Graeme Clark Collection

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    Hearing restoration with the multichannel auditory brainstem implant
    Briggs, R. J. S. ; Kaye, A. H. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Hollow, R. D. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1997)
    Restoration of useful hearing is now possible in patients with bilateral acoustic neuromas by direct electrical stimulation of the cochlear nucleus. Our first experience with the Multichannel Auditory Brainstem Implant is reported. A forty four year old female with bilateral acoustic neuromas and a strong family history of Neurofibromatosis Type II presented with profound bilateral hearing impairment. Translabyrinthine removal of the right tumour was performed with placement of the Nucleus eight electrode Auditory Brainstem Implant. Intraoperative electrically evoked auditory brainstem response monitoring successfully confirmed placement over the cochlear nucleus. Postoperatively, auditory responses were obtained on stimulation of all electrodes with minimal non-auditory sensations. The patient now receives useful auditory sensations using the "SPEAK" speech processing strategy. Auditory brainstem Implantation should be considered for patients with Neurofibromatosis Type II in whom hearing preservation tumour removal is not possible.
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    Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve with a cochlear implant and the temporal coding of sound frequencies: a brief review
    Clark, Graeme M. ( 1997)
    There is considerable evidence that the brain translates (encodes) the frequency of a sound into both place of excitation (place encoding), and the pattern of intervals between action potentials (temporal encoding). Furthermore, temporal encoding is now thought to be due to a temporal as well as spatial pattern of action potentials in a small group of neurons. This pattern needs to be reproduced with a cochlear implant for improved speech processing. Our recent research has also demonstrated that the timing of excitatory postsynaptic potentials seen with intracellular recordings from brain cells, rather than extracellularly recorded action potentials, correlates better with the frequency of sound. These excitatory postsynaptic potentials are likely to be the link between the patterns of action potentials arriving at nerve cells and the biomolecular activity in the cell. This response also needs to be replicated with improved speech processing strategies.
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    Intracochlear factors contributing to psychophysical percepts following cochlear implantation
    Kawano, A. ; Seldon, H. Lee ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Ramsden, R. T. ; Raine, C. H. ( 1998)
    The performance of cochlear implant patients may be related to intracochlear, histopathological factors. We have performed detailed post-mortem examinations of five human, implanted cochleas and for each electrode correlated the psychophysical threshold, comfortable level and dynamic range with spiral ganglion cell survival, presence of fibrous tissue and/or new bone, and distance between the centers of the electrode bands and Rosenthal’s canal. The psychophysical parameters were strongly interrelated. Threshold and comfort levels correlated with the distance between the electrodes and Rosenthal’s canal. Threshold levels also correlated with the presence of intracochlear fibrous tissue and new bone, especially with the former. The dynamic range showed a negative correlation with intracochlear pathology, especially with new bone. Comfort levels and dynamic range were related to spiral ganglion cell survival. The distance between the electrodes and the modiolus increased with increasing levels of fibrous tissue and new bone. Spiral ganglion cell survival was decreased with increasing levels of fibrous tissue and new bone.
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    Modulation detection interference in cochlear implant subjects
    Richardson, Louise M. ; Busby, Peter A. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1998)
    Abstract not available due to copyright.
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    Effects of chronic electrical stimulation on spiral ganglion neuron survival and size in deafened kittens
    Araki, Susumu ; Kawano, Atsushi ; Seldon, H. Lee ; Shepherd, Robert K. ; Funasaka, Sotaro ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1998)
    We have studied spiral ganglion cell (SGC) survival and soma size in neonatally pharmacologically deafened kittens. They were implanted with a four-electrode array in the left cochlea at 100 to 180 or more days of age. Eight animals were chronically stimulated approximately 1000 hours over approximately 60 days with charge-balanced, biphasic current pulses; three were unstimulated controls. Using three-dimensional computer-aided reconstruction of the cochlea, the SGC position and cross-sectional area were stored. SGC position was mapped to the organ of Corti by perpendicular projections, starting from the basal end. The basal region of the cochlea was divided into three 4-mm segments. SGC survival (number per 0.1 mm of the length of the organ of Corti) and soma size for stimulated cochleae were compared statistically with implanted but unstimulated cochleae. There was no evidence of an effect of electrical stimulation on SGC survival under this protocol and with this duration. On the other hand, the cell size on the stimulated side was significantly larger than the control side in the middle segment (4 to 8 mm from the basal end). SGCs undergo a reduction in size after prolonged auditory deprivation; however, these changes may be partially moderated after chronic intracochlear electrical stimulation.
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    Studies of prosody perception by cochlear implant patients
    Richardson, Louise M. ; Busby, Peter A. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1998)
    Prosodic information is conveyed to normally-hearing listeners by variations in acoustic fundamental frequency, amplitude envelope, and duration of speech segments. This study measured cochlear implant patients' sensitivity to these parameters in electrically coded speech. The psychophysical discrimination of electric parameters used to code prosodic information, were examined, together with prosody perception using speech processing strategies which modified the contributions of these parameters. Patients were implanted with the Cochlear Limited prosthesis and used the MPEAK speech processing strategy. In the psychophysical studies, difference limens were measured for steady-state and time-varying stimuli, of different pulse rates and pulse durations, over a series of different stimulus durations. These limens were obtained using an adaptive procedure which converged on the 50 per cent correct point. In the prosody perception studies, performance was measured for the MPEAK strategy and for strategies which modified the contributions of pulse rate and pulse duration. Data were collected for five tests of prosodic contrasts. Difference limens for steady-state pulse rates were larger at higher rates (17 per cent at 400 pulses/s) than at lower rates (6 per cent at 100 pulses/s). For some patients, limens for the time-varying pulse rates were larger than those for the steady-state pulse rates while for the other patients, the limens were similar. Difference limens for pulse duration were 0.3 dB, corresponding to 4 per cent of the dynamic range, for steady-state stimuli and doubled in size for the time-varying stimuli. Prosody perception performance was generally poorer for the modified strategies than for the MPEAK strategy, suggesting that the removal of information coded by pulse rate and pulse duration reduced the perception of prosodic contrasts.
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    Experimental animal model of intracochlear ossification in relation to cochlear implantation
    Chow, J. K. K. ; Seldon, H. L. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Histopathologic examinations of the temporal bones of implanted human patients and experimental animals have demonstrated various degrees of abnormal fibrous tissue or new bone formation within the cochlea; in some cases, extensive new bone formation was reported. The presence of new bone following cochlear implantation is undesirable, since it may adversely affect current distributions in the electrically stimulated cochlea. The pathogenesis of intracochlear osteoneogenesis as a direct result of cochlear implantation is unclear. The aim of this study is to use an experimental animal model to investigate some of the factors underlying the formation of new bone and fibrous tissue within the implanted cochlea, especially the role of insertion trauma and bone chips, and also a possible way of inhibiting such a process using an anticalcific agent of the diphosphonate family, disodium ethane-1-hydroxy-1, 1-diphosphonate(EHDP). The local release of EHDP from a polydimethylsiloxane (Silastic silicone rubber, Dow Corning Corp) controlled delivery system has been shown effective in the context of bioprosthetic heart valve. Its application within the cochlea has not been documented, to our knowledge.
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    The progress of children using the multichannel cochlear implant in Melbourne
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Hollow, R. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Rance, G. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Webb, R. C. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Cousins, V. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Multi-channel cochlear implantation in children began in Australia in 1985 and there are now close to 4000 profoundly deaf children and adolescents using the Australian implant system around the world. The aim of the implant procedure is to provide adequate hearing for speech and language development through auditory input. This contrasts with the situation for adults with acquired deafness where the cochlear implant aims to restore hearing for someone with well-developed auditory processing and language skills. As with adults, results vary over a wide range for children using the Multi-channel implant. Many factors have been suggested that may contribute to differences in speech perception for implanted children. In an attempt to better understand these factors, the speech perception results for children implanted in Melbourne were reviewed and subjected to statistical analysis. This has indicated that the amount of experience with the implant and the length of sensory deprivation are strongly correlated with perceptual results. This means that younger children are likely to perform better with an implant and that a number of years of experience are required for children to reach their full potential. The results have also indicated that educational placement and management play a crucial role in children reaching their potential. Overall, 60% of the children and adolescents in the study have reached a level of open-set speech understanding using the cochlear implant without lipreading.
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    Cochlear implants in children: the value of cochleostomy seals in the prevention of labyrinthitis following pneumococcal otitis media
    Dahm, M. C. ; Webb, R. L. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Franz, B. K-H. ; Shepherd, R. K. ; Burton, M. J. ; ROBINS-BROWNE, R. ( 1995)
    Cochlea implantation at an early age is important in rehabilitating profoundly hearing impaired children. Given the incidence of pneumococcal otitis media in young children, there has been concern that cochlear implantation could increase the possibility of otitis media, leading to labyrinthitis in this age group. Clinical experience has not indicated an increase in the frequency of otitis media and labyrinthitis in implanted adults or children over two years. However, labyrinthitis has occurred in implanted animals with otitis media. In order to assess the impact of cochlear implants on the occurrence of labyrinthitis, pneumococcal otitis media was induced in 21 kittens. Thirty-two kitten cochleas were implanted, of which 9 had a fascial graft and 9 a Gelfoam® graft. Nine control cochleas were unimplanted. Labyrinthitis occurred in 44% of unimplanted controls. 50% of implanted ungrafted cochleas, and 6% of implanted grafted cochleas. There was no statistically significant difference between the incidence of labyrinthitis in the implanted cochleas and the unimplanted controls. However there was a statistically significant difference between the ungrafted and grafted cochleas, but not between the two types of graft.