Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Supporting student learning in 'high risk' university subjects and the interrelationships to effective subject teaching : an analysis of a peer tutoring experience
    Clulow, Valerie Gayle. ; The University of Melbourne. Centre for the Study of Higher Education (University of Melbourne, 1998)
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    Clinical teaching : an exploration in three health professions
    Edwards, Helen Massie. (University of Melbourne, 1996)
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    The influence of the ideas of progressive education on teacher training in Victoria, c.1920 to c.1950
    Meabank, Julann Honorah. (University of Melbourne, 1996)
    To what extent did 'progressivism' influence Victorian teacher training, 1920-1950? The thesis examines the various contributions of such figures as George Browne and Dorothy Ross and the role of the directors of education, Tate, Hansen and McRae. Among the events discussed are the re-opening of the Psychological Laboratory at the Teachers' College, the revision of the primary curriculum in 1934, the influence of the 1929 Elsinore Conference of the New Education Fellowship and the 1937 international conference of the NEF in Australia. The acceptance or rejection of progressive ideas in teacher training in the State, and the reasons for this, are a binding theme in the investigation. When the new education' was introduced at the turn of the century, the educational debate in Victoria became largely an argument between those who considered that all children should have the benefit of a liberal, though academic education and those who considered that education should be vocational. Both sides ignored the reformers' advocacy of a new way of looking at the all-round development of the child being educated. When progressive education was introduced by George Browne in the early 1920s some attention was paid to its ideas and its practice, but it was generally ignored in favour of the orthodox transmission model of teaching, learning and schooling. Teacher training reflected this and wider social values that were dominant. In the State system, the relative rejection of innovation was based on apparently entrenched cultural and educational ideas and practices, ministerial intransigence, the timidity or indifference of some in official positions and, more generally, the inertia inherent in the maintenance functions of a large public system. There was some teacher training based on progressive ideas at the Associated Teachers' Training Institution under Catherine Remington and Dorothy Ross. The relative smallness of this operation left it open to the personal influence of innovative individuals. Ross became Headmistress of Melbourne Church of England Girls' Grammar School in 1939 and George Browne used the school extensively as a practical example of the progressive ideas promoted in the School of Education at the University of Melbourne. By the 1950s the progressive movement had lost much of its momentum world-wide. Victoria was no exception. Coincidentally, both Ross and Browne retired from their formal educational positions at this time. In a different form, progressivism re-surfaced in the late sixties and early seventies, i
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    A qualitative study of developing problem solving competence in students of a food technology diploma course
    Yu, Richard Shue-Tak ( 2000)
    This thesis is a qualitative study of developing students' problem solving competence or ability in a Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Diploma course. The problem solving ability has been identified as highly desirable by the Australian food processing industry. Its development in students has been specified in the Course Aims Statement as a requisite learning outcome of the Food Technology Diploma course. The thesis research aimed to explore the situation if the development of problem solving ability happened as envisaged by the major stakeholders of the course and how it was accomplished in the classroom. To facilitate the thesis research, ethnographic methods, including observation, interviews and document analysis were used. Activities of teaching and learning in classrooms and laboratories were observed and recorded on videotapes. Semi-structured interviews with stakeholders including Industry Representatives, Course Designers, Course Administrators, and Module Teachers were conducted. Document analysis included review of approved Accreditation Submissions for the course (accredited by the Food Industry Training Accreditation Board in the Victorian Department of Education), review of students' written work of practical reports and answers to test questions. From the interviews, two divergent views emerged that might be regarded as 'aspirant' and 'practitioner' stances. The 'aspirant' stance represented the views of industry representatives, course designers, and course administrators, whereas the practitioner stance those of the module teachers. The 'aspirant' view concurs with the industry's desire and expectation of developing Diploma students' problem solving ability in the classroom. It did not however stipulate to what standard or level this development should attain. The practitioner side on the other hand maintained that the development of problem solving ability is not their job but it belongs to other educators including teachers of degree courses in higher education. Also the practitioner side maintained that as bona fide TAFE teachers, they know what and how the course should be taught. The TAFE teachers in this particular case believed what they do is appropriate because there has not been any complaint from the industry regarding the quality of the Diploma graduates that they produced. In terms of improving students' problem solving ability, the official stance in the approved Accreditation Submission is that the Diploma course should be delivered in a manner consistent with the constructivists' problem based and situated learning approaches and presented in a holistic, integrated manner based on predetermined learning objectives. In their classroom practice, the Diploma course teachers in this particular case simply delivered what they considered necessary in a ' teaching as telling ' mode, without attending to the recommendations described in the approved Accreditation Submission or an objective-based plan, which incorporates strategies for developing students' problem solving ability. There was no apparent modeling or benchmarking by the teachers of attitudes and dispositions, attributes acknowledged to be required for superior problem solving ability, including reflection, metacognition, self-directedness in learning and construction of individual meaning from knowledge learned, as well as thinking critically or creatively. On the contrary, their delivery and assessment of learning was tuned down, encouraging students to learn in a 'surface approach'. The teachers' practice thus affected adversely the quality of students' reports of experiments. The review of students' reports of the three applied science modules, Food Chemistry, Food Technology, and Microbiology, established that students (1) did not understand the theoretical bases of the experiments, (2) did not show critical reflection or objectivity on the conduct of the experiments or the validity of the results obtained, (3) tended to exert minimal effort in the reporting, and (4) were generally unable to articulate and communicate their thoughts and knowledge. Another parcel of data supporting the conclusion of students' poor state of professional knowledge and inability to apply it came from their answers of test questions. Review of their answers showed that they did not understand the knowledge. Although the test questions of the three applied science modules did not really test them for the application of knowledge in resolving some industry-related issues that is solving industry related problems, the students' answers demonstrated that it was highly unlikely they could do so because of their lack of understanding of the fundamental concepts and theories underlying many of the current or contemporary industry problems/issues. The triangulation of the data from three sources, that is observation, interviews, and document analysis, converged to illuminate this particular situation showing (a) the teachers did not teach in a manner conducive to the development of students' problem solving ability and (b) students did not learn effectively to improve their problem solving ability. In explaining the occurrence of this situation, it has been rationalised in terms of teachers' low expectation of their students, the teachers' inadequacy to teach problem solving skills, and the failure of those in authority to properly communicate this specific course aim to all those who need to know, the students and teachers in particular. Based on this explanation, this thesis made the suggestion whereby improvement in the development of students' problem solving ability can be effected for the Diploma course in the short term by attending immediately to the teachers' practice in the classroom.
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    MicroWorlds programming, mathematical problem solving and teaching for transfer : a year long classroom study
    Walta, Caroline J ( 2000)
    This thesis is based on research conducted to investigate the effects of computer programming on cognitive and affective outcomes in two upper primary classes. The subjects of the research comprised two classes of eleven to twelve year old students at the same school in Melbourne, Victoria. The aims of the research were to establish whether a particular type of methodological intervention, which reinforced strategies developed in a programming context, could improve the likelihood that problem-solving strategies acquired through programming would be transferred to mathematical problem-solving. In addition, the research set out to investigate whether programming affected individuals with differing personality traits in different ways. Students worked over a twelve-month period with the programming software MicroWorlds. In the first term they learned basic semantics and syntax of the programming language and thereafter completed five tasks that were research assignments from a range of key learning areas. These tasks were called Lap-T tasks and as part of the overall curriculum were completed and presented for evaluation. Pre and post-tests in maths problem solving which sought evidence of ability to obtain correct answers, identify appropriate strategies and articulate strategies used, were administered at the beginning and end of the year. In addition, students completed a questionnaire at the beginning, middle and end of the year to establish attitude change to aspects of learning with computers and learning through programming. Other data was obtained through the Rosenberg Self Esteem Test and the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Students kept journals in which they reflected on their programming experience. A series of class lessons for highlighting strategies developed in programming, called strategy training was directed towards one group only, the Strategy Training Group or STG for a total of 18 hours. The other group, the Independent Learning Group, was not assisted to make connections beyond those automatically acquired while programming. The findings of the research were an affirmation for the value of the strategy training for improving the likelihood that strategies acquired during programming would transfer to other problem-solving contexts. In addition, there was confirmation that programming is a valuable addition to an upper primary curriculum, contributing to students' perceptions of control of their own learning and providing challenge and satisfaction while developing transferable problem-solving skills. The research indicates that strategic use of programming in the primary school curriculum can be utilised in the development of improved use of mathematical problem-solving strategies.
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    Towards a model for colleague support : matching support to needs and contexts
    Rogers, William A (1947-) ( 1999)
    This thesis explores the issue of colleague support in schools observed in five case site schools over several years. The study sought to ascertain how colleagues perceive, rate, utilise and value colleague support and the effect of colleague support across a school culture. The research study is predominantly qualitative using participant observation and interviews, over several years. The interviews are based on an earlier pilot study (conducted in 1995-96) and a later survey of each of the five case site schools that make up this research study. The thesis outlines how colleagues describe, value, and utilise colleague support and proposes a typology of support based in grounded theory. This typology asserts that schools have definable `colleague-shape; based in characteristics and protocols of support that have an increasing degree of school-wide consciousness. The typology, and emerging protocols, it is hoped, have both a descriptive and diagnostic facility and an adaptive utility. This thesis concludes with a chapter on adaptive facility proposing suggestions, arising from this study, that might increase a school's conscious awareness and use of colleague support.
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    The rapid characterisation of pulpwood quality of plantation eucalypts using near-infrared spectroscopy
    Schimleck, Laurence R ( 1996)
    Chemical pulp yield is a tree breeding trait of great importance to the pulp and paper industry. Small improvements in pulp yield can provide large economic benefits for forest owners with a successful breeding program. Laborious and expensive methods of direct measurement for pulp yield presently limit the number of trees that are tested and therefore hinder potential improvement. A method that provides a rapid, cheap measure of yield is required. Attempts to do so through correlating easily measured parameters such as hot water extractives and basic density with yield have been unsuccessful. Recent studies have indicated that vibrational spectroscopic methods such as near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS and MIRS) have the potential to predict pulp yield. The major objective of this study is to determine whether near-infrared spectroscopy could be used to predict the pulpwood quality, specifically pulp yield, of plantation eucalypts with sufficient accuracy to be of use in evaluating woods from tree improvement programs. Analysis of any product by NIRS is subject to several sources of error. A review of the agricultural industry literature identifies several important sources of error in NIRS analysis. Important factors include: the particle size distribution and mean particle size of the sample; the type of mill used for grinding; the moisture content of the sample; the sample temperature at the time of testing; the basic density of the sample and the species. In this thesis, the influence of a number of these factors on the NIRS analysis of wood is examined and a protocol for the analysis of wood using NIRS developed. Initially, NIRS is used to model and predict pulp yield in thirty samples of native forest E. globulus woods that gave a very wide range of pulp yields (37.6 % to 60.2 %). Regions of the second derivative NIR spectra display variation that could be directly related to variations in pulp yield. Calibration models are developed using simple linear regression and partial least squares (PLS) regression on data from both normal NIR spectra and second derivative NIR spectra. The model developed by using PLS regression with second derivative NIR spectra demonstrates the best predictive ability (R-value = 0.983, standard error of calibration (SEC) = 1.34 and standard error of prediction (SEP) = 1.65). However, the SEP is too high for practical purposes. The errors are high because insufficient samples were available to represent the extreme variation. Calibration models are also developed with regions of the NIR spectrum removed. Removal of the water bands (1350-1450 and 1848-1968 nm) improves the SEP only marginally. It was decided that future models would be developed with full spectrum second derivative spectra and PLS regression. Twelve models for the prediction of kraft pulp yield are developed using plantation grown E. globulus and E. nitens from sites in Tasmania and Victoria. R-values range from 0.892 to 0.963, SEC values range from 0.32 to 0.92 and SEP values range from 0.63 to 1.46. Seven models have SEP values of less than one. The low SEP values of several of the models indicate that NIRS could be used as a practical alternative to laboratory pulping. The improvement is attributed to having larger sample sets and samples that were able to better represent the narrower range of environmental and genetic variation found in plantation forests. The chemical components of eucalypt woods that influence pulp yield are modelled and predicted using NIRS analysis. Eleven E. globulus and twenty-one E. nitens samples are used. The chemical components modelled include: cellulose, glucan, hemicellulose and xylan. Models for E. globulus have R-values ranging from 0.995 to 0.731 and SEC values ranging from 0.04 to 1.64. The qualities of the models were judged by cross validation procedures as there were too few samples to reserve a separate test set. Models for E. nitens have R-values ranging from 0.988 to 0.894, SEC values that range from 0.19 to 0.93 and SEP values that range from 0.78 to 1.85. The use of larger sample sets should improve the models and reduce errors. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to classify samples based on their NIR spectra. PCA is a data decomposition technique that can be used to extract the systematic variation that exists in a single data set. Two-dimensional PCA scores plots can be used to examine how a number of samples relate to each other. Such plots are used to distinguish between woods of high and low pulp yield; between hardwoods and softwoods; between eucalypt species (E. globulus, E. grandis and E. nitens) and between sites the trees of specific species were grown on (Tasmania and Victoria). PCA could be a very useful tool for breeding programs, perhaps providing a simple means of eliminating poor performing trees. The within-tree variation of pulp yield is also examined using NIRS. If trees are to be sampled non-destructively, ie. by cores, an understanding of within-tree variation is necessary for the identification of representative sampling points. Individual ring samples have different NIR spectra. The spectra of rings 5 and 6 (where the heartwood-sapwood boundary is located) demonstrate the greatest differences. Patterns of radial and longitudinal variation are different for each tree. Radial variation of pulp yield at 5, 20 and 60 % of total tree height is basically linear (average of 15 trees). Longitudinal variation (average of 3 trees) of pulp yield is not linear, the model used to describe it is of the form y = a + bx + cxA. Maps of withintree variation demonstrate that yield is variable within trees and that each tree has a different pattern of variation. The outer region of the tree between 15 and 40 % of total tree height has wood giving the highest pulp yield. Samples from 10 % of total tree height (2.2 m) gives the best correlation with whole tree pulp yield. The north and south hemispheres of a single tree are examined. Within this tree the yield variation is found to be symmetrical. The heritability (h2) of pulp yield for 7 year old E. nitens is estimated using 588 samples whose yield has been estimated using NIRS. Heritability estimates of 0.34 and 0.31 are obtained for the inner and outer rings respectively. The estimates are lower than expected based on previous estimates. PCA is used to examine the variation present in the calibration and the unknown data sets. It is found that the calibration data derived from whole-tree average samples do not contain all the variation present in the unknown data obtained from within the inner and outer rings. Improved heritability estimates are expected to be obtained by adding data to the calibration obtained from within the rings. It is demonstrated that NIRS can successfully predict pulp yield and a number of other chemical components of wood. The success of several models indicates that NIRS has the potential to be a very important tool for tree breeding programs. Consistency in sample preparation and presentation is important. Care must be taken that the proper samples are selected for calibration.