perception of open-set words and sentences in background noise for four children has been completed. Each of the children was assessed over a six month period, using repeated assessments of connected discourse tracking, and word and sentence perception scores. At each assessment, measures were made both in quiet and in background noise. The specific signal-to-noise ration varied with each child, but was kept constant through the evaluation. During the six month period, children had weekly habilitation sessions, which included specific perceptual training in controlled background noise. Preliminary results indicate that training in ‘controlled noise’ can significantly improve speech perception results for this group of children.
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    Effects of habilitation in background noise on speech perception in implanted children [Abstract]
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Klieve, S. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    Evaluation of a group of children using the Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant, evaluated over a two year period, showed that improvements to speech perception scores in poor signal-to-noise conditions could be achieved through use of the Speak speech processing strategy. The increases were noted particularly in perception of consonant place features in poor signal-to-noise conditions. However, overall scores were still lower than for hearing in quiet.
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    Factors affecting speech perception in children cochlear 22-channel cochlear prosthesis [Abstract]
    Dettman, S. ; Hollow, R. ; Herridge, S. ; Rance, G. ; Larratt, M. ; Skok, M. ; Dowel, R.C. ; Pyman, B. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Klieve, S. ; Barker, E. J. ; DeDot, J. ; Sarant, J. S. ( 1996)
    Since the implantation of the first children with the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear prosthesis in Melbourne in 1985, there have been rapid expansion world-wide in the number of children using this implant system. Longer-term experience with implanted children has led to improvements in paediatric assessment and management. Speech processing strategies have also been improved, resulting in a series of increases in speech perception benefits.