Graeme Clark Collection

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    Speech perception in implanted children: influence of preoperative residual hearing on outcomes [Abstract]
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Barker, E. J. ; Pegg, P. ; Dettman, S. ; Rennie, M. ; Galvin, K. ; Meskin, T. ; Rance, G. ; Cody, K. ; Sarant, J. ; Larratt, M. ; Latus, K. ; HOLLOW, RODNEY ; Rehn, C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Pyman, B. ; Gibson, W. P. R. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1998)
    Since the first child was implanted with the Nucleus 22-channel prosthesis in Melbourne in 1985, several thousand children world-wide have now benefitted from this technology. More effective paediatric assessment and management procedures have now been developed, allowing cochlear implants to be offered to children under the age of 2 years. Improvements in speech processing strategy have also been implemented in the Nucleus implant system, resulting in increased mean speech perception benefits for implanted adults. Although a range of performance on formal measures of hearing, speech or language has been reported for children using implants, results from the first decade of implant experience consistently show that significant benefits are available to children receiving their implant at an early age. Reported speech perception results for implanted children show that a considerable proportion (60%) of paediatric patients in the Melbourne and Sydney clinics are able to understand some open-set speech using electrical stimulation alone. These results, and the upward trend of mean speech perception benefits shown for postlinguistically deafened adults have raised questions as to whether severely, or severely-to-profoundly deaf children currently using hearing aids would in fact benefit more from a cochlear implant. To investigate the potential influence of the degree of preoperative residual hearing on postoperative speech perception, results for all implanted children in the Melbourne and Sydney cochlear implant programs were analysed. Results showed that as a group, children with higher levels of preoperative residual hearing were consistently more likely to achieve open-set speech perception benefits. Potential factors in this finding could be higher levels of ganglion cell survival or greater patterning of the auditory pathways using conventional hearing aids prior to implantation. Conversely, children with the least preoperative residual hearing were less predictable, with some children achieving open-set perception, and others showing more limited closed-set benefits to perception. For these children, it is likely that preoperative residual hearing is of less significance than other factors in outcomes.
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    A frequency importance function for a new monosyllabic word test
    Henry, Belinda A. ; McDermott, Hugh J. ; McKay, Colette M. ; James, Chris J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1998)
    A frequency importance function, characterising the relative contribution of different frequency bands to speech intelligibility, was determined for a CNC monosyllabic word test designed for Australian usage at the University of Melbourne. The importance function was derived from the phoneme scores of 12 normally-hearing listeners who were tested under various conditions of low-and high-pass filtering presented at signal-to-noise ratios of -8 to +6 dB, using noise which was shaped across frequency 10 match the speech spectrum. The importance function showed a dominant peak at approximately 2000 Hz, which is consistent with previously published word test importance functions. The word test, along with the importance function, will be useful in advanced hearing-aid fitting procedures and research aimed at improving speech perception.
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    A modification of play audiometry to assess speech discrimination ability in severe-profoundly deaf 2- to 4-year-old children
    Dawson, P. W. ; Nott, P. E. ; Clark, Graeme M. ; Cowan, Robert S. C. ( 1998)
    Objective: The aim was to develop an assessment procedure that was independent of language and speech production ability, to test speech feature discrimination severe-profoundly deaf children 2 to 4 yr of age. Design: The procedure being trialled was adapted from existing procedures. The child was required to respond with a game-like motor response to a “change” in a speech stimulus that was being presented repeatedly through a speaker. The change occurred at randomly determined times, and false alarm responses were measured during the waiting periods (while the child waited for the change). Two- to four-yr-old normally hearing children and hearing-impaired children using hearing aids and a group of 4-yr-old hearing-impaired children using cochlear implants were assessed on the task. Results: More than 82% of the 3- and 4-yr-old normally hearing and hearing-impaired children were able to complete the testing for the eight speech sound contrasts within three 20 minute sessions. Fifty percent of the 2-yr-old normally hearing and hearing-impaired children were able to condition and complete the task. All of the normally hearing children who completed the task successfully discriminated all speech sound contrasts. The performance of the hearing-impaired children using hearing aids was influenced by the degree of hearing loss and the type of speech contrast being tested. Similarly, the average performance of the children using cochlear implants was better for easier contrasts such as /ba/bi/ with contrasting vowel formant cues. Conclusions: This procedure has potential for use as a reliable clinical and research tool for assessing the development of auditory discrimination ability in 2- to 4-yr-old severe-profoundly deaf children.
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    A comparison of Tactaid II+ and Tactaid 7 use by adults with a profound hearing impairment
    Galvin, Karyn L. ; Mavrias, Gina ; Moore, Alessandra ; Cowan, Robert S. C. ; Blamery, Peter J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1999)
    Objective: To evaluate and compare use of the Tactaid II+ and the Tactaid 7, in terms of speech perception, by adults with a hearing impairment. Design: Eight adults used one device daily for approximately 10 wk and attended seven training sessions. Performance was measured with tests of phonetic contrast perception, closed-set vowel and consonant identification, word and phoneme recognition in monosyllabic word lists, word recognition in sentences and speechtracking rate. A questionnaire was also administered. The protocol was repeated with the alternative device. Results: With each device, the group discriminated most phonetic contrasts at better-than-chance levels and demonstrated somewhat enhanced visual or auditory-visual perception when measured in terms of vowel identification, monosyllabic word recognition and speechtracking rate. An increase in speechtracking rate was also demonstrated for some individuals. Subjects generally reported little subjective improvement in speech perception and production, but were satisfied with the physical attributes of each device. Five of six subjects preferred the Tactaid 7. Conclusions: The Tactaid II+ and the Tactaid 7 provided suprasegmental and segmental information, enabling the group to discriminate phonetic contrasts and improve their perception of some speech materials. No consistent advantage was found for either device, thought most subjects preferred the Tactaid 7. Alternatives likely to provide a greater benefit to communication should be considered before Tactaid fitting.
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    The importance of different frequency bands to the speech perception of cochlear implantees [Abstract]
    Henry, Belinda A. ; McKay, Colette M. ; McDermott, Hugh J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1996)
    It is well known that cochlear implantees exhibit a wide range of speech perception ability. Understanding the reason for this variability may lead to improved speech processors. This study investigates whether implantees rely on different areas of the speech spectrum for speech cues, compared to normally hearing listeners, and whether poor performers rely on different spectral areas than better performers. Six subjects with the Mini System 22 implant and using the SPEAK strategy participated in this experiment. Scores for monosyllabic words were obtained using the full speech spectrum and with selected frequency bands removed from the subjects’ speech processor maps. The Articulation Index (AI) is a measure of the proportion of speech information available to a listener, and the relative contribution to AI from different frequency bands is termed the Importance Function. The five frequency bands studied in this experiment were determined to be of equal importance to normally hearing listeners for the speech material used. The scores for each implantee were transformed into AI values, and hence the relative importance of the bands was determined. This relative importance was compared between the implantee group and normally hearing listeners to determine the way in which speech perception by electrical stimulation varies from that by acoustical stimulation. Comparisons were also made between individual implantees to determine whether correlations exist between their speech perception ability and their use of cues in different parts of the spectrum. Further research will determine whether the differences among implantees are correlated with their ability to perceive changes in stimulation place or temporal characteristics.
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    The progress of children using the multichannel cochlear implant in Melbourne
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Hollow, R. ; Dettman, S. J. ; Rance, G. ; Barker, E. J. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Webb, R. C. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Cousins, V. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Multi-channel cochlear implantation in children began in Australia in 1985 and there are now close to 4000 profoundly deaf children and adolescents using the Australian implant system around the world. The aim of the implant procedure is to provide adequate hearing for speech and language development through auditory input. This contrasts with the situation for adults with acquired deafness where the cochlear implant aims to restore hearing for someone with well-developed auditory processing and language skills. As with adults, results vary over a wide range for children using the Multi-channel implant. Many factors have been suggested that may contribute to differences in speech perception for implanted children. In an attempt to better understand these factors, the speech perception results for children implanted in Melbourne were reviewed and subjected to statistical analysis. This has indicated that the amount of experience with the implant and the length of sensory deprivation are strongly correlated with perceptual results. This means that younger children are likely to perform better with an implant and that a number of years of experience are required for children to reach their full potential. The results have also indicated that educational placement and management play a crucial role in children reaching their potential. Overall, 60% of the children and adolescents in the study have reached a level of open-set speech understanding using the cochlear implant without lipreading.
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    Comparison of the SPEAK (Spectral Maxima) and multipeak speech processing strategies and improved speech perception in background noise
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Whitford, L. ; Van Hoesel, R. ; McKay, C. M. ; McDermott, H. D. ; Seligman, P. ; Vandali, A. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Cowan, R. C. ( 1995)
    As more is known about speech processing for Cochlear Implant patients, results should continue to improve. It now appears possible that Cochlear Implant patients may, in some instances, reach performance levels that are better than those obtained by most severely deaf people who use hearing aids.
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    Cochlear implants: future research directions
    Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    The future of cochlear implants for profoundly deaf people now seems assured, and further research should improve its benefits. The present benefits of cochlear implants have now been clearly demonstrated. The results have shown that many postlingually deaf adults get significant open-set speech recognition using electrical stimulation alone, and that profoundly deaf children with a cochlear implant get better speech perception than similar children who use hearing aids or tactile vocoders.
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    Vowel imitation task: results over time for 28 cochlear implant children under the age of eight years
    Dettman, S. J. ; Barker, E. J. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Dawson, P. W. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    With increasing numbers of implanted children under the age of 4 years, numerous researchers have reminded us of the need for valid, sensitive, and reliable tests of developing speech perception.1,2 In addition to studies of the efficacy of implanted prostheses, there is a need to investigate the many variables that influence children's communicative performance, such as changes in speech-coding strategy, updated speech-processing systems, the effects of various training regimens, and the selection of educational and communication modes.
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    Research in auditory training
    Blamey, Peter J. ; Alcantara, Joseph I. (Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology, 1994)
    Speech perception and communication can improve as a result of experience, and auditory training is one way of providing experiences that may be beneficial. One of the most important factors influencing the effectiveness of auditory training is the amount of experience the client already has. Other factors include the severity of the hearing loss, the sensory device used, the environment, personal qualities of the client and clinician, the type of training, and the type of evaluation used. Despite a long history of clinical practice, the effects of these factors have been investigated in few controlled studies. Even in special cases where training has an obvious role, such as adults using cochlear implants, there has been little objective comparison of alternative training methods. One reason for this is the difficulty of carrying out definitive experiments that measure changes in performance over time in the presence of many confounding variables. These variables may also help to explain the apparently contradictory results that can be found in the literature on auditory training and in the diverse points of view expressed by practicing clinicians. Issues and methods appropriate for research in auditory training among adult clients are discussed with reference to the needs of modem clinical practice.