School of Culture and Communication - Research Publications

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    Writing the Square: Paul Carter’s Nearamnew and the art ofFederation
    Rutherford, Dr Jennifer ( 2005)
    Visiting Australia for "The Year Of the Built Environment City Talk" Beatriz Colomina said of Federation Square "It wears crazy-paving clothing all over it. What is it saying?" In this paper I focus on some of that "crazy paving", Paul Carter’s artwork Nearamnew, a work that marks the ground of Federation Square as a site of historical, social and political negotiation. Nearamnew, I argue, is a strangely joyous promise of a different kind of locality and a different way of thinking, writing and speaking into the impasses of Australian place.
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    Sitings and soundings
    Lee, Jenny (Southgate and Scienceworks, 1994)
    Catalogue essay for Big River: Soundings on the Lower Yarra, a collaborative exhibition between Vivienne Mehes (photography), jeltje (poetry), Zane Trow (music) and Jenny Lee (historian). Big River uses images, sound and text to illuminate the landscape of the lower Yarra and reflect on that landscape's meanings to the people who live and work around it. The materials for the exhibition have been assembled over two years of work around the river, talking to people, taking photographs, recording sounds, and messing around in boats.This is a collaborative project involving four people working in different media, sometimes together, sometimes apart. Each of us has approached the project from a different perspective. The exhibition itself includes many different voices and images – not only our own, but also those of people in the river community
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    Returning to country
    Birch, Tony (Scribe Publications, 2001)
    As this history began - with journeys - so it will end. In February 2001 Tony Birch, writer, historian and former senior curator with Museum Victoria, rode into Melbourne from the north west. His tram wound along a route once familiar to Wurundjeri people travelling to Mt William - traversing the plain just to the east of the Moonee Ponds Creek and Coonan’s Hill, before veering away towards the central city. Along the way, in Royal Park, still stand a few eucalypts old enough to bear witness to all these comings and goings.
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    ‘These children have been born in an abyss’: slum photography in a Melbourne suburb
    Birch, Tony ( 2004)
    This article is concerned with the role of photography as an agent of ‘social truth’, with a particular interest in the way that the technology was used by slum reformers in Melbourne from the 1930s into the postwar era. The article focuses its attention on the streets and people of the inner Melbourne suburb of Fitzroy and two ‘crusaders’, F.O. Barnett (founder of the Methodist Babies Home) and Father Gerard Tucker (of the Brotherhood of St. Laurence), who would use the propagandist value of the photograph to influence their social and moral interventions into the lives of Fitzroy’s poor.
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    The best TV reception in Melbourne: Fitzroy 'low-life' and the invasion of the renovator
    Birch, Tony (University of Melbourne Postgraduate Association, 2003)
    In the 1960s the inner-Melbourne suburb of Fitzroy began a process of economic and social change, resulting in the dislocation of many long-term residents. Some people were shifted out of the suburb as a result of government ‘housing reforms’. Others were more gradually dislocated. It was the renovator’s paint-brush and the commodification of Fitzroy’s ‘diversity’ that would eventually transform the suburb into the place that it is today; a place of ‘real delis’, ‘taste’ and ‘fashion sense’. This article engages with some of these Fitzroy narratives.
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    Gentrification, cultural policy and live music in Melbourne
    LOBATO, RAMON (University of Queensland, 2006)
    This paper examines the regulation of nightlife in Melbourne, with a focus on live music venues. Widespread gentrification of the city centre and inner suburbs has recently created considerable tension between residents and venues. Under pressure from both sides, the state government established the Live Music Taskforce in 2003, and its findings resulted in a semi-formal — albeit largely symbolic — policy reorientation towards the protection of existing music venues. Through a case study of the Live Music Taskforce policy development process, the author argues that the Bracks government's creative cities development strategy and its overriding economic motivations have, in this instance, intersected with the broader cultural needs of Melbourne. However, such productive intersections can in no way be assured by creative industries planning models, whose interest in cultural activity is conditional upon its economic value.