Victorian College of the Arts - Research Publications

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    Just death is true
    Sylvester, D (various, 2006)
    In 'Just Death Is True' a young woman lies with a blue face pack on, cradling an old fashioned phone against one ear, the thickly applied mask revealing lines in the young woman’s skin. The glazed eyes of the woman and her inability or unwillingness to speak into the phone emphasise the general feeling of entropy in this image, that speaks of youth, time and inevitable mortality.
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    All You Need To Know You Knew Early
    Sylvester, D (Various, 2007)
    'All You Need To Know You Knew Early', is part aphorism and morality tale in a photograph of an interviewer, cameraman, subject and us as viewers. Illustrating that on camera one may adopt gestures while looking into a lens as a subject and proposes that the instant of capture is itself a performance. The camera serves as a silent choreographer, dictating movements.
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    No longer exposed to problems or tension
    Sylvester, D (Various, 1999)
    From 1998, I began making staged, photography, works described as ‘encased miniature dramas’. These early images tended to explore ideas around relationships, conformity and individuality, and, started with written texts, in the case of 'No longer exposed to problems or tension' a small girl listens to music, already at this age seemingly with anxiety that only music can alleviate.