Architecture, Building and Planning - Research Publications

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    The Shanghai Paradox
    Day, K ; Cairns, G (Architecture Media Politics Society, 2014)
    This paper outlines my ongoing research on the use of traditional symbolism and its utilisation in contemporary architecture of the Chinese global city. It specifically examines the landmark architecture of the Pudong, or the “new” Shanghai. Is there a contradiction in imagery when architects adopt traditional motifs in contemporary skyscraper architecture? Designs such as Cesar Pelli’s Petronas Towers (1994) in Kuala Lumpur use traditional Islamic patterns in the floor plans and façade detail. However, in the case of Shanghai, the three landmark buildings of the Pudong as shown in Figure 1; the Jin Mao Tower (1999), the Shanghai World Financial Centre (2008) and the Shanghai Tower (under construction at the time of writing), all reference fengshui and cosmology. The paradox in this case is that under law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), geomancy, including fengshui and cosmological symbolism, is defined as a feudal superstition and its practice illegal.
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    Colabella, S ; Pone, S (Electa, 2014)
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    Access, quality and governance in higher education: local colleges and universities (LCUs) in the Philippines
    Montemar, L ; Recio, R ; Hecita, IJ ; de la Cruz, MJ ; Rogel, C ; Galuna, F ( 2014)
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    The lIfe cycle performance of Monomur in Australian residential construction
    Simcock, N ; Crawford, RH ; Jensen, CA (Green Building Council Spain, 2014)
    Brick veneer is the most dominant construction type in Australia; however it is not necessarily the most advantageous for the climate. Mass wall types, where massing is evident on the interior of the building, can help to achieve greater thermal performance. Monomur thermal blocks are a thermal mass system, based on single leaf construction. They are resistant to compression, transfer of heat, and are made from natural clay. Monomur has shown to benefit construction in Europe, most predominantly France, where the push for low energy buildings is high on the national agenda. This study aimed to determine the life cycle energy performance of the use of the monomur system in Australian residential construction. A life cycle energy analysis (LCEA) was used to quantify and compare the life cycle energy performance of two case study houses, one built from monomur and one from brick veneer. It was shown that there is minimal difference in the performance of these two construction approaches, paving the way for the potential use of monomur in the Australian context.
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    An early-stage life cycle model for low-energy buildiings
    Crawford, RH ; Czerniakowski, I ; Fuller, RJ (Green Building Council Spain, 2014-10-30)
    The aim of this study is to demonstrate the application of a model previously developed by the authors for low-energy building design, to show how the availability of comparable energy performance information at the building design stage can be used to better optimise a building’s energy performance. The life cycle energy demand of a case study building was quantified using a comprehensive embodied energy assessment technique and TRNSYS thermal energy simulation software. The building was then modelled with variations to its external assemblies in an attempt to optimise its life cycle energy performance. The alternative assemblies chosen were those shown through the authors’ early-stage life cycle energy model to result in the lowest life cycle energy demand for each building element. The study showed that significant life cycle energy savings, up to 45%, are possible through the modelling of individual building elements for the case study building.
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    A Performance Analysis of Cool Roof products comparing monitored data with modelled data to facilitate performance predictions
    Jensen, C ( 2013-04-15)
    Dulux Group (Australia) P/L has applied cool roof coatings to three buildings of a retail / trade nature and monitored the energy use to determine the benefits of the cool roof coating. Energy savings have been demonstrated although as yet there is limited ability to predict the benefits of the product for other buildings. This is due to the complex interaction of variable such as climate, occupancy building form and material properties, and HVAC systems. The purpose of this study is to link the existing performance results to the ability to predict accurate energy savings of this product through energy modeling.
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    Independent Review of Thermal Performance of Roofing Material Proposal
    Jensen, CA (The University of Melbourne, 2013)
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    Reconsidering Emil Kaufmann's Von Ledoux bis Le Corbusier
    El objetivo de este ensayo es re-abrir y re-leer Von Ledoux bis Le Corbusier de Emil Kaufmann. A pesar de que Panayotis Tournikiotis y Anthony Vidler lo incluyeran en sus respectivos discursos sobre la historiografía de la arquitectura moderna, se  propone reconsiderar a su autor como un historiador pionero de la Ilustración. Tres ideas: el único protagonista del libro es Claude-Nicolas Ledoux; la arquitectura en torno a 1800 necesitaba una reevaluación; y la obra de Kaufmann se  enmarca en un tiempo de búsqueda de una nueva ciencia del arte y una nueva historia de la arquitectura. Kaufmann es una figura de transición entre una generación previa de historiadores del arte que establecieron conceptos y principios fundamentales, y otros de su misma generación que se  embarcaron en la tarea de considerar la arquitectura moderna como objeto de una investigación histórica. Abstract The aim of this essay is to re-open and re-read the content of Emil Kaufmann’s Von Ledoux bis Le Corbusier. Even though Panayotis Tournikiotis and Anthony Vidler included it in their discussions of the historiography of modern architecture, this investigation recommends a needed reconsideration of Emil  Kaufmann as a pioneer historian of the Age of Reason. Three ideas can be highlighted: first, Claude-Nicolas Ledoux is the main character of Kaufmann’s discourse; second, the architecture around 1800 needed a reevaluation; and third, his  work takes place in a time of searching for a new science of art and for a new history of architecture. To sum up, it can be  concluded that Kaufmann is a transitional figure between a previous generation of art historians who established   fundamental concepts and principles; and others of his own generation who embarked on the hard task of considering modern architecture as a subject of historical research.