Faculty of Education - Theses

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    The theoretical, political and practical challenges facing the psychosocial potential maximisation of people who are deaf
    Jacobs, Paul Gordon ( 2004)
    It has been reported that there is a dearth of knowledge linking people who are deaf with maximisation of psychosocial potential. Contemporary thought on deafness tends to focus on what a deaf person cannot do. It creates a negative view of living with deafness in an educational, vocational and social light. This can ignite pervasive forces of stigmatisation and victimisation. This is a primarily psycho-sociological thesis that investigates the theoretical, political and practical challenges facing people who are deaf. It focuses on what deaf people can do. As a theoretical critique, it explores ideological factors that play significant roles in the integration of deaf people into society. The empirical data was gathered from 16 participants who were randomly selected adults with greater than moderate deafness in both ears. They completed a survey relating a diverse range of psychosocial experiences and showed high levels of psychosocial competence. Analysis of the survey data show that through utilising technological aids and pursuing numerous social avenues they showed that they could maximise their psychosocial potential as both members of mainstream society and/or people who are culturally Deaf. This thesis provides greater in-depth understanding of psychosocial issues for people who are deaf - in particular issues the theoretical, political and practical nature. Shedding new light on deafness related research and practice, it can be beneficial for parents of children who are deaf, various professionals who work with people who are deaf, and deaf people themselves.
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    Proactive psychosocial attributes and tactics of vocationally and socially successful people who are deaf: a pragmatist study
    Jacobs, Paul Gordon ( 2009)
    Little research has identified the proactive psychosocial attributes and tactics that deaf individuals can use to maximise their potential with hearing peers. A comprehensive and systematic framework of psychosocial skills has also been absent in deafness-related research. This study featured data gleaned from 49 participants from Australia, England, and the USA who were mostly highly educated, and vocationally and socially successful. These participants formed three groups: Oral Deaf (n=22), Hearing (n=19), and Culturally Deaf (n=8). All participants were over the age of 25 and self-regarded as maximising their potential in mainstream society. All hearing participants had had a close relationship with a deaf individual for more than one year and reported not having a disability. All deaf participants nominated whether or not they were culturally Deaf (CD) and reported not having an additional disability to deafness. Most deaf participants reported pre-lingual deafness (n=18). All but one deaf participant reported greater than severe-to-moderate bilateral deafness. Eighteen (60%) deaf participants wore hearing aids, ten had a cochlear implant, and two had no assistive sensory device. Twenty-four (80%) deaf participants relied on speech-reading and all but one always used their voice to communicate. Nineteen (63%) deaf participants were educated solely in a mainstream school but only three (10%) were educated solely in a School for the Deaf. The majority (64%) of Oral Deaf (OD) participants had not learned Sign Language (SL) and only three continued or were fluent with SL. All CD participants used SL. Data trends also suggested that two CD participants were ‘purely’ CD, whereas the six other CD participants likely were ‘bi-cultural’. This exploratory research used a framework of psychosocial themes used in a study with vocationally successful participants with a Learning Disability by Reiff, Ginsberg and Gerber (1995). These themes were grouped into Internal Decisions (Desire, Goal Orientation, and Reframing) and External Manifestations (Persistence, Goodness of Fit, Learned Creativity, and Social Ecologies). Control was the eighth theme that embraced all other seven themes. Reiff et al.’s framework was modified for the current study’s purposes so that the combined effect of the three thematic categories of Control, Internal Decisions, and External Manifestations equals Potential Maximisation. Potential Maximisation was therefore defined as the measure of a participant’s psychosocial attributes and tactics used in social and vocational contexts. Screening surveys were used to glean demographic data and to determine the participants’ eligibility. Eligible deaf and hearing participants were then administered follow-up surveys. These follow-up surveys included identical items that were scored for the purposes of between-group statistical analyses. The follow-up survey for deaf participants featured additional deafness-specific items that were not in the follow-up survey for hearing participants. The follow-up survey items were allocated to themes in Reiff et al.’s (1995) framework. Mixed-methods were administered on the data. Between- and within-group analyses were also conducted. Three between-group comparisons featured statistical analyses on each of the four variables of Control, Internal Decisions, External Manifestations, and Potential Maximisation. The results of the ANOVAs and t-tests (2-tailed) showed no significant differences in the mean scores for each of four variables. These trends indicated that 1) the deaf and hearing participants used similar or identical psychosocial attributes and tactics to maximise their potential, and that 2) hearing status and 3) deaf identity were not factors influencing the maximisation of psychosocial potential. Three within-group analyses were then conducted. These included case studies, composite pictures, and reporting qualitative data trends. The case studies showed that the highest scoring participant provided comparatively numerous, richer, and detailed psychosocial attributes and tactics than the lowest scoring participant. The composite pictures further showed remarkable similarities, which, again, highlighted the participants’ use of similar psychosocial attributes and tactics. Qualitative data trends particularly illustrated that deaf participants also used additional psychosocial attributes and tactics for circumventing deafness-related challenges.