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    Husnul, Village Constituent Group Member, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara
    Sawiji, H.W. ; Arti W.C. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. ; Beech Jones, B.A. ; Diprose, R. ; Savirani, A. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Husnul's story is part of a peer-reviewed edited volume of women's life stories that draws on detailed ethnographic research of village women's lived experiences and how they, individually and collectively, have taken action to influence village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of women's empowerment, their involvement in grassroots women's collective action, engagement with civil society organisations, and how women influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities. Husnul's story is part of a peer-reviewed edited volume of women's life stories that draws on detailed ethnographic research of village women's lived experiences and how they, individually and collectively, have taken action to influence village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of women's empowerment, their involvement in grassroots women's collective action, engagement with civil society organisations, and how women influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities.: Husnul is a member of the BaKTI-supported Constituent Group in a village in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. With her husband overseas working, Husnul tried to earn a livelihood for her family by sewing and embroidering as well as working as a cook at the community health post before establishing a business making banana and cassava crisps. Since the 1990s, Husnul has been a Posyandu cadre and often helps villagers who need medical help, a position which led her to become involved in BakTI supported activities and the Constituent Group. Husnul participated in BaKTI paralegal training about how to handle cases of violence, data-based policy advocacy, and the drafting of the 2018 Village Regulation on the Protection of Women and Children. In the Constituent Group, Husnul is head of the Support Division. She has become a contact person for women, particularly from her hamlet, to talk about problems they experience. Husnul has also grown her networks and capacities in business management which has resulted in the growth of her taro cracker business.
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    Laeli, Chairperson of the Village Constituent Group, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara
    Sawiji, H.W. ; Arti W.C. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. ; Beech Jones, B.A. ; Diprose, R. ; Savirani, A. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Laeli's story is part of a peer-reviewed edited volume of women's life stories that draws on detailed ethnographic research of village women's lived experiences and how they, individually and collectively, have taken action to influence village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of women's empowerment, their involvement in grassroots women's collective action, engagement with civil society organisations, and how women influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities. Laeli's story is part of a peer-reviewed edited volume of women's life stories that draws on detailed ethnographic research of village women's lived experiences and how they, individually and collectively, have taken action to influence village development in Indonesia's multi-level governance structure under the new Village Law in Indonesia. The analysis identifies the processes of women's empowerment, their involvement in grassroots women's collective action, engagement with civil society organisations, and how women influence village institutions, policies, development spending and priorities, and new projects as well as social norms in communities.: Laeli moved to this village in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara where she is the Head of the BaKTI-supported Constituent Group and is also the Deputy Head of the PKK. Laeli took part in training and was involved in the drafting of the 2018 Village Regulation on the Protection of Women and Children, which provides women and children in the village with resources to respond to threats of domestic violence. The Constituent Group has helped Laeli develop her skills and confidence to speak in public and increased her awareness of problems faced by women in her community. The network which Laeli has cultivated through this work has also been crucial to the growth of her cracker business.
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    Husnul, Anggota Kelompok Konstituen Desa, Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat
    Sawiji, H.W. ; Arti W.C. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. ; Beech Jones, B.A. ; Diprose, R. ; Savirani, A. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Kisah Husnul merupakan bagian dari volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan, sebagai salah satu hasil dari penelitian etnografis terperinci yang diterbitkan melalui proses penelaahan sejawat (atau peer review). Volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan ini mengacu pada pengalaman hidup perempuan desa dan bagaimana mereka beraksi secara individu dan kolektif untuk memengaruhi pembangunan desa, dalam struktur pemerintahan Indonesia yang multi tingkat, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Desa. Analisa dalam volume ini mengidentifikasi proses pemberdayaan perempuan, keterlibatan perempuan dalam aksi kolektif perempuan akar rumput dan dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil (OMS), serta bagaimana perempuan memengaruhi lembaga dan kebijakan desa, pengeluaran dan penetapan prioritas pembangunan, proyek-proyek baru serta norma sosial di masyarakat mereka. Husnul merupakan anggota Kelompok Konstituen yang didukung BaKTI di desa di Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Selama suami Husnul bekerja di luar negeri, Husnul mencoba membiayai kehidupan keluarganya dengan menjahit, membordir, dan bekerja sebagai koki di Puskesmas Pembantu (Pustu), sebelum mendirikan usaha keripik pisang dan ubi kayu. Sejak tahun 1990an, Husnul telah menjadi kader Posyandu di desanya. Ia kerap membantu warga desa yang membutuhkan pertolongan medis. Keterlibatan Husnul dalam Posyandu adalah jalan masuknya ke dalam kegiatan BaKTI dan Kelompok Konstituen. Husnul mulai aktif terlibat dalam acara-acara isu perempuan yang didukung oleh BaKTI, seperti kursus paralegal tentang prosedur penanganan kasus kekerasan dan advokasi kebijakan berbasis data, serta penyusunan Peraturan Desa Tahun 2018 tentang Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak. Dalam Kelompok Konstituen, Husnul berperan sebagai Ketua Divisi Pendampingan. Ia menjadi rujukan para perempuan, terutama perempuan dari dusunnya, untuk menceritakan tentang masalah yang mereka hadapi. Husnul juga meluaskan jejaring dan kapasitasnya tentang pengelolaan bisnis yang berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan usaha keripik ubi kayunya.
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    Laeli, Ketua Kelompok Konstituen Desa, Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat
    Sawiji, H.W. ; Arti W.C. ; Setiawan, K.M.P. ; Beech Jones, B.A. ; Diprose, R. ; Savirani, A. (University of Melbourne with Universitas Gadjah Mada and MAMPU, 2020)
    Kisah Laeli merupakan bagian dari volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan, sebagai salah satu hasil dari penelitian etnografis terperinci yang diterbitkan melalui proses penelaahan sejawat (atau peer review). Volume kisah perjalanan hidup perempuan ini mengacu pada pengalaman hidup perempuan desa dan bagaimana mereka beraksi secara individu dan kolektif untuk memengaruhi pembangunan desa, dalam struktur pemerintahan Indonesia yang multi tingkat, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Desa. Analisa dalam volume ini mengidentifikasi proses pemberdayaan perempuan, keterlibatan perempuan dalam aksi kolektif perempuan akar rumput dan dengan organisasi masyarakat sipil (OMS), serta bagaimana perempuan memengaruhi lembaga dan kebijakan desa, pengeluaran dan penetapan prioritas pembangunan, proyek-proyek baru serta norma sosial di masyarakat mereka. Laeli pindah ke suatu desa di Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan kemudian menjadi Ketua Kelompok Konstituen yang didukung BakTI, dan sebagai Wakil Ketua kelompok Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK). Laeli berpartisipasi dalam pelatihan dan berperan dalam penyusunan Peraturan Desa tahun 2018 tentang Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak, yang menyediakan sumber daya bagi perempuan dan anak di desa untuk menghadapi ancaman kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT). Perannya dalam Kelompok Konstituen membantu Laeli mengembangkan keterampilan dan kepercayaan diri untuk berpidato di depan umum, serta meningkatkan kesadarannya tentang masalah yang dihadapi perempuan di masyarakat lokalnya. Jejaring yang dibangun Laeli melalui pekerjaan tersebut juga penting dalam mengembangkan usaha kerupuknya.