Architecture, Building and Planning - Research Publications

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    ZEMCH Environmental Experience Design for Enhancement of Sustainable Affordalbe Urban Dwellings
    Noguchi, M ; Seoul Metropolitan Government, (Seoul Metropolitan Government, 2024-05-23)
    서울특별시가 주최하고 한국주거학회가 주관하는 「2023 서울주거포럼」이 2023년 11월 8일에 서울시청 본관 8층 다목적홀에서 성황리에 개최되었다. '주거약자와의 동행'이란 주제로 열린 본 포럼은 국내 전문가뿐만 아니라 호주, 미국, 스페인 등지의 해외 연사들을 초청하여 현대에 변화하는 주거상을 밀도 있게 연구, 공유하는 자지였다. 이들이 생각한 고령화, 저출산, 양극화 등 사회의 각종 현안에 해결책을 제안하는 더 나은 주거는 어떤 모습일까?
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    Participatory Design for Multispecies Cohabitation: By Trees, for Birds, with Humans
    Holland, A ; Roudavski, S ; Heitlinger, S ; Foth, M ; Clarke, R (Oxford University Press, 2024)
    This chapter addresses the environmental crisis by empowering voices and actions of non-human lifeforms in more-than-human design. This work is significant because dominant approaches to sustainability remain limited by the knowledge of human experts, resulting in exclusion, bias, and inadequate outcomes. Seeking to address this gap, the chapter extends existing theoretical work on more-than-human communities by providing conceptual framing, tools, and examples that can inform design action. To do this, it examines a degraded site that already attracts substantial restoration efforts and contributes to them by designing artificial structures that can support arboreal wildlife. The described workflow scans trees that serve as habitat structures, uses field observations in combination with artificial intelligence to predict bird behaviours, and deploys computation to generate innovative designs. This process reframes trees as designers, birds as clients, and humans as assistants. The evidence contributes to knowledge by demonstrating the potential and practicality of more-than-human participation.
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    Saving heritage policy: The past and future of conservation in the Australian city
    Lesh, J ; Freestone, R ; Randolph, B ; Steele, W (ANU Press, 2024)
    In 2021, the NSW Government initiated a review of the Heritage Act 1977 (NSW). The framing of the review expressed confusion about the purpose of heritage policy and administration. The accompanying discussion paper identified no fewer than 19 questions (Standing Committee on Social Issues 2021a). These questions were not based on a depth of knowledge of the challenges facing the governance and management of heritage places. Rather, tensions between traditional and evolving outlooks on heritage appeared throughout the paper and in the subsequent parliamentary review report (Standing Committee on Social Issues 2021b). Conservation has long privileged the retention of traditional heritage values: historic, aesthetic, and scientific significance. Emerging viewpoints equally foreground the social, economic, and environmental capacities of conservation. Similar challenges appear in policy initiatives and decision-making conducted across national, state, and local jurisdictions. This is evidence of duplication and fragmentation in urban heritage policymaking, while broader philosophical and strategic issues remain unresolved. Australian urban heritage is at a major juncture. Since the early 2000s, the capacity for authorities to pursue innovative heritage policy and to facilitate sophisticated conservation outcomes has been eroded. Heritage governance has not been responsive to evolving professional and community expectations for the historic environment. After the closure of the Australian Heritage Commission (1975–2004), the nation has had no effective national leadership in urban heritage. This devolution agenda, making state and local authorities exclusively responsible for urban heritage, while professional and voluntary bodies uphold conservation standards, has generated issues. The authorities and bodies are disparate and under-resourced. Traditional outlooks and approaches have become entrenched (Sullivan 2015). For instance, the capacity for urban heritage to advance social, economic, and environmental sustainability has not been substantively recognised in the Australian context, raising questions about the continuing relevance of heritage conservation. As background, this chapter first maps the national policy environment for urban heritage that has formed since the mid-2000s. The body of the chapter then provides three areas for augmenting federal government leadership related to national coordination, review frameworks, and sustainability transitions. A theme throughout is the longstanding policy precedents established by the former Australian Heritage Commission, which continue to be adopted within national, state, and local heritage policy. Many of these precedents now act as barriers to advancing heritage governance and management. Comparative examples are drawn from across Australia’s cities, from overseas jurisdictions, and from intragovernmental and nongovernmental bodies: the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). Opportunities exist for renewed national (and state) leadership, revised policy frameworks, and broader sustainability transitions, aligned with evolving political, social, and economic imperatives.
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    Researching place history, memory and contested identities in urban design
    King, R ; Kamalipour, H ; Nastaran, PA (Taylor & Francis, 2023-08-24)
    Places engender (carry, protect) memory; memory, in turn, determines identity, variously of the individual, the community and the nation. In the broadest sense, the task of urban design research is to identify and understand the carriers of memory in places. However, as memory is socially produced, urban design is routinely mobilised to manipulate memory, most notably in the (re)construction of community or national identity, especially in the interests of the politically hegemonic. In that sense, the task of urban design research is to ask the question: How is this place being manipulated to serve the production of certain memories (and, presumably, the suppression of others), and what competing interests and underlying values are involved? The task might be seen, methodologically, as located in the interstices of ethnography and architectural critique; in terms of methods, however, it will most readily be approached via a critical reading of political history.
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    Informality as process and the social construction of slums: Southeast Asian cases
    King, R ; Mayne, A (Oxford University Press, 2023)
    Crucially in Southeast Asian cities, the production of alleged “slums” relates to rural-to-urban migration (rural decline, the allure of the cities), also to political and economic ight (Burmese and Khmer in Bangkok, for instance), less so to urban displacement (the de-industrialization prevalent in the West). However, in more recent times these processes intersect with counter-forces of middleclass gentrication, dreams of urban beautication, and fears of rural-to-urban invasion. There are simultaneously waves of the informal and the formal seen as process in urban space, accounting for entirely new imaginings of slums. The chapter uses a series of case studies to illustrate these processes: in Thailand, Sukhumvit and the Khlong Toei Slums of Bangkok, the cannal communities in Bangkok’s northern Bangkhen district, and conicts of the Chao Phraya riverbanks; in Indonesia, the kampung of Jakarta and the Kampung Improvement Programs of Surabaya; and in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur’s Kampung Baru.
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    BANGKOK: Creative disorder and the military imagination
    King, R (Routledge, 2023-01-01)
    This chapter addresses the disconnect between urban life and the real urban situation, and an ideologically informed imagining of what these things should be in Bangkok. To the conservative, elitist imagination, the city's urban life—its tourist appeal—presents as disorder, showing Thailand ‘in a bad light’, provoking the desire for a regime of discipline and ‘good order’, duly prosecuted by a military junta following a 2014 coup. Bangkok's streets have also long presented a different sort of chaos, in polluting gridlock where any resolution has been plagued by rivalries between competing politico-bureaucratic fractions, also duly confronted by the post-2014 junta. The streets and public places of Bangkok have long presented yet a further level of disorder that challenges the military mind, as these are the stage on which the theatre of national life plays out, in rallies, protests, uprisings, coups, and massacres. At a tactical level this has commonly manifested as royalist-elitist-military versus students. Thailand is almost completely dependent on imported fossil fuels, while its limited hydro is also mostly imported; hence addressing the city's inefficiencies through a metro and other electrification is fraught. Finally, the city is flood prone, facing existential catastrophe from global warming. So, is Bangkok sustainable?.
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    Building on Indigenous homelands in Arnhem Land since the 1980s: Harnessing appropriate technology and partnerships as a new procurement vernacular
    Robertson, H ; Memmott, P ; Ting, J ; O'Rourke, T ; Vellinga, M (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023-11-16)
    Design and the Vernacular explores the intersection between vernacular architecture, local cultures, and modernity and globalization, focussing on the vast and diverse global region of Australasia and Oceania.
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    Decolonizing leisurescapes: Sri Lanka's aesthetically integrated resort designs
    Pieris, A ; Bozdoǧan, S ; Pyla, P ; Phokaides, P (Taylor and Francis, 2022-07-29)
    This essay examines the cultural reinvention and validation of exclusive hotel- and particularly beach-side resort architectures in Sri Lanka during the late 20th century, following the establishment, during the 1960s, of tourism as a national industry catering to foreign visitors from Western nations. It uses a critical architectural history of “leisurescapes” that are spatially and programmatically shaped by economic and political conflicts to highlight trenchant social discrimination within the decades-long decolonizing process. The industry has survived initial economic instability, followed by 26 years of civil conflict to enter an era of economic liberalization as convenors of cultural production for local elites, expatriates, and international tourists. Meanwhile, impoverishment caused by the protracted conflict makes ordinary Lankans more reliant on invasive tourism economies. This essay historicizes the industry’s achievements examining the agency it has afforded architects, arguing that resort architectures’ aesthetic integration conceals social disparities.
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    Market Borrowing by Small and Medium-sized Urban Local Bodies Using a Pooled Fund Mechanism for Urban Infrastructure in India
    Tiwari, P ; Tirumala, RD ; Shukla, J ; Joshi, R ; Upadhyay, K ; Madhavan, A ; Srinivasan, S ; Seetha Ram, KE (Asian Development Bank Institute, 2023)
    This chapter reviews the applicability of a pooled financing mechanism to sanitation projects in smaller and medium sized cities including a review of cases of pooled financing initiatives in the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to distill lessons from these initiatives.
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    Planning and maintaining nature-based solutions: lessons for foresight and sustainable care from Berlin, Jakarta, Melbourne, and Santiago de Chile
    Hansen, R ; Bush, J ; Okta Pribadi, D ; Giannotti, E ; McPhearson, T ; Kabisch, N ; Frantzeskaki, N (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023-08-15)
    Nature-based solutions in their most basic and accessible form as public green spaces and urban trees are often in dire condition, exacerbated by the effects of climate change. Lack of maintenance further reduces the ability to provide ecosystem services and hinders long-term sustainability. Examples from four cities in Australia, Asia, Europe, and Latin America are used to discuss the importance of strategic planning for implementing nature-based solutions as well as proper maintenance. We suggest (1) specific legal and political frameworks, (2) foresight in planning stages, (3) optimized provision of benefits by considering scale, design, and distribution, (4) prioritization of nature-based solutions with both high social and ecological benefits, (5) careful retrofitting of existing green spaces, (6) balanced ratio of resource input and benefits, (7) sustained commitment for long-term care, and (8) enhanced public participation.