Resource Management and Geography - Theses

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    Outsourcing adaptation: examining the role and influence of consultants in governing climate change adaptation
    Keele, Svenja ( 2017)
    The aim of this thesis is to examine the role and influence of consultants in governing climate change adaptation. The thesis is guided by three research questions: how did consultants become involved in advising governments on adaptation planning; what work do consultants do as advisors; and how do consultants reproduce themselves in adaptation planning? In answering these research questions, this thesis develops a conceptual framework that theorises adaptation governance as a governmental programme shaped by (and shaping) the practices, materialities and spatial-temporalities of consulting. The research combines a broader historical analysis of adaptation consulting (2004-2015) with a multi-sited and multi-scalar institutional ethnography of adaptation consulting as it was performed over a two-year period (2014-2015) in an adaptation planning consulting project and at conferences, training events and other sites. This thesis finds that (1) consultants are advising governments on a wide range of adaptation issues and across scales, places and time so as to deeply entangle public and private actors in adaptation governance; (2) the project creation and business development work of consultants renders adaptation both techno-managerial and governable by the market; and (3) the involvement of consultants in advising governments on planning for a changing climate constitutes adaptation governance in ways that highlights the increasing depoliticisation of public policy development in Australia. The thesis concludes with discussion of the implications for the future of adaptation governance in Australia, as well as the contribution of this research to broader debates on geographies of governance and productions of neoliberal expertise.
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    A long-term historical perspective on environmental changes in the Wimmera of Western Victoria, Australia
    Yazdanparast, Parastoo ( 2016)
    Salt lakes form a conspicuous element of southern Australian arid and semi-arid regions. The origin and development of these salt lakes is closely tied to major climatic perturbations during the Pleistocene. Unlike most of North America, Europe and much of Asia, Pleistocene climate change in the arid and semi-arid of southern Australia is manifest as a series of aeolian deposits, erosional basins and unique, ancient soils. Sediments that are crucial for palynological studies are largely restricted to the temperate mountainous regions of east and southeast Australia, whereas much of the rest of the continent is remarkably flat and suffers from permanent water deficits or seasonal monsoonal influences. As a consequence, the Quaternary history of Australia has been derived from what are, on a continental scale, atypical climates and landforms. Despite their widespread occurrence, ecological importance and sensitivity to hydro-climatic change, only a handful of Australian palaeoecological studies have utilized the sediments contained within salt lakes. In a continent where any increase in mean annual temperatures will have profound implications for ecological processes and economic activities, it makes sense to try to understand the responses of semi-arid and arid landscapes to recent environmental changes. In addition, land degradation remains a critical and long lasting problem. Overgrazing, land clearance and the development of saline soils are clearly implicated as land degradation processes, especially in southern Australia. As many factors contribute to this pressing socio-ecological problem, it is not sensible to assess this phenomenon without considering its context in terms of long-term processes. In this context, I focus my palaeoecological analysis on a heavily altered landscape located within an area representative of Australian salt lake systems. I aim to disentangle the pre and post European environmental history of this important system and seek to identify, classify and understand land degradation processes, with a focus on plant community changes. This project proceeds by analyzing the history of land use and the ecology of plant communities concentrating on past human burning activities and palaeoenvironmental changes based on evidence from sediments, fossil pollen and microscopic charcoal dating from Aboriginal to European settlement times in the Wimmera of western Victoria, southern Australia. Using fossil pollen and charcoal from lake sediments illustrated that salinity rose substantially as forest diversity decreased since the start of European settlement.
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    Ecological benefits of termite soil interaction and microbial symbiosis in the soil ecosystem in two climatic regions of Australia
    Ali, Ibrahim Gima ( 2015)
    Termite soil interaction is a multidimensional process, the interphase between the surface and subsurface being the most prominent location termitaria and other termite structures usually occupy. Genetic and environmental conditions, including soil type and moisture content, in different climatic regions affect this interaction. There is scant information on termite preferences, foraging behavior within these conditions and impact on soil profile and associated symbiont microorganisms. Foraging activity of termites (Coptotermes frenchi), depth and changes in soil profile with layers of top soil, fine sand, coarse sand and gravel, was studied using a test tank in a laboratory. Termite activities were intensive in only the longest foraging galleries via which they reached and foraged up to the edge of the tank. Wood stakes inserted vertically at three different depth level intervals (0-100, 100-200, and 200-300 mm), visual observations of soil profile samples taken using auger and excavated cross sections of the soil profile all confirmed presence of termite activity, transport and mixing of soil up to the lowest horizon in the otherwise uniform sandy or gravely lower horizons. However, termite activity did not result in complete mixing of soil horizons within the study period. Termites (Coptotermes acinaciformis) were tested for their preference topsoil, fine sand, potting mix and peat, in a laboratory condition at soil moisture contents of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% for 30 days. The experimental apparatus involved termite colonies foraging from nesting jars connected to four sets of standing perspex tubes filled with each soil type and moisture content combination attached to the jar lid on top. Soil type had a significant effect on termite preference whereas soil moisture content did not. At lower moisture levels of 0 and 5%, termites preferred fine sand while topsoil was preferred at 10, 15 and 20%. Soil heterogeneity and textural variability with respect to particle size distribution due to termite activity was investigated in two climatic regions of Australia. Mound and surrounding soils of Coptotermes lacteus in Boola Boola State Forest, Victoria, and Amitermes laurensis and Nasutitermes eucalypti in Gove, Northern Territory were studied. The residual effects on bacteria and fungi counts were also investigated in the former. For C. lacteus and A. laurensis mounds the very fine particles sizes (< 0.045 mm) were significantly higher than that of the surrounding soil while the reverse was true for the 2 - 1 mm particle size ranges. For the Nasutitermes mound, however, they recorded significantly higher 2 - 1 mm particle sizes and significantly lower < 0.045 mm particle size ranges than the surrounding soils. For the other particle size ranges in both sites no significant difference was observed between the mound and surrounding soils except for the 0.5 – 0.2 and 0.20.063 mm ranges in the A. laurensis mound which were significantly higher than surrounding soil. Average moisture content of the surrounding soils was significantly higher than that of the mound surfaces which could have resulted in the higher bacteria and fungi counts (cfu/ml) in the surrounding soils.
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    Contested place, conflicted knowledge: the everyday landscape of the firefighter
    KRUGER, TARNYA ( 2014)
    The everyday landscape can become both unfamiliar and non-negotiable for the firefighter. While we generally conceive of nature and ecology as dynamic, this study points to the dynamic realities of ‘place’, and the way that experience and social learning transform the meaning of place and the management of risk associated with fires. Firefighting is dangerous. Many firefighters who defend their local communities can expect to fight fires in other areas with different terrain and within communities with firefighters they do not know. Underpinning the formal structure of firefighting is the continuing western affirmation of the nature-culture divide. It can be reinforced in firefighter organisations and in local settings by societal expectations that positions bushfire as a separate event rather than an integral part of living in a socio-ecological system. Sixty-eight Australian bushfire firefighters from selected agencies and volunteer brigades in diverse localities contributed to the research. The study comprised 32 semi-structured in-depth individual and group interviews. Stories of fire events and the various roles undertaken were thematically analysed. This research uses a constructivist approach to explore how firefighters experience, understand and undertake their role in response to bushfire in the landscape. The research questions were designed to investigate local knowledge of landscape, community, and sense of place, when firefighters encounter a bushfire. The socio-ecological system is complex and this thesis incorporates an interdisciplinary approach. Framed by environmental sociology, I explore firefighters’ social construction of landscape with a focus on place theory and risk. Fire management imposes a hierarchical command-and-control response to fire and this is the backdrop in which firefighters operate. Fire agencies understand that even experienced firefighters will at times still step outside the ordered structure and make on-the-spot decisions for the fire attack. This is where the individual’s local knowledge can be an asset, but my research indicates it can also be a threat, as the reality of some aspects of ‘local knowing’ may increase response-based risk during a fire. Beginning with the expectation that local knowledge is key to understanding ‘fire in place’; the study has exposed how complex this assumption is in the face of social and ecological shocks. If being adaptive and making flexible on-ground decisions is a critical part of knowing the landscape and trusting experience, it apparently counters expectations associated with centralised and conventional firefighting responses. Notably local knowledge for firefighters means knowledge of the social as much as, and in some instances, more than acknowledging the physical aspects of an area. Firefighters inherently seem to understand a bushfire as part of an integrated socio-ecological system. Most importantly, this thesis has emphasised the importance of bringing place theory to firefighting practice. It is through exploring the linked social and ecological meaning of place that the complex role of local knowledge emerges.
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    The sorry people: non-indigenous Australians and emotional geographies of co-presence
    GOODER, HAYDIE ( 2011)
    Cultural geography has recently experienced an ‘emotional turn’ increasing attention toward the ways in which a politics of affect can illuminate everyday cultural practices and material processes. This research draws on such a theoretical framework. so as to critically examine a specific postcolonial formation called reconciliation, the national policy in Australia 1991-2001, which aimed to restructure the nation's legacy of colonial relations, including its emotional legacy of guilt, grief and injury. It is with this inheritance - a core part of official reconciliation efforts - that The Sorry People is primarily concerned. Reconciliation came into being in the context of a government failure to address past and present colonial injustices towards Indigenous Australians through material means. Instead the largely symbolic, nationalistic reconciliation process took as its aim the re-education of the nation, in particular, of non-Indigenous Australians in the ‘truths’ of colonial history. In this way, as a means of managing the consequences of colonial occupation, reconciliation was the first government policy to be structured around what might be thought of as the ‘settler problem’. The Sorry People examines the ways in which non-Indigenous reconcilers address their feelings of implication in bad colonial history whilst also seeking a way to move beyond this. While reconciliation rhetoric placed a strong emphasis on ‘shared histories’, this research questions whether non-Indigenous desire for new, legitimated, ‘shared geographies’ is as relevant. To this end this research investigated non- Indigenous involvement in the reconciliation movement in Victoria from 1997-2001. Using a qualitative case-study based approach, the research focused on two localities with active community reconciliation groups: Nillumbik Shire in Melbourne and Shepparton in regional Victoria. The affective dimensions of the reconciliation movement and economies of unintended affect are in part caused by non-Indigenous people feeling delegitimised as occupants in a nation established through questionable moral grounds. Emotions stick to some bodies and not others, with white settler Australians in particular being drawn into the work of reconciliation to make right the wrongs of their political ancestors. The Sorry People explores and critiques non Indigenous concepts of reconciliation, the emotional investments and motivations of those involved and the possible shifts in subjectivity experienced both in, and through, discourses of reconciliation.
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    A case of contested rural meanings? The association between conflicting beliefs about plantation forestry and representations of the rural landscape in Tasmania
    Anderson, Nerida Margaret ( 2013)
    Beliefs about outcomes have been demonstrated to be an important factor in public acceptance of land uses. Understanding how contrasting beliefs are shaped and formed has implications for anticipating and managing land use conflict. However studies investigating community attitudes and perceptions of land uses are largely silent about underlying processes shaping beliefs, in particular why groups of individuals differ in their beliefs about the likely outcomes of contentious land uses. This study draws on literature within environmental psychology demonstrating the contested nature of socially constructed place meanings and social representations of the environment to examine the association between shared place meanings and beliefs about large scale plantation forestry in north-west Tasmania. In Australia the expansion of large scale plantation forestry on agricultural land has resulted in significant social conflict and opposition in some rural areas. Empirical studies demonstrate contrasting evaluations of acceptability to be associated with conflicting beliefs about the likely socio-economic and ecological outcomes of plantation forestry. Drawing on place theory and social representation theory it was proposed individually held beliefs about a contentious land use such as plantation forestry are shaped by social representations formed within groups of individuals sharing similar meanings attributed to the rural landscape. The conceptual framework for this study connects social knowledge theorised as being constructed in the process of social representation to individually held beliefs and attitudes about land uses. A two-stage multi-method approach was used to investigate the association between place meanings and representations of plantation forestry amongst residents of north-west Tasmania. In the first stage 31 semi-structured interviews were conducted using two photo-sorting tasks, a multiple sorting procedure and a Q-sort. Analysis of the interview data identified an association between shared place meanings and the way plantation forestry was represented. People attributing a range of lifestyle and amenity related meanings to the rural landscape were more likely to represent plantation forestry as posing an unacceptable risk. Participants attributing meanings more focused on production were likely to represent plantation forestry as both risk and benefit. Building on these findings, a large scale postal survey was used to investigate the association between beliefs about plantation forestry and representations of the rural landscape within a sample (n = 903) of residents of the study area. Analysis of the survey responses confirmed the association between conflicting beliefs about plantation forestry and contrasting representations of the rural landscape. Beliefs about the likely outcomes of plantation forestry were influenced by the degree to which the landscape was attributed meanings relating to amenity and the protection of trees and native vegetation as well as production. These findings demonstrate the utility of investigating socially shared place meanings as underlying and shaping individually held beliefs and attitudes towards rural land uses.