Optometry and Vision Sciences - Research Publications

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    A comparison of microelectrodes for a visual cortical prosthesis using finite element analysis.
    Brunton, E ; Lowery, AJ ; Rajan, R (Frontiers Media SA, 2012)
    Altering the geometry of microelectrodes for use in a cortical neural prosthesis modifies the electric field generated in tissue, thereby affecting electrode efficacy and tissue damage. Commonly, electrodes with an active region located at the tip ("conical" electrodes) are used for stimulation of cortex but there is argument to believe this geometry may not be the best. Here we use finite element analysis to compare the electric fields generated by three types of electrodes, a conical electrode with exposed active tip, an annular electrode with active area located up away from the tip, and a striped annular electrode where the active annular region has bands of insulation interrupting the full active region. The results indicate that the current density on the surface of the conical electrodes can be up to 10 times greater than the current density on the annular electrodes of the same height, which may increase the propensity for tissue damage. However choosing the most efficient electrode geometry in order to reduce power consumption is dependent on the distance of the electrode to the target neurons. If neurons are located within 10 μm of the electrode, then a small conical electrode would be more power efficient. On the other hand if the target neuron is greater than 500 μm away-as happens normally when insertion of an array of electrodes into cortex results in a "kill zone" around each electrode due to insertion damage and inflammatory responses-then a large annular electrode would be more efficient.
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    Driver self-regulation and depressive symptoms in cataract patients awaiting surgery: a cross-sectional study
    Fraser, ML ; Meuleners, LB ; Ng, JQ ; Morlet, N (BMC, 2013-09-10)
    BACKGROUND: Cataract is an extremely common visual condition of ageing. Evidence suggests that visual impairment influences driving patterns and self-regulatory behavior among older drivers. However, little is known about the psychological effects of driver self-regulation among older drivers. Therefore, this study aimed to describe driver self-regulation practices among older bilateral cataract patients and to determine the association between self-regulation and depressive symptoms. METHODS: Ninety-nine older drivers with bilateral cataract were assessed the week before first eye cataract surgery. Driver self-regulation was measured via the Driving Habits Questionnaire. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the 20-item Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Visual, demographic and cognitive data were also collected. Differences between self-regulators and non self-regulators were described and linear regression modeling used to determine the association between driver self-regulation and depressive symptoms score. RESULTS: Among cataract patients, 48% reported self-regulating their driving to avoid at least one challenging situation. The situations most commonly avoided were driving at night (40%), on the freeway (12%), in the rain (9%) and parallel parking (8%). Self-regulators had significantly poorer contrast sensitivity in their worse eye than non self-regulators (p = 0.027). Driver self-regulation was significantly associated with increased depressive symptoms after controlling for potential confounding factors (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Driver self-regulation was associated with increased depressive symptoms among cataract patients. Further research should investigate this association among the general older population. Self-regulation programs aimed at older drivers may need to incorporate mental health elements to counteract unintended psychological effects.
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    A computational study of how orientation bias in the lateral geniculate nucleus can give rise to orientation selectivity in primary visual cortex
    Kuhlmann, L ; Vidyasagar, TR (FRONTIERS MEDIA SA, 2011)
    Controversy remains about how orientation selectivity emerges in simple cells of the mammalian primary visual cortex. In this paper, we present a computational model of how the orientation-biased responses of cells in lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) can contribute to the orientation selectivity in simple cells in cats. We propose that simple cells are excited by lateral geniculate fields with an orientation-bias and disynaptically inhibited by unoriented lateral geniculate fields (or biased fields pooled across orientations), both at approximately the same retinotopic co-ordinates. This interaction, combined with recurrent cortical excitation and inhibition, helps to create the sharp orientation tuning seen in simple cell responses. Along with describing orientation selectivity, the model also accounts for the spatial frequency and length-response functions in simple cells, in normal conditions as well as under the influence of the GABA(A) antagonist, bicuculline. In addition, the model captures the response properties of LGN and simple cells to simultaneous visual stimulation and electrical stimulation of the LGN. We show that the sharp selectivity for stimulus orientation seen in primary visual cortical cells can be achieved without the excitatory convergence of the LGN input cells with receptive fields along a line in visual space, which has been a core assumption in classical models of visual cortex. We have also simulated how the full range of orientations seen in the cortex can emerge from the activity among broadly tuned channels tuned to a limited number of optimum orientations, just as in the classical case of coding for color in trichromatic primates.
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    Direct visualization and characterization of erythrocyte flow in human retinal capillaries
    Bedggood, P ; Metha, A (OPTICAL SOC AMER, 2012-12-01)
    Imaging the retinal vasculature offers a surrogate view of systemic vascular health, allowing noninvasive and longitudinal assessment of vascular pathology. The earliest anomalies in vascular disease arise in the microvasculature, however current imaging methods lack the spatiotemporal resolution to track blood flow at the capillary level. We report here on novel imaging technology that allows direct, noninvasive optical imaging of erythrocyte flow in human retinal capillaries. This was made possible using adaptive optics for high spatial resolution (1.5 μm), sCMOS camera technology for high temporal resolution (460 fps), and tunable wavebands from a broadband laser for maximal erythrocyte contrast. Particle image velocimetry on our data sequences was used to quantify flow. We observed marked spatiotemporal variability in velocity, which ranged from 0.3 to 3.3 mm/s, and changed by up to a factor of 4 in a given capillary during the 130 ms imaging period. Both mean and standard deviation across the imaged capillary network varied markedly with time, yet their ratio remained a relatively constant parameter (0.50 ± 0.056). Our observations concur with previous work using less direct methods, validating this as an investigative tool for the study of microvascular disease in humans.
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    Limitations to adaptive optics image quality in rodent eyes
    Zhou, X ; Bedggood, P ; Metha, A (OPTICAL SOC AMER, 2012-08-01)
    Adaptive optics (AO) retinal image quality of rodent eyes is inferior to that of human eyes, despite the promise of greater numerical aperture. This paradox challenges several assumptions commonly made in AO imaging, assumptions which may be invalidated by the very high power and dioptric thickness of the rodent retina. We used optical modeling to compare the performance of rat and human eyes under conditions that tested the validity of these assumptions. Results showed that AO image quality in the human eye is robust to positioning errors of the AO corrector and to differences in imaging depth and wavelength compared to the wavefront beacon. In contrast, image quality in the rat eye declines sharply with each of these manipulations, especially when imaging off-axis. However, some latitude does exist to offset these manipulations against each other to produce good image quality.
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    A Three-Dimensional Atlas of the Honeybee Neck
    Berry, RP ; Ibbotson, MR ; Giurfa, M (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2010-05-24)
    Three-dimensional digital atlases are rapidly becoming indispensible in modern biology. We used serial sectioning combined with manual registration and segmentation of images to develop a comprehensive and detailed three-dimensional atlas of the honeybee head-neck system. This interactive atlas includes skeletal structures of the head and prothorax, the neck musculature, and the nervous system. The scope and resolution of the model exceeds atlases previously developed on similar sized animals, and the interactive nature of the model provides a far more accessible means of interpreting and comprehending insect anatomy and neuroanatomy.
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    Optical Imaging of Human Cone Photoreceptors Directly Following the Capture of Light
    Bedggood, P ; Metha, A ; Barnes, S (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2013-11-15)
    Capture of light in the photoreceptor outer segment initiates a cascade of chemical events that inhibit neurotransmitter release, ultimately resulting in vision. The massed response of the photoreceptor population can be measured non-invasively by electrical recordings, but responses from individual cells cannot be measured without dissecting the retina. Here we used optical imaging to observe individual human cones in the living eye as they underwent bleaching of photopigment and associated phototransduction. The retina was simultaneously stimulated and observed with high intensity visible light at 1 kHz, using adaptive optics. There was marked variability between individual cones in both photosensitivity and pigment optical density, challenging the conventional assumption that photoreceptors act as identical subunits (coefficient of variation in rate of photoisomerization = 23%). There was also a pronounced inverse correlation between these two parameters (p<10(-7)); the temporal evolution of image statistics revealed this to be a dynamic relationship, with cone waveguiding efficiency beginning a dramatic increase within 3 ms of light onset. Beginning as early as 2 ms after light onset and including half of cells by ∼7 ms, cone intensity showed reversals characteristic of interference phenomena, with greater delays in reversal corresponding to cones with more photopigment (p<10(-3)). The timing of these changes is argued to best correspond with either the cessation of dark current, or to related events such as changes in intracellular cGMP. Cone intensity also showed fluctuations of high frequency (332±25 Hz) and low amplitude (3.0±0.85%). Other groups have shown similar fluctuations that were directly evoked by light; if this corresponds to the same phenomenon, we propose that the amplitude of fluctuation may be increased by the use of a bright flash followed by a brief pause, to allow recovery of cone circulating current.
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    Conscious Wireless Electroretinogram and Visual Evoked Potentials in Rats
    Charng, J ; Nguyen, CT ; He, Z ; Dang, TM ; Vingrys, AJ ; Fish, RL ; Gurrell, R ; Brain, P ; Bui, BV ; Frishman, L (PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2013-09-12)
    The electroretinogram (ERG, retina) and visual evoked potential (VEP, brain) are widely used in vivo tools assaying the integrity of the visual pathway. Current recordings in preclinical models are conducted under anesthesia, which alters neural physiology and contaminates responses. We describe a conscious wireless ERG and VEP recording platform in rats. Using a novel surgical technique to chronically implant electrodes subconjunctivally on the eye and epidurally over the visual cortex, we are able to record stable and repeatable conscious ERG and VEP signals over at least 1 month. We show that the use of anaesthetics, necessary for conventional ERG and VEP measurements, alters electrophysiology recordings. Conscious visual electrophysiology improves the viability of longitudinal studies by eliminating complications associated with repeated anaesthesia. It will also enable uncontaminated assessment of drug effects, allowing the eye to be used as an effective biomarker of the central nervous system.
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    The Effect of Daily Transient+4 D Positive Lens Wear on the Inhibition of Myopia in the Tree Shrew
    McBrien, NA ; Arumugam, B ; Metlapally, S (ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC, 2012-03)
    PURPOSE: Negative-lens-induced defocus causes accelerated ocular elongation and myopia, whereas positive-lens-induced defocus produces reduced ocular elongation and hyperopia. Short durations of positive lens wear result in markedly stronger temporal effects than do short periods of negative lens wear in the chick model of refractive development. In mammalian and nonhuman primate models, there have been equivocal results in inhibiting myopia by short periods of positive lens wear when compared with data from the chick model. The purpose of the present study was an evaluation of full-time -9.5 D negative lens wear interrupted by short periods of daily +4 D positive lens wear in preventing experimental myopia in the tree shrew. METHODS: One treatment group wore negative lenses (-9.5 D) binocularly for 23 hours a day (10 hours of which were spent in total darkness), interrupted by 1 hour of wearing positive lenses (+4 D) binocularly for 12 days. Another group of animals wore negative lenses (-9.5 D) binocularly for 23 hours a day, interrupted by two 30-minute periods of positive lens (+4 D) wear daily, again for 12 days. The animals were raised on a 14-hour/10-hour light-dark cycle. Animals wearing -9.5 D lenses binocularly, interrupted by 0-powered lenses for either 1 hour or two 30-minute periods daily for 12 days, acted as controls. RESULTS: Continuous wear of -9.5 D lenses binocularly induced a -10.8 D myopic shift in refraction. Full-time wear of -9.5 D lenses binocularly, interrupted by 1 hour of 0-power lens wear binocularly, caused a myopic shift of 3.6 D over 12 days, whereas wearing -9.5 D lenses, interrupted by 1 hour every day of +4.0 D lens wear binocularly, whether it was continuous or divided into two 30-minute periods, caused a myopic shift of only 0.7 D over 12 days. CONCLUSIONS: Daily intermittent +4 D positive lens wear effectively inhibits experimentally induced myopia and may prove a viable approach for preventing myopia progression in children.
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    Variable clinical presentations of white without pressure
    CHAM, K ; Shuey, N (Optometrist, 2012-09-20)