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    Vision and motivation of adolescent language learners in Australia
    Caruso, M ; Fraschini, N ; Fraschini, N ; Lundberg, A ; Aliani, R (Multilingual Matters, 2024)
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    Q methodology, subjectivity, and language research
    Fraschini, N ; Lundberg, A ; Aliani, R ; Fraschini, N ; Lundberg, A ; Aliani, R (Multilingual Matters, 2024)
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    Australian-Korean multicultural family members' emotions about their family language policy
    Fraschini, N ; Lundberg, A ; Fraschini, N ; Lundberg, A ; Aliani, R (Multilingual Matters, 2024)
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    How epistemic anxiety and curiosity link perceived value and intended efforts in the language classroom
    Fraschini, N ; Tao, Y (Cambridge University Press, 2023-03)
    Language learner anxiety—and emotions in general—has constantly attracted academic attention in the second language acquisition (SLA) field for almost 40 years (Plonsky et al., 2022). However, within the context of the foreign language classroom, epistemic emotions remain understudied, despite their demonstrated effects on performance (D'Mello et al., 2014) and learners’ cognitive processes (Muis et al., 2018a). Epistemic emotions are academic emotions that “relate to knowledge-generating qualities of cognitive tasks and activities” (Pekrun et al., 2017, p. 1268). Their object focus lies in the generation of knowledge (Vogl et al., 2019a) and therefore are prominent during learning activities in academic settings. Recent research in SLA shows that epistemic emotions play a considerable role in instructed language learning (Fraschini, 2023; Nakamura et al., 2022). This current study analyses how two common epistemic emotions—epistemic anxiety and curiosity—mediate the link between a learner's perceived value and intended effort. Empirical data was collected using a tailor-designed survey administered to learners of Korean as a foreign language enrolled in a hybrid university course. Results show that epistemic anxiety and curiosity are independent of each other and coexist during language learning tasks. Furthermore, both epistemic emotions significantly correlate to a learner's perceived value of language learning, with opposite effects. While learners with a higher perceived value tend to be more curious, they also appear less anxious. These results are further discussed considering teachers’ and learners’ characteristics and in relation to theoretical and pedagogical implications for the language classroom.
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    Defining competencies for training non-native Korean speaking teachers: a Q methodology approach
    Kim, SE ; Fraschini, N ; Park, H (De Gruyter, 2023)
    Learners of Korean are increasing globally, but this growth can only be sustained by training local non-native teachers. To address this issue, this paper identifies the subjective perspectives of Korean language teaching professionals about the main competencies needed by non-native Korean teachers. Following a Q methodology protocol, 35 teachers sorted 42 statements about non-native Korean teacher competencies. The analysis identified four perspectives. Factor 1 stresses the ability to adapt teaching to the learning context and Korean language proficiency. Factor 2 stresses the importance of pursuing continuous professional development without deeming a near-native language proficiency essential. Factor 3 stresses the need to love the language and the ability to maintain advanced language skills. Factor 4 again stresses the need to love the Korean language, the profession, and the importance of a strong sense of responsibility as an educator. Results are discussed with reference to teacher training program design.
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    Language learners' emotional dynamics: insights from a Q methodology intensive single-case study
    Fraschini, N (ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2023-04-03)
    Learner emotions represent sudden, dynamic, and complex adaptations to the language classroom environment. Recent Second Language Acquisition research calls for a more holistic perspective in approaching classroom emotions, one that considers emotional variations between and across learners, and which foregrounds the interconnections among emotions and between emotions and the learning environment. This paper approaches emotions from a complex dynamic systems perspective and investigates the classroom emotions of five university students of Korean as a foreign language using a Q methodology intensive single-case study design. Overall results show that students have sometimes similar, sometimes different emotional reactions depending on classroom events, indicating different levels of interaction between a learner’s emotional system and other individual characteristics. Additionally, a more fine-grained analysis at the level of individual learners reveals clusters of emotions triggered by the same event and foregrounds the relevance of epistemic emotions for instructed foreign language learning. The results are discussed focusing on new hypotheses to inform future SLA emotion research and classroom practices.
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    What is subjectivity? Scholarly perspectives on the elephant in the room
    Lundberg, A ; Fraschini, N ; Aliani, R (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023-10-01)
    Abstract The concept of subjectivity has long been controversially discussed in academic contexts without ever reaching consensus. As the main approach for a science of subjectivity, we applied Q methodology to investigate subjective perspectives about ‘subjectivity’. The purpose of this work was therefore to contribute with clarity about what is meant with this central concept and in what way the understanding might differ among Q researchers and beyond. Forty-six participants from different disciplinary backgrounds and geographical locations sorted 39 statements related to subjectivity. Factor analysis yielded five different perspectives. Employing a team approach, the factors were carefully and holistically interpreted in an iterative manner. Preliminary factor interpretations were then discussed with prominent experts in the field of Q methodology. These interviewees were selected due to their clear representation by a specific factor and led to a further enrichment of the narratives presented. Despite some underlying consensus concerning subjectivity’s dynamic and complex structure and being used as individuals’ internal point of view, perspectives differ with regard to the measurability of subjectivity and the role context plays for their construction. In light of the wide range of characterisations, we suggest the presented perspectives to be used as a springboard for future Q studies and urge researchers, within and beyond the Q community, to be more specific regarding their application of the concept. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of attempting to deeply understand research participants in order to truly contribute to a science of subjectivity.
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    Mission Accomplished: Korean 1
    Fraschini, N ; Kim, HM (Hawoo, 2022-12-15)