Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Tradition and change in the establishment of Mount St Joseph Girls' College 1964-1970
    Traina, Maria ( 1991)
    Social, political and economic influences invariably have bearing on the development of a school's philosophy, policies and practices, and must be considered integral to any school history. This is most evident in the post-war period, when the 'explosion' in numbers in post-primary schooling resulted not only in an expansion of schools but also, in a restructuring of traditional secondary school organisation and practice. For the first time post-primary schooling came to be recognised as a distinct and essential sphere of education. The establishment of Mt St Joseph Girls' College in 1964 by the Institute of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart was in direct response to changes in Australian society during the 1950s and 1960s. The Sisters of St Joseph, an Australian teaching Order, was established in the 1860s by Father Julian Tenison-Woods and Mary McKillop to provide Catholic primary education to the poor. However, in the 1960s, the Institute was prepared to adapt and meet the demand for secondary education by establishing secondary colleges. This thesis traces the establishment and development of the first secondary Josephite school in Victoria - Mt St Joseph Girls' College between the period 1964 and 1970. The recollections of students reveal that despite the Josephites' efforts to widen educational and occupational opportunities for working-class girls, school organisation, curriculum and practices, implicitly and explicitly directed girls to gender-specific educational and occupational paths; and to the notion that culturally valued womanhood was intrinsically related to marriage and motherhood. The study also indicates that it was not until 1969 that the Josephites introduced curriculum reform by replacing the multilateral form of school organisation (professional, commercial and domestic sciences), with a more integrated and comprehensive curriculum which cut across these divisions and catered for the needs and interests of a wide range of students. Although the benefits of this were not evident until the following decade, it must be emphasized that the Josephites had taken the first steps to remove the limitations placed on girls' aspirations, abilities and opportunities. v
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    Henry Sidgwick and reform at Cambridge, 1859 to 1900
    Benson, Ann ( 1990)
    Henry Sidgwick was the epitome of a 'Victorian Don'. He first went up to Cambridge in 1857, was elected to a trinity Fellowship in 1859, and lived and worked at the University until his death in 1900. On the rare occasions that he receives acknowledgement for his academic and reforming achievements there is a tendency for authors to depict him as a rather unfulfilled intellectual, hidden in the 'ivory tower' atmosphere of Cambridge University, writing dull uninteresting treatises on moral philosophy. This picture is untrue and is more a reflection of twentieth century perception of the Victorian Era than of reality. Henry Sidgwick was an attractive vital man who translated this vitality into joining the reform movement at Cambridge. He lived out his life at Cambridge, from the age of seventeen years until his death, as an active reformer of university education, and man fully aware of the worldly scene. Sidgwick mixed with and was related to some of the most influential men in England. His sister's husband, Edward Benson, became Archbishop of Canterbury, and his wife's brother, Arthur Balfour, the Earl of Balfour, was an active politician who became Prime Minister of Great Britain after Henry's death. Henry Sidgwick took a vigorous interest in many aspects of life, the role of the Church, politics, theology, psychic phenomena, as well as academic reform; he was never trapped in an ivory tower. He was a gregarious individual whose presence enhanced any social gathering, a sturdy don who, when instructed by his doctor to get more exercise, ran through the streets of Cambridge daily, his gown billowing in the wind: A man singularly lacking in vanity, he neither sought or expected recognition and although considered by some as the author of the most important contribution by an Englishman to moral philosophy, he is not well-known. He has not received due recognition for his efforts, mainly successful, to reform education at Cambridge. The aim of this thesis is to shed some further light on the personality and reforming achievements of this enlightened and just man, without whom Cambridge and higher education would have been the poorer.
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    Epitome and translation with commentary of Kad?n Sorunu (The status of women) by Necla Arat
    Aydin, Meral ( 1991)
    The status, achievements and problems of women have been examined comprehensively in recent years by numerous research projects, conferences and seminars globally. As it was indicated in the introduction of the book entitled "Kadin Sorunu" (The Status of Women) which is the subject of this thesis, the author Dr. Necla Arat who was then a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy of Istanbul University has done minor research and expanded it as a printed text with the abovementioned title. Though the book was written in 1975, due to various reasons and difficulties, it was published in 1980, revised and, enlarged edition was printed in 1986 (Say Yayinlari, Istanbul). The first edition had aroused a great deal of interest, it was criticised in positive and negative ways, such as a "complete political booklet", "a study of democratic leftists and progressives that reflect the contradictions of the Republican era woman". The author expresses her satisfaction with the outcome of her work, her book has not faded away in silence. She insists in her book that it is the responsibility of women themselves to defend vigorously their rights. Dr. N. Arat has published a number of books and translated some texts. Presently, she is the head of the Department for Women's issues of Istanbul University. A. Language B. Women and social change in Turkey C. Islam The text has three parts. Part I is an account of Western feminism and the struggle for women's emancipation. The author contributes valuable data on the historical background of the emancipation of Western women and the status of women before Islam. However, the other parts of the text which examine women under the influence of Islam and in the Republican era require comment.
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    Non-English speaking background females as students and as teachers
    Angelidis, Olympia ( 1991)
    In contrast to literature on female teachers generally, of which there is an abundance, there is little research on the specific category of female Non English Speaking Background (NESB) teachers in schools. Equally, there is no literature available which outlines the progressive experience of NESB girls, initially as students and later as professional teachers. This study aims to do a little of both by tracing the experiences of NESB girls as students and as teachers in the educational environment. This study has relied on the qualitative methodological approach. Interviews were preferred over rigid questionnaires as this method allowed for an experience based comparative study where issues raised could be pursued, expanded upon and further developed as the need arose. The results of this study show that NESB women (as students and teachers), are not only disadvantaged in regards to their gender, but also in relation to ethnicity. It became evident that although NESB teachers had reached the other end of the educational spectrum, they were still being subjected to the biases and discrimination which they had. experienced earlier as students in the education system.