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    Draft Report on Tibet's Linguistic Minorities
    Roche, G ( 2018)
    This draft report provides new insights into the situation of the non-Tibetan languages spoken by Tibetans in the People’s Republic of China. Key findings are as follows: • Of the 20 languages surveyed, all are endangered (p4-5). • Experts believe that most of these languages will no longer be spoken by 2100 (p5). • Families are increasingly transmitting Chinese rather than their heritage language (p6). • All these languages are excluded from major social institutions such as media and education (p8-9). • Whilst Chinese dominates most social institutions, Tibetan dominates in religion (p8-10). • Speakers of minority languages typically face relatively mild levels of discrimination (p11). • Speakers of minority languages do not associate their language with their Tibetan identity (p12). • There appears to be a significant geographical basis to whether populations are shifting towards Tibetan or Chinese (p17
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    Tibetan Studies in Australia - Language and Education
    Roche, G ( 2018)
    As part of a series of articles in the IIAS newsletter on Tibetan studies in Australia, this article looks at: 1) the languages used by Tibetan studies scholars in Australia, and 2) the opportunities afforded by Australia's linguistics community for the study of language in Tibet.