Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Greek girls and the culure of femininity : a study of three Melbourne schools
    Strintzos, Maria ( 1988)
    This study examines how second generation Greek girls develop a sense of self within the context of two cultures--the home and the school. The particular solutions chosen by Greek girls to negotiate these two worlds are formed by the interaction of gender, class and ethnicity in Australian society. In the move to Australia, migrants have transported a culture in which traditional ideologies of the culture of femininity impose a definition of 'good womanhood'--emdodied in the concept of honour--which places strict demands on the behaviour of girls in all aspects of their lives. 'Being Greek' affects girls' educational experiences and constructs their social reality. The study contends that for Greek girls 'goodness' of character is understood as a matter of moving delicately between the precepts of traditionally expected behaviour of females and a school code of behaviour that can be at odds with those expectations. In some schools this cultural dichotomy is heightened by expectations of 'ethnically correct' behaviour based on racist assumptions in addition to a series of values, rules and standards inherent in the culture-of the school which are at variance with the interests and culture of Greek girls. This project studies three schools in Melbourne. It found that while Greek girls perceive education to be the legitimate vehicle to achieve better jobs than those of their parents, some girls participate in counter-school behaviour--in opposition to both the racist and sexist practices in the school and the ccurriculum which does not address their specific needs and interests. Other Greek girls in the same schools, however, conform to the demands placed on them. In one school--a girls' private school--the culture of the school itself does not challenge the Greek code of female honour but rather facilitates a total commitment and celebration of its dictates as a question of family and personal status. However, negotiating the two worlds is for all girls fraught with serious contradictions and ambiguities.
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    Initiative and control : in the Disadvantaged Schools Program in Victorian government schools, 1973-80
    Riddiford, R. F ( 1985)
    The Disadvantaged Schools Program seemed a fertile field for the study of the relationship between initiative and control. While the need for organisational controls, in the interests of conformity, cohesion, security, co-ordination and effectiveness can hardly be disputed, neither can the urge of individuals to be themselves, and to act as they think best. While any group, organisation or society needs some pattern of regulation, both for its own sake and for the sake of its members, harmony is a heavenly rather than an earthly state. The intrinsic nature of man, the gap between prescribed and actual organisational goals, the effect of continual change in people, structures and external conditions, all serve to ensure that the interaction between people and organisations can never be smooth for long. The key problem awaiting solutions is the finding of the parameters of the optimal relation between the individual member of an organisation and it overall structure, between individual aims and organisational goals, between necessary mechanisms of delegation and control and individual needs and expectations.
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    The Ministerial Review of Postcompulsory Schooling : a case study of a temporary adaptive system
    Russell, Marion Bridget ( 1986)
    For complex organisations such as educational systems to be able to adapt effectively to changing circumstances they need to develop a repertoire of adaptive mechanisms. The temporary adaptive system appears to merit inclusion in such a repertoire. This study reports the conduct of one case of a temporary adaptive system: The Ministerial Review of Postcompulsory Schooling conducted in the State of Victoria between 1983 and 1985. The case is an example of the operation of a quite complex temporary adaptive system which incorporated its own temporary subsystems within its overall process. It was established to initiate changes at the system-wide level of a large educational system. The issues at stake were ones perceived to be significant by those within the educational as well as the wider community. Within one year after the publication of its Report most of its recommendations, with some modification, appear to have excellent chances of implementation. The case is shown to demonstrate quite strong adherence to the features of temporary adaptive systems discusssed in the literature, and to the procedures recommended for attaining a successful operation and outcome. These features and recommended procedures - and their interaction - are described and analysed in the study. From the findings of this one case suggestions are made for modifying and extending the theory relating to temporary adaptive systems.
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    A comparative study of ten Victorian Protestant girls' school histories 1875 to 1920
    Johnston, Carol ( 1985)
    In recent years a number of histories of independent girls' schools have been published and it now seems an appropriate time to draw together some aspects of this history. This thesis will trace some of the common features of these histories with a view to explaining the changes in the development of female education in Victoria during the period 1875 to 1920.(From Introduction)
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    Parents in the classroom
    Hall, J. M. ( 1987)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the presence of parents in the classroom on children, parents, and teachers. The study took the form of a sequenced set of action research style interventions in an outer-suburban secondary school and an inner-city primary school. Attitudes of parents of students in year 7 to creativity, frustration, control, play, and teaching/learning were measured with Strom's Parent as a Teacher inventory, P A A T. Achievements of the children in word knowledge, comprehension, spelling, and maths were measured with tests of ACER. There were some significant correlations between attitudes of parents and achievements of their children. For example, attitudes of mothers to control and the achievement of their children in maths were very highly correlated (N=105, p=.001). After one year of secondary schooling, there was no significant difference between the entering and final achievements of the year 7 students in this study in comprehension and maths (N=123). End-of-year scores of students for word knowledge and spelling were below the scores that would have been expected of students one year younger (N=175, 174). The numbers in these comparisons differ because of absences from school. Classroom experiments were conducted with parents in classrooms in a junior secondary and a primary school. "Parents" means adults who may be parents, other relatives or friends of the students, or friends of the school. In year 7, three different treatments for six weeks were compared, namely, two parents for two classroom periods a week (T), two parents for four periods a week (F), and no parents (Z). There was a significant interaction between mathematical aptitude and treatment (p=.021) such that at the low level of aptitude, achievements in maths with treatments F and T were superior to treatment Z. Also, with the low and medium levels of aptitude combined, treatment T was superior to treatment F (p=.038). With respect to attitude to learning maths, treatment T was superior to treatment F at both the low and medium levels of mathematical aptitude. However the effect on post attitudes was not significant. The attitudes of students in one grade 2 and two composite grades 3/4 were measured to sixteen items that were related to their school and TV. Coincident with the presence of parents in the classrooms of grade 2 and two composite grades 3/4 , there was an increase in positive attitudes of students to eight items in which there was a high level of teacher/parent involvement (HTPI) compared with eight low TPI items (grade 2, N=26; grades 3/4, N=50). In grades 3/4, the presence of parents in the classroom over a period of eight weeks had useful cumulative effects on time on task, teacher stress, and inappropriate class behaviour. Parents, students, and teachers in this study recommended that experience with parents in the classroom should be expanded.
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    Declining enrolments and school reorganisation: an enunciation of the policy and planning options for Victorian post-primary schools
    Graham, John McK. ( 1988)
    The state school system in Victoria experienced a significant decline in student enrolments during the 1980s. This was due to a combination of a sustained fall in fertility and the rise in popularity of non-government schooling. It was only partly offset in post-primary schools by the increase in retention. These factors, together with geographic location and school type, were the principle determinants of enrolment movements in individual schools. The politics of enrolment contraction are those of scarcity and conflict. Local schools compete with each other for the diminishing pool of students, the increase in schooling costs per student creates conflict between schools and the Government over resource utilisation, restrictions are placed on school curricula and teachers find their working conditions, professional opportunities, classroom teaching and morale all adversely affected. Secondary schools with declining enrolments need to consider some form of reorganisation. While the policies of the government on curriculum, school structures and reorganisation itself do set certain parameters, school communities are presented with a range of curriculum and structural options. The introduction of new curricula, which have structural implications, into Years 7-10 (Ministerial Paper No.6/Frameworks) and in Years 11 and 12 (the V.C.E.) provide both an incentive and an opportunity to reorganise as a positive response to decline. The positive and negative aspects of the planning options available to schools need to be weighed up in terms of Government policies, curriculum principles, the experience of other education systems and the pilot program of reorganisation in Melbourne's South Central Region. The process of school reorganisation will work more effectively where it has been decentralised to local planning committees which actively involve all of those affected by proposed changes. Given that the process is redistributive in nature, successful reorganisation is dependent upon the political acknowledgement and accommodation of conflicting interests.
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    Some determinants of students' course selection in mathematics
    Flinn, Christine ( 1984)
    In this study some determinants of students' course selection in mathematics. were investigated, with particular attention being given to those factors which may result in differential participation rates between boys and girls. The aim of the study was to assess the relative importance for student decisions of various psychological variables related to achievement attitudes. Such knowledge could then be used in the design of appropriate programs and techniques to increase the likelihood of students continuing to take maths. Questionnaires were administered to the 115 students in Year 9 and to the 107 students in Year 7 at a Melbourne inner-suburban .high school. Specific findings apply to those students in that particular school; without investigation of the effect of such variables as socioeconomic status, ethnic background., administrative structure, course-availability and class size they could not be extrapolated to other students in other schools. Students' estimates of their maths abilities and their expectations for maths performance, decreased with age, as did their perception of their parents' and teachers' beliefs about their ability and expectations for their success. Students' beliefs about the importance of success in maths and their declared interest in and liking'for the subject also decreased with age, while their estimates of the difficulty of maths increased with age. Year 9 boys had higher opinions of their maths ability and were more confident of success in future maths courses, than were Year 9 girls. These girls saw the subject as being more difficult and the cost of the effort required to do well to be higher than did their male classmates. At the Year 7 level, however, the only sex differences were in the stereotyping of the utility of maths for females and in the stereotyping of maths as a male domain. Plans to continue with maths were facilitated by high expectations, by firm beliefs in the value of maths and in one's own ability and by low estimates of the difficulty of maths. Sex differences favouring boys were found on these variables. On the basis of these findings, certain areas for intervention were identified. These areas included the encouragement of positive attitudes towards maths, the provision of career awareness programs, and the attempt to modify parents' and teachers' attitudes as to the maths, ability of girls and the importance of maths for them.
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    The provision of English as a second language programs in Victorian Catholic primary schools, 1970-1988
    Fisher, Mary C. ( 1989)
    This thesis examines the programs in English as a second language provided by the Catholic Education Office of Victoria to its primary schools between 1970 to 1988. The CEOV response to Government policies and funding for English as a second language programs for immigrant children is described and analysed. Data concerning these programs is analysed for ten selected Catholic primary schools, who submitted proposals in 1985, and for twenty selected Catholic primary schools who submitted proposals in 1988. The results show that despite good intentions and committed efforts, the teaching of English as a second language in Victorian Catholic primary schools remains a poor relation.
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    The history of St. John's College Braybrook, 1958-1978: an illustration of the tensions between local initiative and centralization in the field of Catholic education
    Dooley, Shane F. ( 1985)
    In 1958 a group of local priests from within the Sunshine/Braybrook region saw the need for the establishment of a school to cater for post-primary catholic boys and showed much initiative in their attempts to bring such a venture to fruition. Their initiative is demonstrated by their efforts not only to assure the central authorities that the project was feasible from the financial angle, but also by their extensive attempts to gain the services of a religious order to conduct the college. Having no success with the local orders, the priests turned to overseas for assistance. In 1964 the Brothers of the Sacred Heart arrived in Australia to open their first college. With the opening of the school at the commencement of 1965, the priests' venture had become a reality. As the sixties progressed changes to catholic secondary education within the archdiocese were taking place. The role of the laity within the Church became a more active one. This was translated into the life of the college by means of increased participation in decision-making processes by the laity. Further, the re-introduction of "state-aid" enabled the college, like many others, to survive financially. It did at the same time enable catholic central authorities to play a more dominant role in the operation of the college. The college continued to expand throughout the seventies. Co-education was introduced at the senior levels in 1972. This led to the establishment in 1975 of an Archbishop's Committee to investigate the possibility of establishing a separate senior college. Unlike the planning which took place in the fifties by the priests, this venture was undertaken by the central Catholic Education Office. Local initiative had to a great extent been replaced by centralization.
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    Devolution and effective school leadership: a case study involving ten Victorian state high school principals
    Cowell, Edmund Lance ( 1987)
    An interview methodology was used in this study in an attempt to ascertain how high school principals view the current devolution proposals (as outlined in the document Taking Schools Into The 1990's) as affecting school leadership in terms of Sergiovanni's leadership model. When conducting the interviews it became quite apparent that Sergiovanni's leadership model was most representative of the leadership patterns of principals in the sample. All of the interviewees believed that a school would need to have a strong and functional culture in order to provide excellence in schooling. The majority of principals saw their role as cultural leader as being more important than their managerial role from the viewpoint of seeking excellence in schooling. Seventy per cent of respondents saw the role of principal as crucial in developing/ maintaining a strong school culture. Furthermore, most principals also believed that the new devolution proposals could enable schools to develop a stronger school culture, thus resulting in greater excellence in schooling. The local appointment of staff was a recommendation seen as being most beneficial in this regard. The recommendation that high schools obtain the services of a full-time administration manager was also seen as allowing the school principal to be a more effective leader in that he could delegate more of his managerial functions and thus concentrate more on his role of cultural leader. Although more detailed research is required, the results of this study are consistent with the claim made in the review of literature that because Sergiovanni comprehensively addresses the issue of school culture then his model would appear to be the most useful in the current educational climate. The results also give encouragement to those who believe that some of the recommendations contained in the latest devolution proposals may result in greater excellence in schooling.