Architecture, Building and Planning - Research Publications

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    Reconsidering the Safety in Numbers Effect for Vulnerable Road Users: An Application of Agent-Based Modeling
    Thompson, J ; Savino, G ; Stevenson, M (Taylor and Francis Group, 2015)
    OBJECTIVE: Increasing levels of active transport provide benefits in relation to chronic disease and emissions reduction but may be associated with an increased risk of road trauma. The safety in numbers (SiN) effect is often regarded as a solution to this issue; however, the mechanisms underlying its influence are largely unknown. We aimed to (1) replicate the SiN effect within a simple, simulated environment and (2) vary bicycle density within the environment to better understand the circumstances under which SiN applies. METHODS: Using an agent-based modeling approach, we constructed a virtual transport system that increased the number of bicycles from 9% to 35% of total vehicles over a period of 1,000 time units while holding the number of cars in the system constant. We then repeated this experiment under conditions of progressively decreasing bicycle density. RESULTS: We demonstrated that the SiN effect can be reproduced in a virtual environment, closely approximating the exponential relationships between cycling numbers and the relative risk of collision as shown in observational studies. The association, however, was highly contingent upon bicycle density. The relative risk of collisions between cars and bicycles with increasing bicycle numbers showed an association that is progressively linear at decreasing levels of density. CONCLUSIONS: Agent-based modeling may provide a useful tool for understanding the mechanisms underpinning the relationships previously observed between volume and risk under the assumptions of SiN. The SiN effect may apply only under circumstances in which bicycle density also increases over time. Additional mechanisms underpinning the SiN effect, independent of behavioral adjustment by drivers, are explored.
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    Colabella, S ; Pone, S (Electa, 2014)
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    Borders in Focus: IPCS Seminar and Symposium
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    In-between: Spaces for Border-thinking
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    Building service life and its effect on the life cycle embodied energy of buildings
    Rauf, A ; Crawford, RH (Elsevier, 2015)
    The building sector is responsible for significant energy demands. An understanding of where this occurs across the building life cycle is critical for optimal targeting of energy reduction efforts. The energy embodied in a building can be significant, yet is not well understood, especially the on-going ‘recurrent’ embodied energy associated with material replacement and building refurbishment. A key factor affecting this ‘recurrent’ embodied energy is a building's service life. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the service life and the life cycle embodied energy of buildings. The embodied energy of a detached residential building was calculated for a building service life range of 1–150 years. The results show that variations in building service life can have a considerable effect on the life cycle embodied energy demand of a building. A 29% reduction in life cycle embodied energy was found for the case study building by extending its life from 50 to 150 years. This indicates the importance of including recurrent embodied energy in building life cycle energy analyses as well as integrating building service life considerations when designing and managing buildings for improved energy performance.
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    Designing robust and revisable policies for gender equality: lessons from the Australian construction industry
    Galea, N ; Powell, A ; Loosemore, M ; Chappell, L (ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2015-06-03)
    The construction industry remains the most male dominated sector in Australia. Several decades of formal gender equality initiatives by government and business have failed to bring about any meaningful change to the hierarchical and numerical representation of women in the sector. Drawing on new institutionalism, particularly the concepts of ‘robustness’ and ‘revisability’, the nature and intent of formal policies and programs that impact on gender equality are analysed in two large Australian multinational construction firms. Through in-depth interviews with senior management and a document analysis of formal policies, it is concluded that gender equality initiatives and broader policies are primarily focused on increasing the numbers of women in construction rather than addressing gender practices and outcomes. These policies lack many of the qualities of robustness and revisability, which impacts on their capacity to genuinely challenge the gendered norms, practices and narratives of the sector.
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    Exploring relation types for literature-based discovery
    Preiss, J ; Stevenson, M ; Gaizauskas, R (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2015-09)
    OBJECTIVE: Literature-based discovery (LBD) aims to identify "hidden knowledge" in the medical literature by: (1) analyzing documents to identify pairs of explicitly related concepts (terms), then (2) hypothesizing novel relations between pairs of unrelated concepts that are implicitly related via a shared concept to which both are explicitly related. Many LBD approaches use simple techniques to identify semantically weak relations between concepts, for example, document co-occurrence. These generate huge numbers of hypotheses, difficult for humans to assess. More complex techniques rely on linguistic analysis, for example, shallow parsing, to identify semantically stronger relations. Such approaches generate fewer hypotheses, but may miss hidden knowledge. The authors investigate this trade-off in detail, comparing techniques for identifying related concepts to discover which are most suitable for LBD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A generic LBD system that can utilize a range of relation types was developed. Experiments were carried out comparing a number of techniques for identifying relations. Two approaches were used for evaluation: replication of existing discoveries and the "time slicing" approach.(1) RESULTS: Previous LBD discoveries could be replicated using relations based either on document co-occurrence or linguistic analysis. Using relations based on linguistic analysis generated many fewer hypotheses, but a significantly greater proportion of them were candidates for hidden knowledge. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The use of linguistic analysis-based relations improves accuracy of LBD without overly damaging coverage. LBD systems often generate huge numbers of hypotheses, which are infeasible to manually review. Improving their accuracy has the potential to make these systems significantly more usable.
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    Reconsidering Emil Kaufmann's Von Ledoux bis Le Corbusier
    El objetivo de este ensayo es re-abrir y re-leer Von Ledoux bis Le Corbusier de Emil Kaufmann. A pesar de que Panayotis Tournikiotis y Anthony Vidler lo incluyeran en sus respectivos discursos sobre la historiografía de la arquitectura moderna, se  propone reconsiderar a su autor como un historiador pionero de la Ilustración. Tres ideas: el único protagonista del libro es Claude-Nicolas Ledoux; la arquitectura en torno a 1800 necesitaba una reevaluación; y la obra de Kaufmann se  enmarca en un tiempo de búsqueda de una nueva ciencia del arte y una nueva historia de la arquitectura. Kaufmann es una figura de transición entre una generación previa de historiadores del arte que establecieron conceptos y principios fundamentales, y otros de su misma generación que se  embarcaron en la tarea de considerar la arquitectura moderna como objeto de una investigación histórica. Abstract The aim of this essay is to re-open and re-read the content of Emil Kaufmann’s Von Ledoux bis Le Corbusier. Even though Panayotis Tournikiotis and Anthony Vidler included it in their discussions of the historiography of modern architecture, this investigation recommends a needed reconsideration of Emil  Kaufmann as a pioneer historian of the Age of Reason. Three ideas can be highlighted: first, Claude-Nicolas Ledoux is the main character of Kaufmann’s discourse; second, the architecture around 1800 needed a reevaluation; and third, his  work takes place in a time of searching for a new science of art and for a new history of architecture. To sum up, it can be  concluded that Kaufmann is a transitional figure between a previous generation of art historians who established   fundamental concepts and principles; and others of his own generation who embarked on the hard task of considering modern architecture as a subject of historical research.
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    A historical legacy: Henry-Russell Hitchcock and early Modernism
    On the occasion of the publication of Modern Architecture: Romanticism and Reintegration’s first Spanish edition. This essay aims to discuss the impact of Henry- Russell Hitchcock’s book –published in 1929– on the history of architecture. In spite of being the first history of modern architecture written in English, Modern Architecture fell into oblivion due to the success of Hitchcock’s subsequent book, coauthored with Philip Johnson: The International Style: Architecture since 1922. Discussing the critical approaches to the text –from the first book reviews to the latest historiographical studies– brings to light Hitchcock’s contribution to the historiography of modern architecture. 
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    Including prospective tenants and homeowners in the urban development process in Finland
    Kuronen, M ; Majamaa, W ; Raisbeck, P ; Heywood, C (SPRINGER, 2012-09)