Graeme Clark Collection

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    Pitch and vowel perception in cochlear implant users
    Blamey, Peter J. ; Parisi, Elvira S. ( 1994)
    Two methods of determining the pitch or timbre of electrical stimuli in comparison with acoustic stimuli are described. In the first experiment, the pitch of pure tones and electrical stimuli were compared directly by implant users who have residual hearing in the non-implanted ear. This resulted in a relationship between frequency in the non-implanted ear and position of the best-matched electrode in the implanted ear. In the second experiment, one- and two-formant synthetic vowels, with formant frequencies covering the range from 200 to 4000 Hz, were presented to the same implant users through their implant or through their hearing aid. The listeners categorised each stimulus according to the closest vowel from a set of eleven possibilities, and a vowel centre was calculated for each response category for each ear. Assuming that stimuli at the vowel centres in each ear sound alike, a second relationship between frequency and electrode position was derived. Both experiments showed that electrically-evoked pitch is much lower than that produced by pure tones at the corresponding cochlear location in normally-hearing listeners. This helps to explain why cochlear implants with electrode arrays that rarely extend beyond the basal turn of the cochlea have achieved high levels of speech recognition in postlinguistically deafened adults without major retraining or adaptation by the users. The techniques described also have potential for optimising speech recognition for individual implant users.
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    Using an automatic word-tagger to analyse the spoken language of children with impaired hearing
    Blamey, P. J. ; Grogan, M. L. ; Shields, M. B. ( 1994)
    The grammatical analysis and description of spoken language of children with impaired hearing is time-consuming, but has important implications for their habilitation and educational management. Word-tagging programs have achieved high levels of accuracy with text and adult spoken language. This paper investigates the accuracy of one automatic word tagger (AUTASYS 3.0 developed for the International Corpus of English project, ICE) on a small corpus of spoken language samples from children using a cochlear implant. The accuracy of the tagging and the usefulness of the results in comparison with more conventional analyses are discussed.
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    Combination and comparison of electric stimulation and residual hearing
    BLAMEY, PETER ; Dooley, Gary ; Parisi, Elvira ( 1994)
    Speech processing for cochlear implant users has now reached a level where some severely hearing-impaired hearing aid users may be better aided by a cochlear implant, or a hearing aid and implant together. This paper reviews studies comparing the loudness, pitch, and vowel perception in opposite ears of adults using cochlear implants and hearing aids. A study of nine subjects showed narrow dynamic ranges and steep loudness growth in both ears. Mismatches in aided thresholds and dynamic ranges at different frequencies resulted in highly variable loudness differences between the ears for some subjects. A comparison using pure tones showed that the electric pitch depended on both rate and electrode site. Pitch of electrodes was lower than expected from the characteristic frequency distribution in a normal cochlea. Synthetic vowels were used to show that signals presented via the implant and hearing aid may be perceived as different vowels in the two ears.
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    An extension of the Multipeak speech processing strategy for the MSP/MINI 22 cochlear implant system
    Jones, P. A. ; McDermott, H. J. ; Sellgman, P. M. ; Millar, J. B. ( 1992)
    The speech perception of three post-linguistically deaf adults using the Nucleus MSP/Mini System 22 cochlear implant system programmed with a new speech processing strategy, MPEAK+AO. was evaluated. The MPEAK+AO strategy retains all the information of the standard Multipeak speech processing strategy and additionally presents acoustic components below 400Hz to the most-apical electrode. This extra spectral Information may help implantees understand speech, particularly in noise. Since the estimated fundamental frequency is presented as the rate of stimulation at a fixed intracochlear site and is thereby potentially perceived more easily. and the amplitude of the stimulation on the apical electrode, associated with the voice fundamental, Is directly determined from the estimated energy in the relevant spectral region. these coding factors may provide a better representation ot the prosodic information in speech and a more complete auditory feedback signal. The comparison between Multipeak and MPEAK+AO included tests of vowel, consonant and CNC word recognition. Speech materials were presented with both a male and female speaker. Sentence material. presented with background masking noise (four-speaker babble) was also used. The results showed that the new strategy significantly improved the ability of these MSP users to recognise words in open-set sentences in noisy conditions.
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    Habilitation issues in the management of children using the cochlear multiple-channel cochlear prosthesis
    Galvin Karyn L. ; Dawson Pam W. ; Hollow Rod. ; Dowell Richard C. ; Pyman B. ; Clark Graeme, M. ; Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Barker, Elizabeth J. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; RANCE, GARY ; Zarant, Julia Z. ( 1993)
    Since 1985, a significant proportion of patients seen In the Melbourne cochlear Implant clinic have been children. The children represent a diverse population, with both congenital and acquired hearing-impairment, a wide-range or hearing levels pre-Implant, and an age range from 2 years to 18 years. The habilitation programme developed for the overall group must be flexible enough to be tailored to the Individual needs of each child, and to adapt to the changing needs or children as they progress. Long-term data shows that children are continuing to show Improvements after 5-7 years of device use, particularly In their perception of open-set words and sentences. Habilitation programs must therefore be geared to the long-term needs of children and their families. Both speech perception and speech production need to be addressed In the specific content of the habilitation program for any Individual child. In addition, for young children, the benefits or Improved speech perception should have an Impact on development of speech and language, and the focus of the programme for this age child will reflect this difference In emphasis. Specific materials and approaches will vary for very young children, school-age and teenage children. In addition, educational selling will have a bearing on the Integration of listening and device use Into the classroom environment.
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    A new algorithm for voicing detection and voice pitch estimation based on the neocognitron
    Moxham, James R. E. ; Jones, Peter A. ; McDermott, Hugh D. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1992)
    Over the last decade cochlear implants have been used increasingly to restore hearing to the profoundly deaf. One of the more widely used implants is the Nucleus multi-electrode implant, developed by the University of Melbourne and Cochlear Pty. Ltd. The speech processor used with this implant is the MSP, programmed with the multipeak strategy. This device incorporates circuits to estimate the fundamental frequency (FO) of speech signals, and to decide whether voicing is present. This paper describes a new FO estimator and voicing detection algorithm based on the neocognitron; a neural network modelled on the retina and early visual system. Performance was compared with that of three other FO estimation algorithms: linear predictive coding (LPC), cepstral analysis and the algorithm used in the Multipeak-MSP processor. For the speech samples tested, the neocognitron performed more reliably than the other three systems. On the basis of these results, this work may be able to provide benefits to existing and future cochlear implant users.