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    Indonesia Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim; Vol 3: Perubahan Iklim: Krisis Sosial-Ekologis Dan Keadilan Iklim (Indonesia Facing Climate Change; Vol 3: Climate Change: Socio-Ecological Crisis and Climate Justice
    Reuter, T ; Nurbaya, S ; Masripatin, N ; Adiwibowo, S ; Sugandi, Y (Penerbit Buku Kompas/ Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2019)
    Tampak jelas bahwa perubahan iklim merupakan tantangan global paling besar, paling urgen, multi-dimensi dan kompleks sehingga menuntut perubahan sosial yang radikal dan sistemik untuk mengatasinya. Sepanjang sejarah manusia modern di bumi belum pernah ada risiko dan ancaman yang begitu besar terhadap eksistensi, keberlanjutan dan peradaban manusia di bumi seperti sekarang ini. Seluruh cara hidup, pola pikir, etika, sikap dan perilaku kita terhadap alam; tindakan ekonomi seharihari hingga model pembangunan ekonomi yang kita gunakan, dan bahkan konsep kita tentang kesehatan dan kemajuan, perlu diperiksa ulang dari akar sampai ujung daun. Apabila kita tidak melakukan transformasi besar-besaran, maka gaya hidup yang berorientasi pada konsumsi, mekanistik, dan perusakan lingkungan hidup (ecocidal) yang diadopsi manusia atas nama modernitas dan kemajuan akan menghancurkan bumi dan penghuninya dalam waktu yang tidak lama lagi.
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    Indonesia Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim; Vol 2: Pembangunan Dan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca Iklim (Indonesia Facing Climate Change; Vol 2: Development and Greenhouse Gas Emissions)
    Reuter, T ; Nurbaya, S ; Masripatin, N ; Reuter, T ; Adiwibowo, S ; Sugandi, Y (Penerbit Buku Kompas/ Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2019)
    Planet bumi yang kita huni sekarang ini merupakan produk evolusi geologi yang membentang selama 4.500 juta tahun. Bumi baru dapat dihuni oleh makhluk hominid (bertulang punggung), mamalia, tumbuhan, dan hewan pada dua juta tahun lalu. Melalui ilmu biologi molekuler terungkap kemudian bahwa nenek moyang manusia (genus Homo) dengan penanda genetik (genetic marker) yang identik dengan manusia modern, telah hidup sejak 200.000 tahun silam. Namun hanya dalam 200 tahun terakhir—terhitung sejak Revolusi Industri—seluruh tatanan biosfer dan lansekap bumi manusia modern berubah drastis. Campur tangan manusia atau kekuatan antropogenik (anthropogenic forces) telah menggantikan kekuatan geologi (geological forces) yang telah berlangsung ribuan dan bahkan jutaan tahun sebelumnya. Meningkatnya temperatur global, kenaikan permukaan air laut, hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati, perairan laut dan sungai yang semakin tercemar, serta turunnya kelimpahan populasi spesies di darat dan di laut, menunjukkan hal ini.
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    Indonesia Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim; Vol 1: Urgensi, Politik & Tata Kelola Perubahan Iklim (Indonesia Facing Climate Change; Vol 1: Urgency, Policy and Climate Change Governance)
    Reuter, T ; Nurbaya, S ; Masripatin, N ; Adiwibowo, S ; Sugandi, Y ; Reuter, T (Penerbit Buku Kompas/ Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2019)
    Sebagai anggota United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Indonesia mengikuti Conference of the Parties (COP) untuk pertama kalinya pada Konperensi ke-2 (1996), di Geneva, Switzerland. Saat itu wakil Indonesia yang tercantum secara resmi dalam Provisional List of Participants yang diterbitkan oleh UNFCCC (tanggal 5 Juni 1996), hanya seorang saja, yakni (alm) Prof. Manuel B. De Rozari, seorang akademisi dari IPB. Sejak COP ke-3 di Jepang di saat mana lahir Protokol Kyoto, peran Indonesia berangsur meningkat, sehingga tatkala dilaksanakan COP ke-24 (2019) di Katowice, Polandia, delegasi Indonesia jumlahnya mencapai 189 orang. Mereka mewakili berbagai Kementerian/Lembaga dan Pemerintah Daerah, LSM, asosiasi, pengusaha; serta termasuk diantaranya Menko Maritim, Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan, dan Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/ Kepala BAPPENAS. Tidak hanya itu, Indonesia bahkan pernah menggoreskan prestasi bersejarah karena berhasil mendorong para pihak menyepakati Bali Road Map dalam COP ke-13 di Bali pada Tahun 2007.
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    German Cultural Diplomacy in Indonesia: Building Cooperation in a Changing World
    Reuter, T (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, 2019)
    This study examines how Germany is engaged in Indonesia through its cultural diplomacy‐oriented institutions in the elds of education, science, culture and media. While the focus is on current activities, the history and likely future trends of the bilateral relation‐ ship are also explored.
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    Rumah Leluhur Kami: Kelebihdahuluan dan Dualisme dalam Masyarakat Bali Dataran Tinggi
    Reuter, T (Yayasan Obor, 2018)
    The 'Mountain Balinese' (Bali Aga) are an indigenous ethnic group whose principle homeland is the central highland region of Bali, Indonesia. While this small island has been the site of countless anthropological and historical studies and is renowned as a major destination for international tourism, foreign visitors have rarely caught more than a tantalising glimpse of the ancient culture and unique society of its mountain people. The following ethnographic account aspires to close this significant gap in our understanding of Balinese culture. In the course of exploring the thought and society of the Bali Aga, however, this book strives to advance also the comparative study of numerous other societies whose populations, like the Balinese, are speakers of Austronesian languages.
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    Social Mobilisation in Post-Industrial China: The Case of Rural Urbanisation
    Gao, J ; Su, Y (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019-01-25)
    In recent years China has experienced intense economic development. Previously a rapidly urbanising industrial economy, the country has become a post-industrial economy with a service sector that accounts for almost half the nation’s GDP. This transformation has created many socio-political changes, but key among them is social mobilisation. This book provides a full and systematic analysis of social mobilisation in China, and how its use as part of state capacity has evolved.
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    Routledge Handbook of Civil Society in Asia
    Ogawa, A ; Ogawa, A (Routledge, 2018-01-01)
    The Routledge Handbook of Civil Society in Asia is an interdisciplinary resource, covering one of the most dynamically expanding sectors in contemporary Asia.
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    Long Narrative Songs from the Mongghul of Northeast Tibet: Texts in Mongghul, Chinese, and English
    Roche, G ; Roche, G (Open Book Publishers, 2017)
    Containing ballads of martial heroism, tales of tragic lovers and visions of the nature of the world, Long Narrative Songs from the Mongghul of Northeast Tibet: Texts in Mongghul, Chinese, and English is a rich repository of songs collected amongst the Mongghul of the Seven Valleys, on the northeast Tibetan Plateau in western China. These songs represent the apogee of Mongghul oral literature, and they provide valuable insights into the lives of Mongghul people—their hopes, dreams, and worries. They bear testimony to the impressive plurilingual repertoire commanded by some Mongghul singers: the original texts in Tibetan, Mongghul, and Chinese are here presented in Mongghul, Chinese, and English. The kaleidoscope of stories told in these songs include that of Marshall Qi, a chieftain from the Seven Valleys who travels to Luoyang with his Mongghul army to battle rebels; Laarimbu and Qiimunso, a pair of star-crossed lovers who take revenge from beyond the grave on the families that kept them apart; and the Crop-Planting Song and the Sheep Song, which map the physical and spiritual terrain of the Mongghul people, vividly describing the physical and cosmological world in which they exist. This collection of songs is supported by an Introduction by Gerald Roche that provides an understanding of their traditional context, and shows that these works offer insights into the practices of multilingualism in Tibet. Long Narrative Songs from the Mongghul of Northeast Tibet is vital reading for researchers and others working on oral literature, as well as those who study Inner Asia, Tibet, and China’s ethnic minorities. Finally, this book is of interest to linguistic anthropologists and sociolinguists, particularly those working on small-scale multilingualism and pre-colonial multilingualism.
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    Islamic teachings on contemporary issues for young Muslims
    SAEED, A ; Gould, R ; Duderija, A (National Centre of E, 2016)