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    Design fundamentals for electrotactile devices: the Tickle Talker case study
    Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Galvin, Karyn L. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Sarant, Julia Z. (Whurr, 1995)
    Since the work of Gault in the 1920s, the literature has chronicled the development of numerous tactile devices for use by the hearing impaired in improving communication. Devices have been developed to target improvements in both speech perception and speech production. In each development, the inventors have attempted to encode speech information through stimulation of the intact kinaesthetic system of the individual, as a supplement or replacement for speech input available from the damaged auditory pathway.
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    Research in auditory training
    Blamey, Peter J. ; Alcantara, Joseph I. (Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, 1994)
    Speech perception and communication can improve as a result of experience, and auditory training is one way of providing experiences that may be beneficial. One of the most important factors influencing the effectiveness of auditory training is the amount of experience the client already has. Other factors include the severity of the hearing loss, the sensory device used, the environment, personal qualities of the client and clinician, the type of training, and the type of evaluation used. Despite a long history of clinical practice, the effects of these factors have been investigated in few controlled studies. Even in special cases where training has an obvious role, such as adults using cochlear implants, there has been little objective comparison of alternative training methods. One reason for this is the difficulty of carrying out definitive experiments that measure changes in performance over time in the presence of many confounding variables. These variables may also help to explain the apparently contradictory results that can be found in the literature on auditory training and in the diverse points of view expressed by practicing clinicians. Issues and methods appropriate for research in auditory training among adult clients are discussed with reference to the needs of modem clinical practice.
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    The spectral maxima sound processor: recent findings in speech perception and psychophysics
    McKay, Colette M. ; McDermott, Hugh J. ; Vandali, Andrew E. ; Clark, Graeme M. (Wien, 1994)
    The Spectral Maxima Sound Processor (SMSP) was developed at the University of Melbourne for use with the Mini System 22 implant manufactured by Cochlear Pty Ltd. The SMSP has been shown in recent studies to provide improved speech perception to implantees when compared to the currently commercially available processor for this implant (the MSP (MULTIPEAK) processor). In the first of three experiments, the effect on speech perception of increasing the rate of stimulation of the SMSP and of increasing the number of electrodes activated in each stimulation cycle was studied. It was found that these parameter changes made little difference to speech perception in quiet but both changes were advantageous for some subjects when listening in noise. The second and third experiments investigated psychophysically the effects of two aspects of the SMSP strategy which differ from previous processors for this implant. In the second experiment, it was found that concurrent stimulation of two adjacent or nearby electrodes evoked a pitch which was intermediate to that of either electrode. This may explain, in part, the better discrimination of vowel formants by users of the SMSP. In the third experiment, it was found that a pitch related to the modulation frequency was evoked by amplitude-modulating a constant rate stimulus, provided that the rate of stimulation was sufficiently high (four times the modulation frequency) or a multiple of the modulation frequency. This result may explain the equal ability of SMSP and MSP users to perceive speaker differences and intonation patterns, even though the rate of stimulation is constant In the SMSP.
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    Speech perception for adults using cochlear implants
    Dowell, Richard C. (Whurr, 1994)
    A mere 16 years ago, the title of this chapter would have created considerable consternation in audiological circles. A high proportion of otologists and audiologists would have wondered, with good reason, about the potential content of such a chapter. In 1977, there were certainly cochlear implants in use with reported benefits, but reliable documentation of any useful speech perception under controlled conditions was difficult to find. The rapid development of cochlear prostheses since that time has led to thousands of profoundly hearing-impaired adults obtaining benefits for speech perception, and there is now no doubt regarding the efficacy of such devices. This chapter will provide a brief overview of this rapid improvement in the speech perception of adult cochlear implant users, consider some of the reasons for this improvement, and discuss some of the factors that may influence speech perception performance for the individual user. (From Introduction)
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    Habilitation issues in the management of children using the cochlear multiple-channel cochlear prosthesis
    Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Barker, Elizabeth J. ; Dettman, Shani J. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; RANCE, GARY ; Sarant, Julia Z. ; Galvin, Karyn L. ; Dawson, Pam W. ; Hollow, Rod ; Dowell, Richard C. ; PYMAN, BRIAN ; Clark, Graeme M. (Wien, 1994)
    Since 1985, a significant proportion of patients seen in the Melbourne cochlear implant clinic have been children. The children represent a diverse population, with both congenital and acquired hearing-impairments, a wide-range of hearing levels pre-implant, and an age range from 2 years to 18 years. The habilitation programme developed for the overall group must be flexible enough to be tailored to the individual needs of each child, and to adapt to the changing needs of children as they progress. Long-term data shows that children are continuing to show improvements after 5-7 years of device use, particularly in their perception of open-set words and sentences. Habilitation programs must therefore be geared to the long-term needs of children and their families. Both speech perception and speech production need to be addressed in the specific content of the habilitation program for any individual child. In addition, for young children, the benefits of improved speech perception should have an impact on development of speech and language, and the focus of the programme for this age child will reflect this difference in emphasis. Specific materials and approaches will vary for very young children, school-age and teenage children. In addition, educational setting will have a bearing on the integration of listening and device use into the classroom environment.
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    Cochlear implants: historical perspectives
    Clark, Graeme M. (Whurr, 1995)
    These historical perspectives are seen from a personal point of view, and date back to the author's first involvement with cochlear implant research at the beginning of 1967. The perspectives are aimed at presenting the questions asked, the difficulties faced and the solutions achieved in the development of our multichannel cochlear prosthesis. Work in other centres is discussed when relevant, to set our research in context. Space does not permit a detailed presentation of our research or the contributions of others. It is hoped, however, that by presenting personal perspectives on the cut and thrust of human endeavour, and its interface with technology, a contribution will be made to the overall goal of understanding the origins of cochlear implants.
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    Speech processing for cochlear implants
    Tong, Y. C. ; Millar, J. B. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Patrick, J. F. ; Seligman, P. M. (JAI Press Ltd, 1992)
    The cochlear implant is a hearing prosthesis designed to replace the function of the ear. The operation of the prosthesis can be described as a sequence of four functions: the processing of the acoustic signal received by a microphone; the transfer of the processed signal through the skin; the creation of neural activity in the auditory nerve; and the integration of the experience of this neural activity into the perceptual and cognitive processing of the implantee.
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    Comparison of current speech coding strategies
    Whitford, L. A. ; Seligman, P. M. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; McDermott, H. J. ; Patrick, J. F. ( 1993)
    This paper reports on two studies carried out at the University of Melbourne jointly with Cochlear Pty Ltd. The studies demonstrated substantial speech perception improvements over the current Multipeak strategy in background noise.
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    Preliminary speech perception results for children with the 22-electrode Melbourne/ cochlear hearing prosthesis
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Dawson, P. W. ; Rance, G. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1993)
    The 22-electroce cochlear prosthesis developed by the University of Melbourne and Cochlear Pty. Ltd. has been shown to provide significant speech perception benefits to profoundly deafened adults. More recently, use of an improved Multipeak encoding strategy has significantly improved speech perception performance both in quiet and in noise. Benefits to speech perception in children have not as yet been fully documented, in part due to the shorter history of implant use in children and the smaller overall number of children implanted as compared with adults. The first implantation of the 22-electrode cochlear prosthesis in a child was carried out in Melbourne in January of 1985. In Melbourne, a 5-year-old child was operated on in April 1986, and a first congenitally deaf child in April 1987. The age of implantation has been progressively reduced, with the first 2-year-old child implanted in Melbourne in 1990. As at January 1992, approximately 1,200 children (under 18 years of age inclusive) have been implanted worldwide with the 22-electrode cochlear prosthesis. Of this number, approximately 50% are under the age of 6 years. The age of the child, aetiology of the hearing loss, age at onset and duration of the hearing loss, education program attended both prior to and subsequent to implantation, and parental motivation to assist in habilitation are all factors which may affect an individual child's development and progress with the device. Evaluation of performance in children is complicated by a number of issues, including the effects of delayed speech and language development, and the ability of individual children to perform auditory tests. The measure of performance chosen for any evaluation will also reflect the interests of the particular clinician. For example, effects of device use on speech production may be of interest to the speech therapist, whereas educational progress will be of primary importance to the teacher of an implanted child. However, in choosing an appropriate evaluation test to measure progress woth the cochlear prosthesis, it is vital to realize that all measures such as effects of device use on speech production, educational progress, development of language, and effects on social and communication skills depend on the child being able to accurately perceive speech information through her/his device.
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    Pattern recognition and masking in cochlear implant patients
    Blamey, P. J. ; Dooley, G. J. (Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993)
    Studies of the temporal course of masking using pulsatile electrical stimulation provide a sensitive new technique for the investigation of central pattern recognition. The masked threshold for a single-pulse probe was studied for several different maskers as a function of the time between the probe and the start of the masker. These experiments showed the gradual development of a temporal pattern in the masked thresholds as the number of pulses in the masker was increased. For a 210 msec masker with pulses at 10 msec intervals, both backward and forward masking thresholds showed a well-defined peak at times 10 msec before and after the masker. Probe pulses presented at these times were probably perceived to be part of the masker pattern and therefore were not easily identified as probe pulses. This conclusion was confirmed by using a masker with pulses at 20 msec intervals. Only backward masking was tested, and the results showed a peak approximately 20 msec before the start of the masker, fitting in with the temporal pattern of the masker.