Architecture, Building and Planning - Research Publications

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    The Shanghai Paradox
    Day, K ; Cairns, G (Architecture Media Politics Society, 2014)
    This paper outlines my ongoing research on the use of traditional symbolism and its utilisation in contemporary architecture of the Chinese global city. It specifically examines the landmark architecture of the Pudong, or the “new” Shanghai. Is there a contradiction in imagery when architects adopt traditional motifs in contemporary skyscraper architecture? Designs such as Cesar Pelli’s Petronas Towers (1994) in Kuala Lumpur use traditional Islamic patterns in the floor plans and façade detail. However, in the case of Shanghai, the three landmark buildings of the Pudong as shown in Figure 1; the Jin Mao Tower (1999), the Shanghai World Financial Centre (2008) and the Shanghai Tower (under construction at the time of writing), all reference fengshui and cosmology. The paradox in this case is that under law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), geomancy, including fengshui and cosmological symbolism, is defined as a feudal superstition and its practice illegal.
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    The lIfe cycle performance of Monomur in Australian residential construction
    Simcock, N ; Crawford, RH ; Jensen, CA (Green Building Council Spain, 2014)
    Brick veneer is the most dominant construction type in Australia; however it is not necessarily the most advantageous for the climate. Mass wall types, where massing is evident on the interior of the building, can help to achieve greater thermal performance. Monomur thermal blocks are a thermal mass system, based on single leaf construction. They are resistant to compression, transfer of heat, and are made from natural clay. Monomur has shown to benefit construction in Europe, most predominantly France, where the push for low energy buildings is high on the national agenda. This study aimed to determine the life cycle energy performance of the use of the monomur system in Australian residential construction. A life cycle energy analysis (LCEA) was used to quantify and compare the life cycle energy performance of two case study houses, one built from monomur and one from brick veneer. It was shown that there is minimal difference in the performance of these two construction approaches, paving the way for the potential use of monomur in the Australian context.
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    An early-stage life cycle model for low-energy buildiings
    Crawford, RH ; Czerniakowski, I ; Fuller, RJ (Green Building Council Spain, 2014-10-30)
    The aim of this study is to demonstrate the application of a model previously developed by the authors for low-energy building design, to show how the availability of comparable energy performance information at the building design stage can be used to better optimise a building’s energy performance. The life cycle energy demand of a case study building was quantified using a comprehensive embodied energy assessment technique and TRNSYS thermal energy simulation software. The building was then modelled with variations to its external assemblies in an attempt to optimise its life cycle energy performance. The alternative assemblies chosen were those shown through the authors’ early-stage life cycle energy model to result in the lowest life cycle energy demand for each building element. The study showed that significant life cycle energy savings, up to 45%, are possible through the modelling of individual building elements for the case study building.
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    Concept and barriers for the economic value of low-energy houses
    Wu, H ; Crawford, RH ; Warren-Myers, G ; Dave, M ; Noguchi, M (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 2015)
    This study explores the market revealed price of low-energy residential buildings and why the economic value of low-energy housing products is less transparent in active residential markets. It explores Australian and Japanese conditions and examines the proposition by using embodied energy, operational energy and market price data of selected housing stock in Australia. The study aims to examine a new perspective towards understanding the barriers to ascertaining the economic value of low-energy buildings. In particular, the study examines the composition of energy consumption associated with the residential property life cycle. Operational energy is linked to consumer preference by its inter-temporal value estimate of future expected utility or benefit flow. A ‘low’ embodied energy house is an environmental construct, which does not appear to currently link to short-term market value perception. It does not strongly link to an expected (intuitive) benefit. This ‘gap/disconnect’ creates a barrier to estimating a holistic economic value of low-energy residential property.
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    Exploring the relationship between Melbourne’s water metabolism and urban characteristics
    Athanassiadis, A ; Crawford, RH ; Bouillard, P ; Burton, P ; Shearer, H (State of Australian Cities Research Network, 2015)
    Cities can be seen as complex urban systems that mobilise local and global resource flows to meet the needs of their inhabitants and their manufacturing sector. However, the local consumption of resources can be responsible for major local and global environmental changes that impact the human health and wellbeing inside and outside of the boundary of the urban system. With global urban population expected to continue to grow, the mitigation of further future environmental pressures from urban consumption is of critical importance. The complexity of the interrelationships between the local social, political, cultural, economic and environmental facets of a city as well as the interrelationship between these local characteristics and urban consumption, dictate that each city will have a different set of parameters that drive urban consumption. This research will investigate this issue by exploring the relationship between Melbourne’s water metabolism and its urban characteristics. In practice, this study will correlate the spatially disaggregated water use of Melbourne with local factors such as demography, average income, territorial organisation, etc. It will then be possible to identify which urban characteristics have the greatest influence on water use and ultimately help to inform the development and implementation of the most appropriate and best targeted policies for reducing water use across Melbourne Metropolitan Area.
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    Knowledge management system in a construction company: A case study
    Vaz-Serra, PVS ; Ribeiro, Francisco Loforte, FLR ; Grilo, Antonio, AG ; Gudnason, Gudni, GG ; Scherer, Raimar, RS (Taylor & Francis Group, 2012)
    In an increasingly global world, with great mobility, construction companies must be in permanent alert finding new solutions in order to be more competitive and innovative, reducing costs and response times. The construction company can be seen as an entity where the confidence is a key factor in the decision. Often the more decisive choice is the one that can get the most positive evaluations of previous clients, good price and service. The system ConstruKnowledge was created to be used by construction companies for their knowledge management process. One of the innovations of this system is the fact that, in a simplified form and without great effort, the users can start using the system without be necessary to change their usual procedures. The system has been mapped in tree different sites: the My Site where are the information about the worker, the Site Room where the information of each project are and a third part called Knowledge Base Site where all the information are included regarding all the collaborator. That allow to the company to have access also to external knowledge avoiding sharing only inside, without external and refreshing ideas. The results of the system ConstruKnowledge have demonstrated that knowledge management is important for an enduring relationship between a construction company and a customer, providing the whole process documentation and construction phases that the client may require in the future.
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    Information and Document Management System for Construction Sites
    Vaz-Serra, PVS ; Vera-Cruz, M ; Ribeiro, Francisco Loforte, FLR (CIB WORKING COMMISSION, 2010)
    Each construction project is unique in terms of how specialist professionals manage and use project documents. A construction sites use and generate a large body of documents containing valuable information across project participants. Therefore, the efficient deployment of construction projects depends partly on the effective communication among project participants. This communication, however, is hindered by the large amount and wide variation of the project information and documents involved and the spatial dispersion of construction sites. This paper presents an intranetbased information and document management system that facilitates project information and communication management within a large construction company. The system implementation and testing have shown that it can provide structured and reliable information, quick and remote access, and prompt updating capabilities of stored documents.
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    The Historiography of Modern Architecture: Twenty-Five Years Later
    de la Vega de León, M (ATINER, 2014)
    Why reopen Panayotis Tournikiotis’ The Historiography of Modern Architecture? What for? There are two basic reasons for which Tournikiotis’ book is still a useful research tool after 25 years: first, for the historians he covers, it provides the reader with interesting references for further study; and, second, for the study of history and how it is written. In his last chapter, Tournikiotis tries to point out the lessons his study of the histories offers. He emphasizes repeatedly how each history presents modern architecture and how each tries to design the architecture of the present or even the future. Does this hold true for historiography as well? Is this book, as a discussion on nine different histories, projecting what historiography should be in the future? What is Tournikiotis’ real proposal? The aim of this study is to present how several authors have revisited the history and historiography of modern architecture after Tournikiotis’ dissertation (defended in 1988), especially after its publication in English in 1999. The study has two main objectives: one, to reconsider the impact of Tournikiotis’ Historiography on further studies of the matter; and, the other, to provide a bibliography, as complete as possible. The Historiography of Modern Architecture is a perfect manual for initiating students in the study of the histories of modern architecture. To try to ‘complete’ it, discussing what has been written since, seems like a small addition to what should be considered as a compulsory starting point for every study of architectural historiography.
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    Codes and conferences - a new era for building researchers and educators
    O'Leary, T ; Zillante, G (AUBEA, 2010)
    This paper discusses building conference rankings, metrics and issues that impact on AUBEA academics under the new 2010 Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) framework. Part one this paper gives a brief outline of current ERA developments where Field of Research (FoR) Codes appear as a more weighty consideration when universities seek to establish research strength and higher ranking in clusters around the ERA classifications. For conferences listed in the ERA building discipline a basic locational and tier analysis is presented as is a listing of ‘multi-disciplinary’ conferences where building is part of the discipline mix. Part two presents the results of an electronic survey of AUBEA participants conducted in April 2010 who are active in Australian Construction Research. Survey analysis reveals a low level typically ‘business as usual’ attitude to ERA issues, however with some individual opinion on conference listings and further comment on implementation of ERA metrics, research outputs, data gathering and reporting at various levels in the individual institution, e.g. Division, Faculty or School/Department. The current and likely future implications of ERA introduction for both individual academics and HDR students are considerations addressed in the survey analysis and discussion section of the paper.
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    Climate Change Adaption and Affordability – Costs, Benefits and Regulation of Improved Environmental Performance in Housing
    O'Leary, T (RICS Publications, 2008)
    Climate change regulatory response has lead to a number of recent studies that examine the cost and benefits of mandating improved housing design and specification. Research addressed in the paper seeks an understanding of the financial impacts of ‘sustainability’ and ‘energy efficiency’ in housing generally, biased to an Australian temperate climate regional perspective (Victoria and South Australia). The paper presents the research literature and examines the question of ‘trade-offs’ in improved residential building environmental performance. Analysis of previous studies and data on housing costs, both initial capital and operational, is a primary focus of the paper which draws some conclusions from the housing studies and cost information.