Resource Management and Geography - Theses

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    Behind the scenes of land grabbing: conflict, competition, and the gendered implications for local food production and rural livelihoods in Cameroon
    Ndi, Frankline Anum ( 2017)
    Large-scale land acquisitions or land grabbing are widespread – cutting across almost all parts of the developing world – Asia, Latin America and Africa. In recent years, this phenomenon has grown at unprecedented rates with Africa being the most targeted continent. In Cameroon, although land grabbing is raising prospects for national-level benefits, it is generating increasing tensions with local communities who suffer from dispossession of land and natural resources. This thesis examines the dynamics associated with the loss of land in a particular context in Nguti subdivision of the South West Region of Cameroon. It focuses on five communities in the region whose lands were earmarked by the state for the development of monoculture oil palm plantations. The main research objectives were to explore local perceptions and reactions to this phenomenon; but also to examine how it disproportionately affects men and women and its implications for local food production and rural livelihoods. This research is framed by studies of the ‘global land grab’; local communities’ livelihood strategies; womens’ access to land and forest resources; and land management and governance in Cameroon. Fieldwork included interviews, focus group discussions and participant observation. To attain the above objectives, four stand-alone empirical chapters are included in this thesis, each addressing particular research questions. My research questions query: 1) ‘why do people contest the establishment of commercial oil palm plantations on ancestral land and in what ways do they struggle for incorporation’; 2) ‘Why and how does land acquisition generates conflict within communities and with the agro-company/state’; 3) ‘How do men and women perceive and react to land grabbing projects’; 4) ‘In what ways does land grabbing disproportionately affect men and women; and what implications does it have for womens’ food production in particular, and rural livelihoods in general’? Broadly, this thesis offers insights into the complexities and challenges that confront heterogeneous local communities as a result of the acquisition of land hitherto accessed by them to sustain rural livelihoods. Specifically, it a) demonstrates that local communities are not necessarily against large-scale investments in land; rather their concern is how they can benefit from it without detriment, particularly if they lose access to their most fertile agricultural lands, b) explores some of the complexities that the ‘elite-dominated’ and corrupt land deals have generated, with particular reference to cross-scale governance, inter-village conflicts and community resistance in the region, c) shows that amidst societal discrimination over land ownership rights, perceptual differences between men and women appears rational in the event of land grabbing – men follow their ascribed roles in overt reactions, while women tend to be much less active and vocal in contesting land acquisition, despite the fact that the land acquired were mostly used by women to generate household food security, d) demonstrates how pre-existing land tenure systems combined with contemporary statutory land laws to accord men greater power over land to the detriment of women; posing severe implications for womens’ food production and rural livelihoods, and e) proposes policy recommendations that if instituted will help benefit the state, local communities and land investors. While this study specifically targets individuals, whose livelihoods are strictly tied to land and forest resources in the region, I also emphasized the roles of other actors such as village chiefs, local politicians, NGO personnel, and government authorities in shaping and influencing the dynamics around land grabbing in Nguti subdivision.
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    The geomorphic impact of large in-stream wood on incisional avulsions
    Stout, Justin ( 2017)
    Many anabranching rivers depend on the development and maintenance of avulsions. The avulsion, or formation of a new channel across the floodplain of such rivers,is integral in the construction of the floodplain stratigraphy. The load of large in-stream wood in a river channel interacts with the routing of flow and sediment in the channel and has received much attention over the last three decades, but the geomorphic role of wood in avulsions has not been quantified. This thesis investigates the relative role of large in-stream wood on the avulsion process. A detailed wood census was combined with LiDAR data and strategic stratigraphic coring on the King River (northeast Victoria, Australia). This multi-tiered approach was used to address four key areas: First, the overall length of each evolutionary stage of the avulsion process was calculated using floodplain sediment cores and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating techniques. The length of each stage was necessary to estimate how long the load of wood was in contact with the river channel. Second, to describe the spatial distribution of wood loads within the river a statistical analysis resulted in the novel use of the Weibull distribution. This provided a way to describe how both the wood load and its distribution may alter over time. Third, the delivery and removal processes of wood to the channel was modelled using a wood budget. Fourth, the wood delivery model was combined with a channel evolution model developed to simulate the avulsion process and the delivery of wood to the channel. Results show it takes an average of 4920 years for the complete avulsion process to pass through all five evolutionary stages. The development and completion of the avulsion (Stages 1-2) takes 1380 years, after which it takes a further 3540 years for the channel to become inefficient and develop a new avulsion (Stages 3-5). Given a healthy riparian forest, the accumulation of a steady state natural load of wood requires approximately 270 years, but this is dependent on the balance between wood delivery and removal processes within the channel, and the evolutionary stage of the avulsion. Throughout the entire avulsion process, wood is a dominant hydraulic inefficiency factor 21 % of the time. During avulsion development, wood in the channel provides approximately 50 % of the hydraulic roughness compared to the bed and bends. Wood may also act as a potential trigger of hydraulic inefficiency for 10% of the time towards the end of the avulsion lifecycle. This thesis advances previous models of anabranching. For each stage of development processes have been described, stratigraphic markers identified, and dated. This has allowed, for the first time in Australia, the sequence of anabranch development to be dated. The role of wood in anabranch development has now been quantified, and a model set up that can be adapted by others. The results can now inform management decisions on passive vs. active wood recovery. The role of in-stream wood, riparian and floodplain forests cannot be ignored in the process of river channel avulsion.
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    Linking the past to the present: housing history and the sense of home in temporary public rental housing in Sarawak
    Hashim, Haslina ( 2017)
    The current literature on sense of home argues that security in housing tenure is necessary for people to feel ‘at home’ in their dwelling. In particular, the idea about housing security is framed using the notion of tenure longevity and this definition has been consistently reproduced or implied in recent studies investigating how people experience sense of home. While most studies in this scholarly space are taken from English-speaking, middle-class and high-income contexts, how low income households experience sense of home, particularly in developing countries where housing assistance is scarce, is still under-researched. Similarly, there is limited investigation of how the home is understood in housing situations where tenure longevity is uncertain. This thesis contributes another view to this scholarly space, using the Sarawak context where public housing is intended solely for transitional purposes. The policy specifies six years of maximum tenancy, after which tenants are expected to exit public housing. This policy is not enforced and tenants may stay on after the maximum period. Such ambiguity in the public housing tenure affects tenants’ sense of home. Given this context, my thesis critically examines how current tenants of the Sarawak public housing experience a sense of home. I use the case study methodology to capture tenants’ lived experiences of home in their former housing and public housing, by employing in-depth interviews, observations and survey as data collection methods. Despite the insecure tenure, most tenants regard public housing as their home. The findings demonstrate a strong association between housing history and a sense of home in public housing. The ways in which current tenants experience a sense of homeliness or unhomeliness in the facility are specifically shaped by their lived experiences of home in their former housing. This thesis highlights the significance of trade-offs that vulnerable households have to make in their housing decisions, in order to make a home in public housing. In addition, the critical examination of home in the context of this thesis has offered alternative ways to examine important concepts in the housing literature such as housing security and trade-offs in housing decision making.
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    Producing difference: the political economy of small-scale fisheries governance on Colombia’s Pacific coast
    Satizábal Posada, Paula ( 2017)
    The importance of small-scale fisheries for coastal people has been largely overlooked. Governments have often framed oceans as open access spaces prioritising processes of capital accumulation that have had major socio-environmental impacts. Neoliberal approaches to fisheries and environmental governance have relied on territorialisation processes and market-oriented mechanisms to control and ensure the conservation and sustainable use of fishing resources. This thesis investigates how the political economy of small-scale fisheries governance has led to the production of difference and interacted with place-based institutional processes. I have studied the participatory process undertaken by nine coastal Afro-descendant villages along the Gulf of Tribugá in the Pacific coast of Colombia, that led to the creation of a marine protected area. Critically, I examine how difference materialises and manifests in multiple ways by way of: i) territorialisation processes; ii) commodification of fish; and iii) neoliberal biodiversity conservation. I draw on political ecology and geographies of the sea to analyse how the production of difference has influenced place-based institutional processes, social relations, and socio-natural interactions. I argue that the expansion of the political economy of fish and the processes that led to the creation of the marine protected area have enforced static, homogeneous, and atemporal images of reality at sea that fail to reflect the complex and fluid dynamics shaping the lives of coastal dwellers. Sea materialities, social relations, and socio-natural interactions are central in the production of place-based institutional processes. As such, this research highlights the need for legal and political instruments for the recognition of waterscapes as social spaces, and the inclusion of coastal fishing communities in the negotiation of fisheries governance and marine territorialisation processes.
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    Outsourcing adaptation: examining the role and influence of consultants in governing climate change adaptation
    Keele, Svenja ( 2017)
    The aim of this thesis is to examine the role and influence of consultants in governing climate change adaptation. The thesis is guided by three research questions: how did consultants become involved in advising governments on adaptation planning; what work do consultants do as advisors; and how do consultants reproduce themselves in adaptation planning? In answering these research questions, this thesis develops a conceptual framework that theorises adaptation governance as a governmental programme shaped by (and shaping) the practices, materialities and spatial-temporalities of consulting. The research combines a broader historical analysis of adaptation consulting (2004-2015) with a multi-sited and multi-scalar institutional ethnography of adaptation consulting as it was performed over a two-year period (2014-2015) in an adaptation planning consulting project and at conferences, training events and other sites. This thesis finds that (1) consultants are advising governments on a wide range of adaptation issues and across scales, places and time so as to deeply entangle public and private actors in adaptation governance; (2) the project creation and business development work of consultants renders adaptation both techno-managerial and governable by the market; and (3) the involvement of consultants in advising governments on planning for a changing climate constitutes adaptation governance in ways that highlights the increasing depoliticisation of public policy development in Australia. The thesis concludes with discussion of the implications for the future of adaptation governance in Australia, as well as the contribution of this research to broader debates on geographies of governance and productions of neoliberal expertise.
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    The disposal choices for small household electrical appliances in Linfen, China
    Newton, Emily Kate ( 2017)
    There is minimal literature on how small household electronic appliances are being disposed post-consumer use despite the risk of environmental pollution that can arise from the improper disposal of these items. Larger electronic waste items and mobile phones have been more extensively researched and as a result a wider availability of disposal options are available for these items. China imports significant quantities of electronic waste items from around the world while its own large population is rapidly consuming more electronic items every year, which together results in a high rate of small household appliances being disposed that has not yet been investigated. This research thesis investigated how small household electronic waste are being disposed by households in China. Research on small household electronic waste has typically been concerned with the components of sWEEE rather than its disposal. Of the limited disposal studies of these items that have been undertaken in Europe, results show that individuals are most commonly storing the items, disposing of these items in their household general waste bin, or recycling them through collection schemes. Results for mobile phone disposal across Europe, Japan China are similar. Household surveys and semi-structured interviews were used to collect results and assess whether similar disposal trends are being used for small household electrical waste in a small prefectural-level city in China. In particular, the household bin was the most popular disposal choice for all items and irrespective of any age, education, gender or income. Informal collectors and storage in the home were the second and third most popular disposal choices and the use of these alternative disposal streams differed depending on the item. The choice by households to dispose of small household electronic waste in the bin is the result of few disposal choices for households, the cheap retail price of these items, and a lack of information that leads them to choosing the convenient choice of putting the item in their nearest disposal choice which is the household bin. Improvements to recycle small household electronic waste will need to be delivered through amendments to existing government regulation and the introduction of new government recycling schemes.
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    Political trust in China: evidence from water consumption in Shanghai
    Zhen, Nahui ( 2017)
    This thesis aims to understand political trust in China through the lens of fresh water consumption in Shanghai. Research on political trust suffers from a case-selection bias. Most of the studies on political trust focus on liberal democracies and this problematizes the generalisability of those findings. In order to broaden the evidence and to test the relevance of existing theories of political trust in a different political context, this thesis answers three questions: 1. what is the influence of demographic factors on political trust? 2. what is the relationship between risk perception and political trust? and 3. what other factors help explain political trust? It answers these questions through an investigation of people’s trust in water management institutions in Shanghai, which grounds the analysis in a specific risk that requires people to trust in public authorities. A combination of qualitative (semi-structured interviews) and quantitative (questionnaire survey) methods is used, supported by secondary data collection. This thesis finds that that some of the explanations of political trust in democratic regimes also apply in China, but with some subtle differences. Demographic factors have a slightly different effect in China: more educated people and people with urban hukou tend to be less trusting than people with less education and rural hukou, while other individual characteristics, such as age, gender, and household income do not have significant influence on political trust. Risk perception and political trust are statistically correlated and seemingly bidirectional, but the association is moderated by some factors. The main difference between people who trust and distrust the government is whether they perceive the existing risks are reasonable and attribute those risks to the fault of the government. Another key finding of this thesis is that for various reasons political trust may not be a meaningful concept for many people in China, at least with respect to water consumption in cities.