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    Potential and limitations of cochlear implants in children
    Dowell, R. C. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Multiple-channel cochlear implants have been in use with children and adolescents for 8 years. The speech perception, speech production, and language of many of these children has been investigated in some detail.l-4 There have been many predictions about factors that may affect the performance of children with implants. For instance, it has been suggested that children with a congenital loss of hearing would not have the same potential to benefit from a cochlear implant as those with an acquired loss. Similarly, it has been suggested that younger children are likely to gain more benefit from a cochlear implant because of the effect of various critical ages for language learning.5 As more results have become available, it has been our observation that the performance of any particular child with a cochlear implant does not appear to follow well-defined rules, and that generalizations about the potential of certain groups of children are likely to encounter many exceptions. We now have a large quantity of results for children using cochlear implants, and it may be possible to determine some of the factors that have a significant effect on performance. This paper will attempt to identify some of these factors by reviewing speech perception results for 100 children implanted with the Nucleus 22-channel cochlear prosthesis in Australia and speech perception results for adult patients. This analysis will use an "information processing" model of a child using a cochlear implant. That is, we will assume that a child will benefit from a cochlear implant in terms of speech perception, production, and language development, if he or she receives a maximal amount of auditory information from the environment, and is able to process this information successfully. This model divides potential limiting or predictive factors into those that affect the information presented to the auditory system (eg, implant technology, surviving auditory neurons) and those that affect the processing of this information (eg, development of central auditory pathways, amount and consistency of auditory input).
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    Chronic middle ear disease and cochlear implantation
    Donnelly, M. J. ; Pyman, B. C. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Profound or total hearing loss can occur in the setting of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), either coincidentally or secondary to the disease process. Obviously, inserting a foreign body through a potentially infected field into a space that communicates intracranially presents a challenging management problem. This paper presents the experience from the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic (CIC) in implanting patients with bilateral CSOM. This is certainly not a common problem, as there have been only 3 cases from 121 implanted adults. However, we feel that it is an important issue with potentially devastating consequences. In addition, there are many countries in which bilateral CSOM is a more common problem and cause of profound or total hearing loss.
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    Initial investigation of the efficacy and biosafety of sodium hyaluronate (healon) as an aid to electrode array insertion
    Donnelly, M. J. ; Cohen, L. T. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    Stimulation of residual neural elements by electrodes inserted into the cochlea to produce the perception of speech and environmental sounds in profoundly deaf people is a fundamental aim of cochlear implantation. The multiple-channel cochlear implant utilizes the tonotopic arrangement of the organ of Corti to also achieve place pitch perception by stimulating different electrode bands. It may be possible to improve the range of pitches perceived by present cochlear implant patients by inserting the electrode array more deeply. To help achieve this, investigators have used sodium hyaluronate as a lubricant for electrode insertions. 1 It was felt deeper insertions were produced with sodium hyaluronate. Before introducing this substance as part of the surgical protocol for the Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic, it was decided to investigate its efficacy in aiding deeper insertions of the electrode. In addition, it was also necessary to determine if sodium hyaluronate, in conjunction with cochlear implantation, had adverse effects on the inner ear. This study was undertaken to address these issues.
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    Improved electrotactile speech processor: Tickle Talker
    Cowan, R. S. C. ; Galvin, K. L. ; Sarant, J. Z. ; Millard, R. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1995)
    The Tickle Talker, an eight-channel electrotactile speech processor, has been developed from continuing research at the University of Melbourne. 'The development of the device has focused on production of reliable speech-processing hardware, design of cosmetically and ergonometrically acceptable electrode transducers, implementation of acute and chronic biomedical studies demonstrating device safety, design and testing of alternative speech-encoding strategies to provide benefit to speech perception and production, and design and testing of appropriate training methods for optimizing benefits. The Tickle Talker has been shown to provide benefits in supplementing lipreading or aided residual hearing for hearing-impaired adults and children. Improvements in speech processing have resulted in an increase in benefits to speech perception, and open the way for more flexible approaches to encoding speech input. Continuing development of the electrode circuitry has now produced a device that is robust and has an extended battery life. Safety studies have clearly demonstrated that there are no long-term contraindications to device use. The results suggest that the device has a role to play in rehabilitation programs for severely and profoundly hearing-impaired adults and children.
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    Electrical stimulation of residual hearing in the implanted cochlea
    Clark, Graeme M. ; McAnally, K. I. ; Black, R. C. ; Shepherd, R. K. ( 1995)
    The average profoundly deaf person using a cochlear implant can now understand more speech than some severely to profoundly deaf people who use a hearing aid. For this reason there will be an increasing need to consider implanting people with residual hearing. In many of these people there could be significant hearing in the operated ear, as a majority of severely to profoundly deaf people are likely to have a symmetrical hearing loss. When three frequency average hearing thresholds were measured on 219 pensioners from the Australian National Acoustic Laboratories (H. Dillon, unpublished findings), 64% had less than a 10-dB difference between thresholds in each ear.
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    Cochlear implantation: osteoneogenesis, electrode-tissue impedance, and residual hearing
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Shute, S. A. ; Shepherd, R. K. ; Carter, T. D. ( 1995)
    This study was undertaken to find out how new bone is produced in the implanted cochlea, and the effects of fibrous tissue and new bone growth on electrode-tissue impedance. This knowledge is essential, as bone and fibrous tissue in the cochlea could account for variations in patients' speech perception performance. The study was also carried out to examine the effects of implantation on residual hearing. This information is also important, as cochlear implant speech perception results in profoundly deaf people are now better on average than severely or profoundly deaf people obtain with a hearing aid. Consequently, more people will need to be considered for cochlear implantation in ears with some residual hearing. In this case we need to know to what extent residual hearing is affected by implantation. (From Introduction)
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    Speech perception for adults using cochlear implants
    Dowell, Richard C. (Whurr, 1994)
    A mere 16 years ago, the title of this chapter would have created considerable consternation in audiological circles. A high proportion of otologists and audiologists would have wondered, with good reason, about the potential content of such a chapter. In 1977, there were certainly cochlear implants in use with reported benefits, but reliable documentation of any useful speech perception under controlled conditions was difficult to find. The rapid development of cochlear prostheses since that time has led to thousands of profoundly hearing-impaired adults obtaining benefits for speech perception, and there is now no doubt regarding the efficacy of such devices. This chapter will provide a brief overview of this rapid improvement in the speech perception of adult cochlear implant users, consider some of the reasons for this improvement, and discuss some of the factors that may influence speech perception performance for the individual user. (From Introduction)
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    Educational assessment and management of children with multichannel cochlear implants
    Nienhuys, T. G. ; Musgrave, G. N. ; Busby, P. A. ; Blamey, P. J. ; Nott, P. ; Tong, Y. C. ; Dowell, R. C. ; Brown, L. F. ; Clark, Graeme M. ( 1987)
    This paper describes the assessment and training program to evaluate speech, language, and communication skills of profoundly deaf children during and after training. Two sensory aids/prostheses are used: hearing aids and the Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant. Using a single-subject time-series experimental design, children's speech, language, and communication skills are assessed. For speech skills, assessment includes formal tests of articulation and intelligibility, syllable stress and process analyses, analyses of suprasegmental features, and voice quality. For general communication abilities, conversational skills with different speakers, story production skills, comprehension and expression of procedural information, discourse skills, and a measure of conversational interaction skills (pragmatics) are analyzed at regular intervals. Regular observations also sample the subjects' mode and frequency of interactions with individuals and groups in the school and home setting. Normative tests and formal analyses of language samples are also used to assess the overall language age of the child, vocabulary size, and kinds of expressive and receptive, syntactic, and semantic ability.
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    Preliminary results for the Cochlear Corporation multielectrode intracochlear implant in six prelingually deaf patients
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Busby, Peter A. ; Roberts, Susan A. ; Dowell, Richard C. ; Blamey, Peter J. ; Mecklenburg, Dianne J. ; Webb, Robert L. ; Pyman, Brian C. ; Franz, Burkhard K. ( 1987)
    The preliminary results from this study indicate that some prelingually deaf patients may get worthwhile help from a multiple-electrode cochlear implant that uses a formant-based speech processing strategy. It is encouraging that these improvements can occur in young adults and teenagers. The results for two children are also encouraging. A 10-year-old child obtained significant improvement on some speech perception tests. It was easy to set thresholds and comfortable listening levels on a 5-year-old child, and he is now a regular user of the device. There are, however, considerable variations in performance among the prelingual patients, which may be related to the following factors: whether they have had some hearing after birth, the method of education used, the motivation of the patient, and age at implantation.
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    Prosthetic devices for the management of patients with severe sensorineural deafness
    Clark, Graeme M. ; Tong, Y. C. ; Williams, A. ( 1977)
    It is estimated that 5-10% of patients with significant hearing loss do not get satisfactory help with a hearing aid. This means that in Australia there are about 5,000-10,000 people who need further treatment. Furthermore, a large number of these patients are born deaf and their proper management is critical if they are going to develop adequate speech and language. If these patients are going 10 perceive speech, the speech must be broken down into signals that can be used 10 stimulate the residual hearing, excite the auditory nerve fibres by electrical stimulation or stimulate another sensory system such as vision or the skin senses. These alternatives offer real hope for the patient with severe sensori-neural deafness as there is a great deal of redundancy in the speech signal. This is illustrated in Fig. 1 which shows the raw signal obtained on a cathode ray oscilloscope for the word "ear". It can be seen that there is an overall waveform envelope which is now thought to be quite important in speech perception. Inside the speech waveform there are waves of many shapes and sizes. Far too many for your eye to detect at a glance, and indeed too many for your ear to perceive. In fact, when you hear phonemes and words your brain only picks up key signals.