Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Girls can do science!!! : a personal history of professional development
    Osman, Ann Elizabeth (University of Melbourne, 1992)
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    The investigation into the application of chaos theory and fractal geometry as a cross-curricular enrichment theme for highly able students
    Kelly, Lynne S. (Lynne Sandra) (University of Melbourne, 1994)
    Chaos theory and fractal geometry is investigated as an interdisciplinary enrichment theme for gifted students. A literature search revealed the recommendation that this topic be introduced into secondary schools, but no references could be found to a suitable course. Hence an action research group of highly able secondary school students aged from twelve to seventeen was established to help develop just such a course. It was found to be necessary to divide the emergent curriculum into seven streams to satisfy the individual needs of the students. The streams were mathematics, science, programming, software, history and philosophy, communications and art. The mathematics stream formed the basis introducing concepts such as iteration, deterministic systems, iterated function systems, complex numbers, the Cantor, Mandelbrot and Julia Sets, The Koch curve, fractal dimensions, period doubling and phase space. Some students programmed the mathematical procedures in both Quick Basic and Turbo Pascal. The applications in science, including weather forecasting, dissecting lungs, chemical reactions, astronomy, population dynamics and magnetic pendulums were investigated using practical methods wherever possible. Software packages were explored as were the historical, philosophical, sociological and artistic questions which arose during the action research phase. Modern communications were used to gain programs and information over Internet. Links with people of similar interests around the world were established. Through these activities, a final course of eighty work sheets and supporting reference sheets was developed. This course is presented in Volume Two. Students and the candidate maintained journals and these, along with a questionnaire and other documentary data, were analysed using a grounded theory methodology. As a result, chaos theory and fractal geometry was shown to be a suitable and stimulating theme for cross-curricular enrichment of highly able students.
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    Student expectations of the future
    Pepper, Laele ( 1992)
    Specific aims of the study To investigate how present-day students view the future and their place in the workforce of the future. To establish whether or not students regard their present educational experiences as an adequate preparation for their future work. To investigate acceptance of unconventional futures scenarios as possible futures.
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    The impact of the zone based professional development program, "Skill review and professional development", on knowledge, understanding and practice within selected school communities
    Summers, Bernadette ( 1995)
    While engaged in documenting a retrospective account of a zone based professional development program, Skill Review and Professional Development, which aimed to support school communities in the implementation of skill review and professional development according to the Tripartite Agreement on School Development Planning, I reflected on a statement by Harwayne (1992): 'We take courses. We attend workshops. We read books, We get lots of information. But the really important information comes later on. It comes when we take that seed information back to our classrooms, when we experiment and innovate and invent, when we make it our own. The story really is 'to be continued' (p.337 ). This reflection led to the following questions which drove my investigation: # has the 'seed information' collected during the program been taken back to the school level?; # have school communities been able to 'experiment', 'innovate' and 'invent' in order to make skill review and professional development their own?; and, # in what areas has the zone based professional development program, Skill Review and Professional Development, impacted at the school level? The information gathered to discover the answers to these questions was qualitative in nature and comes from those involved directly with the delivery and implementation of the program. The information draws on what happened at the zone level and what is now happening at the school level. The gathered data took the form of words: written and anecdotal; record and document observations; and transcripts of discussions and interviews, as words captured the spirit of the happenings. The writings of Joyce and Showers (1987), Joyce and Weil (1992), Fullan and Stiegelbauer (1991), Hargreaves (1992), Fullan (1993), Johnson (1993), Guskey (1994) and others have helped make sense of the impact of this program at the school level.
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    The tale of one teller : one woman's journey into storytelling
    Perrin, Julie Lyndall ( 1994)
    Using the methods of narrative inquiry the writer discusses the nature and functions of story and the role of the storyteller in performance. Guided by the principles of writers such as Eisner, Bruner, Connelly and Clandinin, she investigates the integrity and abuse of story. Schon and Van Manen provide models of investigating lived experience, and fiction writers, Le Guin and Winterson, inform her questions about the polarization of fact and fiction. Re-visiting the stories that have formed part of her early repertoire as a storyteller, the writer explores this role in terms of the reflexive relationship between the audience, the story and the teller. The works of feminist educationalists and philosophers provide a critique of the underlying cultural constructs of gender, class and ethnicity alongside her developing understanding of the role of the artist as a cultural worker.
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    The evolution of concepts of decimals in primary and secondary students
    Moloney, Kevin Gerard ( 1994)
    This thesis studies children's conceptions about ordering decimals. It builds upon previous work which established three commonly used systematic errors in children's understanding as they encounter decimal notation. Students were categorised according to erroneous rule usage. This work includes a small longitudinal study which showed little change over twelve months in rule usage by an Australian sample of 50 secondary students. The categorising tests were redeveloped to make them suitable for primary students and to have increased reliability. The main study traced the use of rules from Year Four to Year Ten in a sample of 379 students and showed how students with different rules performed on other decimal tasks. It was found that one of the rules, called the whole number rule (in comparing two decimals that with more decimal places is chosen as the larger) was important in earlier years but disappeared with time. The second rule, called the fraction rule (the decimal with fewer decimal places is chosen as the larger), persisted in worrying proportions well into the secondary years and it was shown that significant gaps in knowledge of decimal notation existed which had not corrected themselves with time. The third rule was shown to be not important. Further investigation of a longitudinal nature to examine how individuals actually make the transition to mastery of decimal notation is encouraged by this study.
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    Sex difference in achievement in year 12 mathematics and non-routine problem solving
    Vale, Colleen Margaret ( 1993)
    This thesis is the first study of sex difference in achievement in the new VCE Mathematics study in Victoria which was introduced for year 12 students in 1991. It is particularly concerned with sex difference in non-routine problem solving. There were new assessment tasks in the course: two "take home" tasks, an investigative project (CAT1) and a challenging problem (CAT2), a multiple choice test on facts and skills (CAT3) and an analysis task under test conditions (CAT4). The study was conducted in two parts: a population study of almost 37,000 year 12 mathematics students and an explanations survey designed to test twelve possible explanations taken from the literature, for sex difference in achievement in CAT2, involving 582 year 12 students. The study found that for students who had taken the same amount of mathematics in year 12, females on average performed better than males for total mathematics score, CATI, CAT2 and CAT3. Males performed better than females on CAT4 and were more highly represented in the top achievers for total mathematics and for each CAT. The higher proportion of males not submitting work is likely to have been a major factor for the sex difference in favour of females for students taking only one mathematics block in year 12. The explanation study was not able to find any conclusive evidence to explain a superior performance by females. It did however establish that females performed better than males on problems which had a real world context and males performed better than females on problems with a mathematical context only. There was no evidence that either sex was disadvantaged by sex bias in the context and there was no sex difference in the degree of familiarity. Females who reported that they used their knowledge of computers performed better than others.
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    Learning organisations and their educational impact in a corporate environment
    Schell, Elizabeth E ( 1995)
    This thesis is a study of learning organisations and their educational impact in a corporate environment. It provides an overview of the theory of organisational learning, and of learning organisations and describes several models of learning organisations. The important principles of holism and explicitness are established. Examples of learning organisation practices in overseas enterprises are compared with two case studies of Australian organisations which are aspiring learning organisations. These practices are then critically reviewed leading to the development of a new model for learning organisations, based upon 'empowered leadership', which explains holism and explicitness in detail. It concludes by addressing the issue of what learning organisations provide educationally, using the emerging prominence of 'life-long learning' as a focus.