Faculty of Education - Theses

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    The Eleanor Davis Memorial Project : one piece of the jigsaw..
    Piazza, Loretta ( 1999)
    This study is primarily concerned with the Eleanor Davis Memorial Project, a mentoring program for women teachers aspiring to the Principal Class in the Victorian Department of Education. To understand more fully the nature of this unique mentoring program, it is first necessary to explore issues pertaining to women's under representation in leadership positions, particularly in the Victorian teaching service. A number of obstacles confronting women generally, such as culture of educational systems and traditional domestic roles of women are identified and discussed. Whilst mentoring has been noted as an excellent vehicle for career advancement, associated gender issues and obstacles still restrict women from taking full advantage of opportunities. The Victorian Department of Education, in an attempt to increase the number of women seeking and successfully gaining principal class positions, introduced the Eleanor Davis Memorial Project in 1992, along with numerous other 'Women in leadership' initiatives. This study examines the perceptions of ten women, all former mentee and mentor participants, who today hold varied leadership positions within the Leading Teacher, principal class and higher Regional levels. Their views on women's inequality, mentoring and the Eleanor Davis Memorial Project are discussed and interpreted in light of related literature.
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    An exploration of educational leadership development in Victorian state schools
    Jones, John Price ( 2003)
    This paper explores trends in leadership preparation and development and includes an investigation of exemplary practice within and beyond educational sectors, locally and internationally, approaches to educational leadership and the relationship between the maturity of leaders and their professional needs. The evolution of leadership development in Victorian State Schools is described and examined within that context and considerations for future programs, encompassing the consequent agenda, are explored. To apply such a diverse agenda to a turbulent world inspires images of chaos and so a design approach, informed by strategic intentions and underpinned by the shared values of leaders and their constituents, is proposed as an option to address that scenario. The conceptual design explored was developed by Hill & Crevola (1997) and has been applied to various aspects of school improvement in Victoria, Australia.
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    Leadership teams in selected self-managing primary and secondary schools of the future: principal and teacher perspectives
    Fidge, Heather ( 2001)
    Restructuring empowers schools and challenges deeply held beliefs and customs about schools and schooling. While some commentators have reservations, others see teams facilitating the move to the humanistic organisations of the twenty-first century. This study explored the phenomenon of leadership teams in self-managing Schools of the Future in Victoria, Australia. A survey built on Organisational Behaviour theories investigated the extent of the phenomenon and hermeneutic phenomenological interviews without an a priori framework explored complexities. Responses were aggregated and a cross case analysis given. While some findings reflected those of scholars in the field others differed and some provided new insights. The high level of support traits and sources received indicates a similarity of views and understandings among schools and between principals and teachers of teams, teamwork and teamship. Findings revealed: � support for teams was pervasive throughout the school and into the community � teams, usually small but also large, were a feature of the workscape � teams met fortnightly or more frequently � teams worked on a diversity of facets across the full spectrum of school life � funding, support, refreshments and reasonable timelines facilitated teamwork � teams had authority to make decisions, set goals and organise their review � teams were responsible for achieving goals and reviewing achievements with others � teams used a variety of avenues of interaction, and influence and information sources � communication channels throughout the school and beyond were open and used often � incentives included Intrinsic motivator, Cost free, Not cost free and monetary rewards � educators, particularly Principal, principal's teams, were a dynamic factor in the milieu � the similarity between teams and committees was how membership was established � the yin and yang of teams - people and process - which highlighted the customs, values and essential practices that define the mores of teams in schools � the people and process of teamwork benefited members within and beyond the team � teams enhanced school life and teamwork enhanced team products � links between the people, process, product and policy in team orientated organisations � the individual nature of the award system posed an ethical-fiscal conundrum for teams � concerns about people attitudes and behaviour exposed the dark side of teams � new skills were needed to deal with issues related to team dynamics, the role of teams in schools and possible future scenarios.
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    Middle-managers and machines: the impact of information and communication technology on teachers in positions of leadership
    Broadbent, David R. ( 2001)
    The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) continues to increase in schools. While much of the focus has been on its use in the classroom (teaching and learning), the use of ICT for vigil administrative and managerial functions within schools has received little attention. Teachers in Positions of Leadership (POLs) Year-Level Coordinators (YLCs) and Heads of Curriculum Departments (HODs) - have been using ICT for many years but rarely is this use studied. This research has started to address that anomaly. Over a period of six months, the uses of ICT by 24 POLs at a Melbourne Catholic secondary school were studied. The focus was on their ICT use in their POL duties, and their attitudes towards and perceptions of ICT. The study involved both an extensive questionnaire, and indepth interviews of six POLs to ensure detailed understanding of their use of ICT. While there were many different uses of ICT identified, usage was led by a small group of enthusiastic teachers. Others made more limited use. Major factors affecting the variety of use were different levels of access to software and hardware (particularly access to email and the Internet), different levels of Professional Development, and POLs' personal perceptions of the efficiency and effectiveness of using ICT in their work.