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    Tari, Deputy Head of the Village Independent Women's Union, Labuhan Batu, North Sumatra
    Astrina, A. R. ; Tanaya, S. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. ; Beech Jones, B.A. ; Diprose, R. ; Savirani, A. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Tari's story is part of a peer-reviewed edited volume of women's life stories that draws on detailed ethnographic research of village women's lived experiences and how they, individually and collectively, have taken action to influence village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of women's empowerment, their involvement in grassroots women's collective action, engagement with civil society organisations, and how women influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities. Tari is the Deputy Head of the village Independent Women's Union and Head of the Community Based Service in Labuhan Batu, North Sumatra. She began to be involved in the Independent Women's Union (SPI) in 2015, when she was invited by her neighbour, the then Head. While reluctant at first, Tari says that since joining the SPI, she has experienced many positive changes, including becoming more confident to voice her opinion in public, developing her leadership capabilities and improving her group work skills. Through training about how to respond to domestic violence, Tari became more confident to mediate couple's problems and offer support. The work of the SPI led to the establishment of the Community Based Service for victims of domestic violence and the enactment of Village Regulation on the Implementation of the Protection of Women and Children Victims of Violence. Reflecting on her work, Tari thinks that village women's problems, particularly violence, are no longer regarded as private matters, but rather collective issues. The existence of the Community Based Service has also pushed other village actors to be responsible for the many cases of violence against women.
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    Tari, Wakil Ketua Serikat Perempuan Independen Desa dan, Ketua Layanan Berbasis Komunitas, Labuhan Batu, Sumatera Utara
    Astrina, A. R. ; Tanaya, S. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. ; Beech Jones, B.A. ; Diprose, R. ; Savirani, A. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Kisah Tari merupakan bagian dari volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan, sebagai salah satu hasil dari penelitian etnografis terperinci yang diterbitkan melalui proses penelaahan sejawat (atau peer review). Volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan ini mengacu pada pengalaman hidup perempuan desa dan bagaimana mereka beraksi secara individu dan kolektif untuk memengaruhi pembangunan desa, dalam struktur pemerintahan Indonesia yang multi tingkat, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Desa. Analisa dalam volume ini mengidentifikasi proses pemberdayaan perempuan, keterlibatan perempuan dalam aksi kolektif perempuan akar rumput dan dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil (OMS), serta bagaimana perempuan memengaruhi lembaga dan kebijakan desa, pengeluaran dan penetapan prioritas pembangunan, proyek-proyek baru serta norma sosial di masyarakat mereka. Tari merupakan Wakil Ketua SPI (Serikat Perempuan Independen) Desa yang juga merangkap sebagai Ketua LBK (Layanan Berbasis Komunitas) Desa di Kabupaten Labuhan Batu, Sumatera Utara. Tari mulai bergabung dengan SPI pada 2015, ketika dia diajak tetangga yang pada waktu itu merupakan ketua SPI. Walaupun awalnya merasa segan, menurut Tari terdapat beberapa perubahan positif sejak dia bergabung dengan SPI, termasuk mengembangkan kemampuan kepemimpinan dan meningkatkan keterampilan kerja dalam kelompok. Melalui pelatihan yang diperoleh dari SPI dalam menangani kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, Tari menjadi lebih percaya diri memediasi permasalahan suami dan istri dan menawarkan bantuan bagi mereka yang menghadapi masalah kekerasan rumah tangga. Advokasi dan kerja SPI menghasilkan pembentukan Layanan Berbasis Komunitas untuk korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan Peraturan Desa tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak Korban Kekerasan. Bagi Tari, masalah perempuan terutama kekerasan bukan lagi masalah pribadi, akan tetapi hal tersebut sudah menjadi masalah yang bersifat kolektif di desa. Dengan keberadaan LBK, Tari turut mendorong aktor-aktor lain di desa untuk ikut menanggulangi banyaknya kasus kekerasan yang menimpa perempuan di desa.
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    Advokasi Perempuan Akar Rumput dalam Pemenuhan Hak Kesehatan Seksual dan Reproduksi (HKSR) Perempuan = Grassroots Women's Advocacy for the Fulfilment of Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
    Astrina, A. R. ; Ulfa, N. ; Savirani, A. ; Diprose, R. ; Hartoto, A.S. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Case study from "Membuka Jalan untuk Pembangunan Inklusif Gender di Daerah Perdesaan Indonesia: Bunga Rampai Kajian Aksi Kolektif Perempuan dan Pengaruhnya pada Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Desa", a peer-reviewed volume of case studies drawing on detailed ethnographic research of how village women have influenced village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. This case study from the Tanggamus research village examines the advocacy efforts of village women for women's sexual and reproductive health rights. These advocacy efforts were supported by the DAMAR Women's Advocacy Institute and its local partner FAKTA-DAMAR. DAMAR is a part of the PERMAMPU consortium of eight CSOs in Sumatra, working on issues of sexual and reproductive health rights.