School of Culture and Communication - Research Publications

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    Arts Funding and the Cultural Wars: the continuing saga
    CAUST, J (Sookmyung Women's University, 2016-07-05)
    Cultural policy and arts policy in particular has been a site of much contention and discussion in Australia over the past decade. The events of the past 2 years have taken this to another level and shown major ideological schisms in the present political approach. While the established arts sector has been protected and consolidated, the emerging sector, individual artists, and small organisations have all been negatively impacted. These policy changes suggest a retreat to a different cultural period; a time when Australia based its national identity on its English colonial founders. What this period highlights also though is the vulnerability of artists, the political framing of arts practice and the philosophical contradictions around the nature of arts funding.
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    Marketing and sponsorship of the arts: A chicken and egg dilemma?
    Caust, J (Deakin University, 2018)
    This paper explores the potential impact of prioritising the ‘marketing’ of the arts over the ‘creation’ of art. Shifts in government policies, the development of the industry paradigm and the necessity to generate more income has meant that arts organisations have increasingly focussed on marketing their wares and finding additional sources of income. Has this increasing reliance on selling to the market place or dependence on the marketplace, had an impact on the nature of the undertaking? Do sponsors of art influence the outcomes? Has marketing become the end rather than a tool in the process? This discussion also raises issues the particular nature of arts making and whether increasing commercialisation perverts its integrity.
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    'Haunted AI'
    Pfefferkorn, J ; Sunde, EK (xCoAx, 2023)
    The cascade of generative text-to-image models that emerged in 2022 led to much fascination and discussion. There was one phenomenon that went particularly viral, that of “Loab”. Presented as a digital cryptid that haunts an unspecified latent space, Loab represents a continuum of themes regarding our perception of technologies as they emerge. We utilise Loab to illustrate imagined affordances in generative AI-images. Beginning with a brief introduction to the technical operations of latent space and text-prompts, we then move into a cultural analysis of Loab. We interpret this through two frames of reference. The first draws on the long history of haunted machinery through spirit photography. The second situates Loab within cyborg depictions, which have positioned the ‘woman-machine’ as threat. Between the technical and the cultural, we argue that Loab occupies a paradoxical double identity.
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    Bones of Contention: Social Acceptance of Digital Cemetery Technologies
    Allison, F ; Nansen, B ; Gibbs, M ; Arnold, M (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2023)
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    Cybernetic Funeral Systems
    Arnold, M ; Gould, H ; Kohn, T ; Nansen, B ; Allison, F ; Love, H ; Adamson, G ; Gopal, TV (IEEE, 2021)
    Using Postphenomenology (one of many methods informed by Wiener's cybernetics) as an analytical approach, this paper examines three examples of robot participation in, and mediation of, funerals. The analysis of robot mediation of funerals challenges the idea that death rituals are exclusively human performances and experiences, and instead repositions them as cybernetic systems of entanglement and impact. The paper begins with an introduction to the relevance of postphenomenological theory, then moves to the case of CARL, a robot that enables remote participation in funeral ceremonies. We argue that the [Human-Robot-Funeral] relation and its variants are both engaging and alienating, through revealing-concealing, magnification-reduction and a more generalised enabling-constraining. Technological mediation is also evident in the case of Pepper, a robot that has officiated at funerals as a Buddhist monk. We describe similarities and differences in the way CARL and Pepper manifest the [Human-Robot-Funeral] relation. The final example is AIBO, a companion robot that becomes the locus of a funeral ritual. This offers a radical case that directly challenges humans' self-proclaimed exceptional ontology.
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    Ian Fairweather: Artist At Large
    Roberts, C ; Shao, D (Commercial Press, 2019)
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    Nansen, B ; Hjorth, L ; Pitsillides, S ; Gould, H (University of Illinois Libraries, 2019)
    The study of death online has often intersected with questions of trust, though such questions have evolved over time to not only include relations of trust between individuals and within online communities, but also issues of trust emerging through entanglements and interactions with the afterlives of memorial materials. Papers in this panel attend to the growing significance of the afterlives of digital data, the circulation of fake deaths, the care attached to memorial bots, and the intersection of robots and funerals. Over the last twenty years the study of death online developed into a diverse field of enquiry. Early literature addressed the emergence of webpages created as online memorials and focused on their function to commemorate individuals by extending memorial artefacts from physical to digital spaces for the bereaved to gather (De Vries and Rutherford, 2004; Roberts, 2004; Roberts and Vidal, 2000; Veale, 2004). The emergence of platforms for social networking in the mid-2000s broadened the scope of research to include increasingly knotted questions around the ethics, politics and economics of death online. Scholars began investigating issues like the performance of public mourning, our obligations to and management of the digital remains of the deceased, the affordances of platforms for sharing or trolling the dead, the extraction of value from the data of the deceased, and the ontology of entities that digitally persist (e.g. Brubaker and Callison-Burch, 2016; Gibbs et al., 2015; Karppi, 2013; Marwick and Ellison, 2012; Phillips, 2011; Stokes, 2012). Scaffolding this scholarship are a number of research networks, including the Death Online Research Network and the DeathTech Research Network, who encourage international collaboration and conversation around the study of death and digital media, including supporting this AoIR panel. This panel contributes to the growing field of research on death and digital media, and in particular poses challenges to focus on the commemoration of humans to encompass broader issues around the data and materiality of digital death. Digital residues of the deceased persist within and circulate through online spaces, enrolling users into new configurations of posthumous dependence on platforms, whilst at the same time digital afterlives now intersect with new technologies to create emergent forms of agency such as chatbots and robots that extend beyond the human, demanding to be considered within the sphere of digital memorialisation. Questions of trust emerge in this panel through various kinds of relationality formed with and through digital remains. These extend from relations of trust in the digital legacies now archived within platform architectures and how we might curate conversations differently around our personal data; to the breaking of trust in the internet when creating or sharing a hoax death; to the trust involved in making and caring for a posthumous bot; to the trust granted to robots to perform funerary rites. It is anticipated that this panel will not only appeal to scholars interested in the area of death and digital media, but also engage with broader scholarly communities in which questions of death now arise in larger debates around data, materiality, and governance on and of the internet. References Brubaker, J. R. and Callison-Burch, V. (2016) Legacy Contact: Designing and Implementing Post-mortem Stewardship at Facebook. Paper presented at CHI Workshop on Human Factors in Computer Systems, San Jose California. de Vries, B. and Rutherford, J. (2004) Memorializing Loved Ones on the World Wide Web. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 49(1), 5-26. Gibbs, M., Meese, J., Arnold, M., Nansen, B., and Carter, M. (2015) #Funeral and Instagram: Death, Social Media and Platform Vernacular. Information Communication and Society, 18(3): 255-268. Karppi, T. (2013) Death proof: on the biopolitics and noopolitics of memorializing dead Facebook users. Culture Machine, 14, 1-20. Marwick, A. and Ellison, N. (2012) “There Isn’t Wifi in Heaven!” Negotiating Visibility on Facebook Memorial Pages. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 56(3), 378–400. Phillips, W. (2011) LOLing at Tragedy: Facebook Trolls, Memorial Pages and Resistance to Grief Online. First Monday 16(12). Retrieved from Roberts, P. (2004) The Living and the Dead: Community in the Virtual Cemetery. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 49(1), 57-76. Stokes, P. (2012) Ghosts in the Machine: Do the Dead Live on in Facebook? Philosophy and Technology, 25(3), 363-379. Veale, K. (2004) Online Memorialisation: The Web as a Collective Memorial Landscape For Remembering The Dead. The Fibreculture Journal, 3. Retrieved from  
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    Making Sense of Emotion-Sensing: Workshop on Quantifying Human Emotions
    Tag, B ; Webber, S ; Wadley, G ; Bartlett, V ; Goncalves, J ; Koval, P ; Slovak, P ; Smith, W ; Hollenstein, T ; Cox, AL ; Kostakos, V (ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY, 2021)
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    Stitching together lacquer cabinets
    Martin, M ; Dazhen, S ; Di'an, F ; Zhu, Q (The Commercial Press, 2019)