School of Culture and Communication - Research Publications

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    Discourses of affinity in the reading communities of Geoffrey Chaucer
    TRIGG, STEPHANIE (Ohio State University Press, 1999)
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    Winner and waster
    TRIGG, STEPHANIE (Garland, 1998)
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    A politics of stolen time
    FROW, JOHN ( 1998)
    This is a story about acts of telling that are true and acts that are false. It is about being told things and not being heard. It is about the relation between telling stories and existing, or about being made not to exist. Millicent’s story is a part of the Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families, entitled Bringing Them Home. Delivered to the Australian Federal Government in 1997, the Report is a record of the history of forcible removal of indigenous children, usually of mixed descent, from their families and communities, and it makes recommendations about current laws, practices and policies, about compensation for the victims of past laws, practices and policies, and about the services that are or should be available for those victims.
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    Digital dialectics: the paradox of cinema in a studio without walls
    MCQUIRE, S. ( 1999)
    This essay presents a brief history of the impact of digital technology on cinema. Drawing on original interviews with leading Australian film makers, it firstly examines how changes in technology are affecting contemporary film production. It then extends this analysis to consider the implications of such changes for contemporary film theory.
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    "Causa di stravaganze": order and anarchy in Domenico Gargiulo's Revolt of Masaniello
    Marshall, Christopher R. ( 1998)
    Three paintings by Domenico Gargiulo of the revolt of Masaniello in 1647 have been interpreted as an anti-Spanish commentary. Close analysis of the events depicted in Gargiulo's major painting of the revolt and of the political sympathies of his patrons, however, reveals the contrary to be the case. In this and other paintings, Gargiulo reinforces conventional stereotypes of the Neapolitan lower classes as fundamentally capricious and irrational. These negative visions of popular anarchy are to be contrasted with the propriety, unity, and stability displayed by the establishment in Gargiulo's other pictures of contemporary events.
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    "Evil will walk once more": phantasmagoria - the stalker film as interactive movie?
    NDALIANIS, ANGELA (New York University Press, 1999)
    Two distinct tales of horror. Two heroines. Two psycho-killers. Two small-town communities. In the first story, the horror begins when a deranged murderer (possibly also the bogeyman himself) interrupts the peace of a small town. Lurking in the shadows, he emerges only to butcher a stream of unsuspecting young victims. At the end of the tale, the story's victimized and only surviving character, Laurie, rises to status of hero as she confronts the "bogeyman" head-on. Trapped in a house with him, her life balancing on a fine line, she has no option but to bring him out in the open and lure him to his own destruction. In the second story, the horror emerges when the heroine-to-be's husband develops psychotic, serial killer tendencies. The peace of their idyllic home and community is shattered and the psycho-killer's victim list builds up. Then Adrienne, the killer's wife, is left with no other option: she must engage him in final battle and, likewise, set him up for his own bloody annihilation. Two defeated psycho-killers. Two female victors.
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    Documentary meanings and interpretive contexts: observations on Indian 'repertoires'
    My main concern in this chapter is to elaborate on a particular aspect of a larger project examining the interpretation of environmental documentaries by audiences in India and Britain, the empirical part of which was designed to illustrate/substantiate theoretical interventions aiming to rectify a perceived lacuna in the attempts in communication research to make a connection between the socially culturally situated audiences and their interpretive practices. In this chapter, I isolate for closer inspection a specific strand from the web of data, with the intention of demonstrating both the presence of different interpretive repertoires in India, as well as the role of higher education as a relevant factor in the creation of these repertoires. This chapter examines the possible links between cultural contexts and the reception of documentaries, and interrogates en route the idea of culture as context. What is postulated here is a conceptualization of context based on phenomenological hermeneutics, which it is argued, accommodates the complexity and diversity of collectivities within 'national cultures'.
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    Doing justice to Pauline: strategies of representation in television current affairs
    NOLAN, DAVID ( 1999)
    While condemnation of Australia's One Nation Party president, Pauline Hanson, and the media coverage of her, have gone hand in hand, much of this criticism has failed to adequately address the complexity of Hanson's status as a celebrity politician. This has been compounded by a failure to provide an adequate explanation of the basis on which accusations of irresponsibility, targeted at both Hanson and the media, have been mounted. This paper examines the treatment Hanson has received in two current affairs programs in Australia in relation to both the criticisms of her and of media reportage of her It identifies, in both cases, a tendency in both the programs themselves and in criticisms of them to essentialise what constitutes legitimate media representation. Finally, the paper explores the possibilities of a radical democratic approach to issues of media representation.
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    Information technology as cultural capital
    Emmison, Michael ; FROW, JOHN ( 1998)
    In this paper we explore the relevance of the concept of cultural capital - understood here as an alternative to the more traditional measures of socio-economic disadvantage - in the context of a discussion of the significance of information technology in contemporary societies.
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    Multiculturalism: the politics of cultural diversity
    FROW, JOHN ( 1998)
    This paper addresses the proposition that multiculturalism in Australia is not primarily a cultural phenomenon but should be understood, rather, as being framed by local demographico-political considerations, by a set of strategies of nation formation, and by the politics of Asian regionalism. By this I don’t mean that it has no cultural effects, both at the level of high culture and of everyday social interactions, but that it cannot be accounted for in terms of the discourse of cultural attitude with which it is officially described.