Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Schools of the Future and curriculum development and implementation : an investigation
    Minahan, R. H ( 1995)
    Restructure of the Ministry of Education has ensured that schools are no longer centrally administered but are self-managing within the Schools of the Future program under the Directorate of School Education. As a result, changes have occurred in many areas including administration, financial management, staffing structure and teacher support in areas such as curriculum. This study investigates three schools that are members of the Schools of the Future Pilot Program and seeks to find the effect that the changes from the Program, have had on Curriculum Development and Implementation. The study reviews the literature available on the topic, in particular the notion of self-managing schools in Victoria. Therefore it reviews information on the Schools of the Future Program. It also seeks to understand the effect of changes in curriculum policy and the provision of professional development. The study also seeks to explore the effect of leadership style on the implementation of curriculum within a school. Qualitative research methods were employed when data was collected from the three participating schools. The schools were selected for the following reasons: (i) they are members of the Schools of the Future Pilot Program(or Intake 1); (ii) they are situated in a similar socio-economic area; (iii) the author had ready access to those schools. By applying grounded theory technique to the data a model was developed - The Curriculum Triangle. This model is a suggested representation of what is occurring in the selected schools and could be used further to analyse data from schools, and thus generate the possible areas requiring professional development and curriculum leadership.
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    Manufacturing student organisations: a study with particular reference to Melbourne University, 1880 to 1914
    Foley, Christopher Andrew ( 1995)
    The foundation of a University poses an interesting problem: will the new institution simply be an imitation of an existing University model, or will it involve an adaptation of different models. The resolution of this problem will in turn determine many aspects of the University's structure and operations, including that of the particular forms of student organisations that will emerge. Universities that are based on faculty-structures tend to have a tradition of faculty-based student organisations, while collegiate-based universities tend to possess college-based student organisations. Phenomena that raise interesting questions about Universities that possess both faculties and colleges. In the case of Melbourne University during the period of 1880 to 1914, the basic structure of the University (faculties and colleges) was emerging, as was a tradition of faculty and college based student organisations. In addition, other types of organisations also emerged which drew their members from different parts of the University. Most notably were the early student 'unions' which explicitly sought to bring all students of the University together, and to create a sense of student solidarity based on one's university, rather than one's faculty or college, membership.
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    "I had tried everything, but there was nothing left in teaching for me": a small scale study of teacher resignation in Victoria: 1992-1995
    Clencie, Meredith F. ( 1995)
    The investigation set out to determine reasons for teacher resignation from the Directorate of School Education in the State of Victoria, Australia between 1992 and 1994. Specifically the study examined why 20 teachers resigned from a single secondary college in the outer western region of Melbourne. The teachers selected were highly competent as judged using criteria recently developed by the Standards Council of the Teaching Profession. Participants were interviewed and the data presented as individual causal maps. These were then analysed across the cases to discover generalisations. Of greatest concern to Victorian policy makers and administrators is the quality of the exit staff and the implications for Victorian education of the loss of such a talented and able group. Lack of mobility emerged as the most prominent factor influencing the resignation decision of the exit teachers. The second most important factor was found to be unmet expectations in teaching. Lack of career structure/opportunities was the third most important factor and lack of professional development the fourth most important factor. Peripheral factors which emerged from the research included changes following the change of government, lack of collegiality, school culture and individual achievement and unsupported post graduate study. It was found that the new career structure for Victorian teachers, the Professional Recognition Program provides some solutions for the factors affecting resignation among the group of exit teachers.
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    Leadership frames and principals' learning
    Caldwell, Suzanne J. ( 1995)
    This thesis forms part of the Review of the Schools of the Future "Leading Victoria's Schools of the Future" undertaken by the University of Melbourne - Institute of Education, in conjunction with the Directorate of School Education and Principal Associations. The Schools of the Future program was initiated by the newly elected Victorian Liberal Government in 1993. It involves the devolution of authority and responsibility to the local school level and a decrease in the central role of the DSE. The scope of change has required a staged introduction process and extensive professional development activities. The implementation process has resulted in 500 schools joining the SOTF program every six months with the process being completed by the end of 1995. This thesis was designed to provide a review of the professional development activities associated with the implementation of the SOTF program. It uses the Bolman and Deal (1991) framework of organisational theory, as adapted by Cheng (1993) to analyse the leadership orientations of principals and their past, present and future professional development needs. The framework provides five areas - structural, human resource, symbolic, political and Sergiovanni's (1984) educational frames. Both a quantitative and qualitative methodology was used. A survey was sent to eighty principals randomly selected from Intake Three of SOTF. The results to the survey provided the frame orientations of principals as well as data on the four most significant professional development activities undertaken in the last five years. An analysis of the data provided information which enabled the selection of two principals for interviewing at the Intake and Implementation stage of the SOTF program. The data are reported as survey and interview results. The qualitative work - based on Miles and Huberman (1984) relied on data reduction, data display, data collection, involving counting and noting patterns and themes, and conclusions drawing and verification methods. The findings clearly indicate that principals of SOTF have strong human resource and educational frames. However, there is need to provide professional development activities in the symbolic and political frame areas as these frames are strong indicators of leader effectiveness but are the least preferred frames by principals. The principals found that the collegiate group provided significant support during the charter writing stage and in some instances, beyond. Professional development activities need to be provided during the implementation stage of the SOTF program. The data suggests that there is an urgent need for the DSE to present a strategic plan of the direction of education and to slow down the rate of change so that schools at the local level can address their needs.