Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Student perceptions of giftedness, gifted students, teachers and education of the gifted
    Long, Patricia E. ( 1990)
    The purpose of the study was to identify perceptions, preferences and attitudes of a sample of secondary school students in relation to giftedness, gifted students, teachers, and educational provision for the gifted, and to investigate differences and similarities between gifted and nongifted students. The sample consisted of 40 identified gifted and 40 nongifted students from Forms 8 to 10. A review of the literature described the history of the development of gifted education, particularly in Australia, and research concerning students' perceptions of the study topics. The study utilised a theoretical background of implicit, social cognition and labelling theories, and a version of the critical incident technique. The findings showed many similarities between the views of the gifted and the nongifted, including a generally positive view of giftedness, of educational provision for the gifted and of gifted students, although they were viewed somewhat less positively than were the provisions for them. The students generally perceived a need for gifted programs, especially at secondary level. They clearly wanted a combination of mixed ability classes and top sets in one or more subjects, not mixed ability classes as the only provision. Withdrawal for the gifted was generally endorsed by both groups. Provision for the gifted within the regular classroom was generally acceptable to the gifted, specifically in the form of advanced rather than wider content, but the nongifted generally rated both forms negatively. The students considered that the most important quality of a teacher was that the teacher should know the subject well. In general, personal-social characteristics of teachers were regarded as less important than intellectual qualities and teaching competencies. Certain characteristics were regarded as more important by the gifted and others by the nongifted. Recommendations were made for the particular school and in general.
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    Skilling the Australian community: futures in public education : young people's perspectives
    Hamilton, Andrew E. ( 1990)
    Young people were interviewed to ascertain their perceptions of Australia in the next ten years and what skills that they expected that school leavers [i.e. secondary school leavers] will need to have to cope with the future. The findings provided data for a national conference, sponsored by the Commission for the Future and the Australian Teachers' Federation, in Melbourne in April, 1966. The conference explored the demands on education as seen by representatives of six user groups of education, including industry, parents and students. The methodology was basically determined by the nature of the project. The young people reached an "agreed statement" for the project. Their attitude towards the future indicated uncertainty, anxiety and pessimism and that their lives will be increasingly controlled by impersonal technology. The young people believed that there are four main areas of skill development needed by school leavers to cope with the future. The areas are: Intellectual/academic, vocational, social and personal. Some details are provided for each of the skill areas. The young people believed that the development of these skills should be possible through the public education system. Consideration is given to the possibility of implementing student participation and school-work relationships - two of the areas seen as important for the skill development of young people. A scenario of public education in 1998 is provided as a starting point for deeper thought and consideration of the issues raised as a result of the opinions expressed by the young people on the skills needed to cope ten years into the future.
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    The Australian Catholic school sector: organisational structures and their rationales at state and territory level
    Casey, Peter M. ( 1990)
    In November, 1980, Dr. Grant Harman presented a discussion paper prepared for the Committee of Enquiry into Education in South Australia. The paper, "Administrative Structures for Providing Education Services at State Level" (Harman, 1980), set out to investigate organisational arrangements for public education across Australia, to investigate the background to changes being implemented and to evaluate the suitability and, effectiveness of the current state and territory systems with a view to recommending changes in the South Australian system. This paper aims to replicate aspects of Harman's work within the context of the Catholic Church's provision of education in Australia in 1987. Accordingly the research undertaken sought first to identify the major providers of Catholic education within each state and territory, the authority of each body, its terms of reference, and its structure, function and rationale. On the basis of the information gathered, comparisons are made between the identified structures, and a number of conclusions presented. (From Chapter 1)
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    Women, sport and education
    Carlisle, Barbara J. ( 1990)
    This thesis discusses the nature and significance of sport for girls in Australian schools and addresses the issue of the single-sex and coeducational learning environments. While it is clear that there are no obvious physiological or psychological reasons for the current underrepresentation of females in sport, male construed and transmitted values deeply embedded in Australian society still continue to shape attitudes and perceptions of the role of women in sport and physical recreation. The impact of the socializing forces including the family, teachers and the media is sufficiently influential to produce a significant disparity between male and female sports participation. This problem is examined and evaluated with ideas proposed to develop and foster a more equitable representation of women in sport.
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    Training needs of small business
    Breen, John Patrick ( 1990)
    Research in the area of Small Business has regularly pointed to the high failure rate, especially for those businesses in their early years of operation. These studies frequently recommend the need for more training of the small business owner/manager. If training is to be successful it must address a need which has been observed. To enable the training of the small business owner/manager to be more effective their needs must be ascertained. This study examines a sample of small business owner/managers and their attitudes to and requirements for training. Small business owner/managers were questioned about their present and desired levels of knowledge, skills and attitudes relating to small business management. By making a comparison of the desired levels with present levels the most commonly occurring gaps in owner/managers' knowledge, skills and attitudes were identified. These have been defined as training needs of this group. These needs are further categorised according to the profiles of the owners. From the survey results training needs have been identified and target groups highlighted for improved marketing of courses by the various providers of small business training.
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    Brother Ronald Fogarty's Catholic education in Australia, 1806-1950, volumes I and II: a re-appraisal
    McCorkell, Debra E. ( 1990)
    This thesis is an attempt to re-appraise the history of Brother Ronald Fogarty in his work Catholic Education in Australia 1806-1950 in the light of the specific themes which he determines as basic to the development of Catholic education. It has been generally acknowledged that these themes are not only relevant to the Catholic or educational sphere of Australian history, but also provide insight into the development of Australian society as a whole. Fogarty's history celebrates the triumph of a minority group as part of a reaction to the developments instituted by the majority. Overall, Fogarty's interpretation of why and how a separate Catholic education system developed makes a significant contribution to Australian historiography in general.