School of BioSciences - Theses

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    Lack of transferability of experimentally enhanced thermal tolerance of photosymbionts between coral larvae and sea anemone hosts
    Sakamoto, Rumi ( 2021)
    Coral reefs support a wide range of marine species and are crucial for our economy. However, current climate change and associated summer heatwaves cause reduced coral health and high mortality rates. An important aspect of coral reefs is a mutualism between the cnidarian host and endosymbiotic algae in the family Symbiodiniaceae, which provide more than 90 % of the coral energy through photosynthesis under the healthy mutualistic relationship. However, stressful environmental conditions such as elevated ocean temperature cause coral bleaching, which is the loss of Symbiodiniaceae from coral tissues. To increase the thermal tolerance of the corals, heat-evolved strains of the Symbiodiniaceae species Cladocopium C1acro were previously obtained through experimental evolution in vitro. Of the ten heat-evolved Symbiodiniaceae strains, three strains confer enhanced bleaching tolerance to Acropora tenuis coral larvae. To test whether these strains improve the thermal tolerance of another host species, I exposed sea anemones, Exaiptasia diaphana, inoculated with each of eight strains of Symbiodiniaceae (the homologous symbiont, Breviolum minutum; the wild-type and six heat-evolved strains of Cladocopium C1acro) to elevated temperature. My findings showed that the thermal tolerance of E. diaphana varied depending on the inoculated Symbiodiniaceae strains, however, the thermal tolerance ranking differed from that observed in the previous coral larval experiment. Metabolomics analysis of the host fraction indicated that the translocation of sugar was significantly lower under the elevated temperature treatment for all host-symbiont pairs, which supports one of the bleaching hypotheses that coral bleaching is caused Symbiodiniaceae becoming parasitic under elevated temperature. This study revealed important insight into the cnidarian-Symbiodiniaceae interaction under elevated temperature and provided an insight into the coral bleaching hypothesis.
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    Ricci, Francesco ( 2021)
    The coral holobiont is a complex metaorganism where the coral polyps, microeukaryotes, prokaryotes and viruses interact within the three-dimensional structure of the coral colony. These interactions have shaped corals over a period spanning 400 million years - when Scleractinians began diversifying in the Palaeozoic - facilitating the success of these animals in tropical, temperate and arctic environments as well shallow and deep oceans. Corals strongly rely on their microbial partners, for instance, the relationship with unicellular algae in the family Symbiodiniaceae is an emblematic example of host-symbiont nutritional exchanges, but more recently other functions like antimicrobial activity, bioactive compounds synthesis and thermal tolerance have been attributed to members of the holobiont. The microbiota harboured in the coral skeleton, referred to as the endolithic microbiome, is an often-overlooked component of this system. These endoliths colonize coral nubbins just a few days after the settlement and they are thought to be involved in several biochemical pathways of the holobiont. Among them are the endolithic algae, mainly represented by the genus Ostreobium. These photosynthetic microeukaryotes are keystone species in the skeletal environment, where they modify the physical ultrastructure by means of their boring action, shape the physicochemical gradients through their autotrophic metabolism and ultimately influence the presence and abundance of other holobiont members. Endolithic algae have also attracted attention because of their potential ability to transfer sugars to the host, a process that can aid coral survival during bleaching events when the symbiosis with the microalgae populating the tissue gets impaired. In recent times the studies investigating coral holobionts have risen but observations on broader scales are still scarce and this is what this thesis is about. Currently our knowledge of the coral skeleton and its microbiota is still limited with few studies focused on understanding the diversity and function of this endolithic community, therefore in Chapter 2 I brought it together and reviewed the roles that endoliths play in the coral holobiont, which include shaping the coral physicochemical gradients, nutritional exchanges and decalcification of the skeletal matrix. Here, I proposed that the metabolism of the microbial community shapes the physicochemical microniches of the coral skeleton that, along with other processes like priority effects and dispersal limitation define the microbial community assembly. In Chapter 3 I used multiple techniques to characterize the endolithic microbiome of one of the most common corals found in the Great Barrier Reef, Isopora palifera. Here, in contrast to a previous study on the same coral species, I showed that oxygenic phototrophs were the dominant functional group. In Chapter 4 I employed a rigorous experimental design, molecular characterization of the microbiota and innovative techniques including micro-CT scanning to quantify the contribution of host evolutionary history, skeletal architecture and reproductive mode on the bacterial community composition of tissue and skeleton. Variation partitioning analysis showed that these predictors explained 14% of the tissue and 13% of the skeletal microbiome composition and influenced the presence and abundance of key coral-bacterial symbiosis. A large fraction of bacteria was present both the coral tissue and skeleton but their abundance in the two compartments differed, supporting the hypothesis that the coral skeleton can function as a microbial reservoir to the rest of the holobiont. Additionally, I found that coral tissue and skeleton bacterial communities were dominated by rare bacteria, and the groups Cyclobacteriaceae, Paramaledivibacter and Roseospira were persistently associated with corals but are either new to the coral microbiome field or understudied. In Chapter 4 I linked the physicochemical environment of the coral skeleton to the colonizing microbiome. The coral skeleton can be seen as a microbial environment where its biotic and abiotic components interact and influence each other. I used two coral species with pronounced differences in their skeletal architecture, Porites lutea and Paragoniastrea australensis, and I showed that their skeletons are characterized by steep physicochemical gradients shaped by the metabolism of the microbial community, which is in turn influenced by these gradients. Canonical correspondence analysis showed statistically meaningful correlations between bacterial ASVs and O2 and pH gradients suggesting that the presence and relative abundance of bacteria affiliated to Chlorobi, Spirochaeta and Alteromonas were influenced by the physicochemical environment. Additionally, by using hyperspectral reflectance imaging and molecular characterization of the microbiome I showed that corals harbour a wide diversity of phototrophs and that different coral species have similar communities but with very different spatial organizations. This thesis describes the microbial communities living in associations with several corals species and contributes to unraveling those abiotic and biotic processes driving the coral holobiont structure. Here I highlight the variability of the microbiome across coral species, between anatomical compartments (tissue and skeleton) and across different layers of the coral skeleton. My data show that the physicochemical environment of the coral skeleton is dynamic and shaped by the interaction between the metabolism of the microbial community harbored within it and the characteristic skeletal architecture of each coral species. Furthermore, based on my results, I propose that the endolithic community interacts with the tissue microbiome as well as with the host suggesting that the coral skeleton is an integral part of the coral holobiont.
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    Feasibility of bacterial probiotics for mitigating coral bleaching
    Dungan, Ashley M ( 2020)
    Given the increasing frequency of climate change driven coral mass bleaching and mass mortality events, intervention strategies aimed at enhancing coral thermal tolerance (assisted evolution) are urgently needed in addition to strong action to reduce carbon emissions. Without such interventions, coral reefs will not survive. The seven chapters in my thesis explore the feasibility of using a host-sourced bacterial probiotic to mitigate bleaching starting with a history of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as a biological explanation for bleaching (Chapter 1). In part because of the difficulty to experimentally manipulate corals post-bleaching, I use Great Barrier Reef (GBR)-sourced Exaiptasia diaphana as a model organism for this system, which I describe in Chapter 2. The comparatively high levels of physiological and genetic variability among GBR anemone genotypes make these animals representatives of global E. diaphana diversity and thus excellent model organisms. The ‘oxidative stress theory for coral bleaching’ provides rationale for the development of a probiotic with a high free radical scavenging ability. In Chapter 3, I construct a probiotic comprised of E. diaphana-associated bacteria able to reduce oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals such as ROS. I identified six strains with high free radical scavenging ability belonging to the families Alteromonadaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, Flavobacteriaceae, and Micrococcaceae. In parallel, I established a “negative” probiotic consisting of closely related strains with poor free radical scavenging capacities. The application of this probiotic to mitigate the negative impacts of exposure to a simulated heat wave was tested in Chapter 4. There was no evidence for improved thermal tolerance in E. diaphana. Changes in the relative abundance of anemone-sourced Labrenzia provided evidence for its integration in the E. diaphana microbiome. Uptake of other probiotic members was inconsistent and probiotic members did not persist in the anemone microbiome over time. Consequently, the failure of the probiotic inoculation to confer improved thermal tolerance may have been due to the absence of probiotic bacteria for the full duration of the experiment. Importantly, there were no apparent physiological impacts on the holobiont following inoculation, thus showing that shifting the abundance of native anemone microbiome members was not detrimental to holobiont health. Further, I found no evidence for an increase in ROS in the E. diaphana holobiont when it was exposed to heat. Some of the most compelling evidence in support of the ‘oxidative stress theory of coral bleaching’ comes from three published studies that expose corals, cultures of their algal endosymbiont, or E. diaphana to exogenous antioxidants during thermal stress. To confirm that ROS is the main driver behind thermal bleaching in E. diaphana, I replicated these previous experiments with novel methods that allowed a more accurate quantitation of ROS, and found that dosing with exogenous antioxidants (mannitol and ascorbate plus catalase) mitigates bleaching in E. diaphana, with no correlation between bleaching and increased ROS (Chapter 5). A serendipitous finding was that the E. diaphana bacterial community diversity can be rapidly reduced when anemones are reared in sterile seawater, making this model suitable for testing the efficacy of microbial restructuring strategies (Chapter 6). Taken together, the work from my PhD has shown that ROS scavenging varies among anemone-associated bacteria and that a high ROS-scavenging probiotic can be developed. Further, my findings have unveiled several main knowledge gaps that need to be filled before probiotics can be implemented, including administration strategies and choice of probiotic bacteria that maximise the maintenance of probiotic communities over time and a direct measurements of ROS in bleaching corals (Chapter 7).
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    Coral-associated bacterial communities in early coral life stages: transmission mode and scope for manipulation
    Damjanovic, Katarina ( 2019)
    Global impacts of climate change and other anthropogenic disturbances are causing massive declines in coral reef ecosystems. As reef-forming scleractinian corals provide essential resources to a large part of the population, their degradation has severe ecological, social and economic consequences. Efforts are therefore urgently required to limit human impacts (e.g., by drastically reducing emissions of greenhouse gases), and also to assist coral adaptation to climate change. In this context, favourably adjusting coral-associated microbial communities could potentially benefit the host, as microbial symbionts are known to play critical roles in coral health. Probiotics have already proven effective in other organisms such as plants to increase crop yields, and humans to treat various bowel conditions. The successful application of probiotics in corals is contingent on the feasibility to manipulate the coral microbiome. Therefore, a central question of this thesis is whether the coral microbiome can be influenced by targeted bacterial inoculation in the laboratory. Initially, understanding how corals acquire and maintain their bacterial associates will assist in predicting whether probiotics could be taken up and retained across generations. The transmission mode of bacteria in corals with different reproductive strategies therefore constitutes an additional focus of this thesis. I start the thesis by providing information on the ecological importance of coral reefs, the threats that they are currently facing in the context of climate change and approaches that have been proposed to accelerate the adaptation of corals to environmental disturbances (Chapters 1 and 2). Within that scope, I focus on coral-associated microorganisms, highlight their roles for coral health and discuss the potential of microbial biotechnology to mitigate coral reef degradation. Chapter 2 includes experimental data providing proof-of-concept that the bacterial microbiome of juvenile corals can be influenced by exposing coral larvae to the mucus (which is known to contain a diverse microbiome) extracted from adult colonies of different coral species (Chapter 2). In Chapters 3 and 4, I investigate the transmission mode of coral-associated bacteria using 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) microscopy. No evidence of direct vertical transmission of internalised bacteria was observed in the broadcast spawner Acropora tenuis (Chapter 3). However, metabarcoding shows that the gametes were already associated with diverse bacteria upon release and that early coral life stages successively associated with different bacterial communities, probably acquired from the environment. It is possible that the coral-associated mucus is removed during the FISH fixation procedure and therefore bacteria in the mucus would not be visualised by FISH microscopy. Parental colonies may thus drive the transfer of certain bacteria by releasing them to the water column upon spawning (horizontal transmission) and/or through the mucus layer coating the gametes while these are still inside the coral polyp (vertical transmission). Clear evidence for vertical transmission is present in the brooder, Pocillopora acuta, where newly released larvae contained internalised bacterial aggregates (Chapter 4). DNA metabarcoding provides evidence for vertical transmission as well as horizontal uptake of bacteria in this coral species. In Chapters 5 and 6, I explore the possibility of manipulating coral-associated bacterial communities by exposing coral recruits to fragments of adult corals (Chapter 5), as well as to a cocktail comprising a small number of pure bacterial cultures (Chapter 6). In the former approach, rearing P. acuta coral recruits in the vicinity of adult fragments of P. acuta and Platygyra daedalea under a flow-through system did not result in different bacterial associates developing in juveniles compared to control corals. The temporal changes of bacterial assemblages in early recruits suggest that their microbiome is dynamic, which may facilitate uptake of bacterial strains in an inoculum but also challenge their retention over time. In Chapter 6, I rear A. tenuis and P. daedalea recruits in the same aquaria and repeatedly inoculate them with a bacterial consortium generated in the laboratory. The seven bacterial strains present in the inoculum were enriched in inoculated recruits of the two coral species compared to the no-inoculum controls, and there is a significant effect of the inoculum on the coral-associated bacterial communities. Additionally, some of the structuring in the bacterial microbiomes is explained by host species, highlighting the role of host factors in shaping bacterial community composition. These results support proof-of- concept for the feasibility of coral microbiome manipulation as a first step towards developing probiotics aimed at enhancing coral climate resilience. In Chapter 7, the general discussion, characteristics of microbial inoculation strategies that could be implemented to corals are discussed, as well as their advantages and shortcomings. Emphasis is also drawn to current knowledge gaps and research priorities for the field of microbiome engineering in corals.