Faculty of Education - Theses

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    The impact of a technology policy on a school community: post initial evaluation
    Chau, Maureen ( 2002)
    An information and communication technology (lCT) policy is being expected of all educational institutions and the objectives relate to principals, staff and students, in their use, access, skill development, leadership and innovation in the area of learning technologies. A number of schools have introduced and implemented such policies since the late eighties and early nineties. ICT has become an integral part of everyday life and school educational institutions have recognized this phenomenon as one that should be embraced. Since the early nineties, programs utilizing laptop computers or notebook computers have been incorporated into a number of government and independent schools. The focus of this study was to examine how an information and communication technology policy was related to school change. This was a case study of policy development and how such a policy involving notebook computers impacted on school structures, teaching and learning, in a Melbourne independent school. The researcher's main interest was to gain an understanding of the processes involved and the changes encountered. A questionnaire that contained open-ended questions was used in the study to gain an overall view from teachers at the Year 7 - 9 levels. The rest of study used primarily qualitative methods where interviewing administrators and teachers were the other sources of data. These were analyzed using coding methods and memo notes after which themes were identified. The findings were compared to those that already exist which are from studies based primarily at upper primary and lower secondary levels. As well as gaining a personal understanding of the processes involved it is hoped the findings may also be of benefit to the school's future decisions and policies in general and particularly in the area of ICT involving notebook computers.
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    The transmission of the charism of Marcellin Champagnat by principals in Marist schools
    Mathieson, Marylyn Louise ( 2000)
    Members of religious orders in Australia face generally declining numbers and aging membership. Some, both within the orders and among their lay partners, have recognised the desirability of transmitting the charisms beyond the members of the order, if those charisms are to continue to inform the vision and culture of the enterprise. The Marist Brothers are no exception. Education is their main focus and the schools that they have established have been recognised as having a particular 'flavour' to them. The Marist way of educating has identifiable characteristics, inspired by the charism of the founder, Marcellin Champagnat. The success of the Marist style of education can be seen in the strong support for the schools. There is a clear desire among many, both religious and lay, to nurture and carry on conducting schools in the Marist way. As more lay people assume responsibility for these schools, it has been acknowledged that attention needs to be formally given to the ways in which the charism can continue to be transmitted. This study has examined the ways in which selected principals in Marist schools have influenced the transmission of the charism within their schools. Through the use of the case study methodology, it has documented actions that have been identified as conducive to passing on the charism to the school community. It has observed that certain characteristics of leadership style are more likely to positively influence the transmission of charism. The study has also identified some factors that may work against such a cause. As a result of the study, certain recommendations have been made which may assist in the process of ensuring that the charism of Marcellin Champagnat continues to flourish in those schools founded in his name.
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    Ask a parent: investigating the need for a parent 'ask an expert' service in schools
    Houlihan, Gerard ( 2004)
    'Ask an Expert' (AskA) services are question-answer based Internet services where questions can be asked of individuals with specialist knowledge. There appear to be no examples of AskA services localised to a school community and provided by parent volunteers (here termed ‘AskA-Parent’). This research utilised a needs assessment methodology to explore the potential for constructing such a service at an independent Australian school. Data sources included school documents, government statistics and individual interviews with purposeful sampling of teachers, parents and student prefects; four in each group. Based upon the interview responses, a survey was completed by teachers (n=62), students (n=44) and the students' parent/guardians (n=74). Four main themes emerged from the data in the context of the literature. They were related to the usage of information and communications technologies (ICT); pedagogy; learning communities; and general ICT issues. The findings indicated that a particular strength of the AskA-Parent program was an ability to further develop schools as learning organisations and to facilitate links between members of the school community. A cautionary finding was related to the importance of clear guidelines in order to lessen obstacles to the success of the program. The findings of this study suggest that there would be benefit in trialling an AskA-Parent program.
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    Cultural mission of the sisters of St Joseph
    Farquer, Aileen M. ( 2004)
    This research study examines the history of Sacred Heart Catholic School, Newport, Victoria, established within the tradition and application of the educational philosophy of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, founded by Mary MacKillop in 1866. The work includes three distinct areas of research which are: 1. The MacKillop System of Education in its early stages. 2. The growth of multicultural theory and practice in Australia and in Catholicism. 3. The story of one school, Sacred Heart Catholic School, Newport, situated in the western suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. These areas connect up and illuminate one another throughout the thesis, evoking a sense of school life as it was experienced by members of the school community at different stages of the school's development and within a variety of social and educational contexts. The research appreciates the integral vitality of the founding spirit manifest in Mary MacKillop, especially as it was reflected in the Sisters appointed to the school at Newport as administrators and as teachers. The study examines the long-term adaptation of the mission of the Church, namely the evangelisation of cultures in the local community of Newport throughout its hundred years history. Focus is brought to bear on the interpretation of Mary MacKillop's philosophy of education in its first fifty years and the changes perceived during the later period of massive and fundamental transformation in the ethnic composition of the local community as well as the broader Church and State. By reconstructing the past this study provides a reference point for those involved in education by shedding light on the present and raising questions for the future.
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    The experience of Third Culture Kids entering secondary education in Melbourne, Australia
    Martin, Timothy J. ( 2003)
    The term Third Culture Kids (TCKs) was first used by the sociologist Ruth Hill Useem in 1976 to describe children of diplomats, missionaries, business people and military personnel who have lived outside their native country for periods of time. The literature suggests that transition concerns for TCKs have not always been recognised or taken seriously, and that the transition process can be traumatic. The identification of significant needs for TCKs is an essential initial step in addressing the sources of trauma associated with re-entering the Australian classroom following time spent overseas. This study focuses on the identification of those significant needs. Six TCKs were approached, and five agreed to participate in this study. All of the participants completed their secondary education at the same school, in outer eastern Melbourne, in either 2000 or 2001. This qualitative study consisted of one on one semi structured interviews with the five participants, followed by a focus group interview involving four of the participants. A key issue identified by the participants during their transition was the desire to be treated as individuals who do not wish to appear different from their peers. The study also identified the importance of supporting the TCKs during their transition, primarily through access to a mentor. The establishment of small groups consisting of other TCKs was also identified as helpful. The main factor that influenced the length of the adjustment period was the time taken to make a personal decision to accept the change of circumstances and move on. This process took anywhere between six months and three years. Each of the participants displayed an amazing ability to rebound from the lows. Their resilience, aided by strong support from family, other TCKs and peers, is evident in their unanimous view that being a TCK is a very positive experience.
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    Educational implications of Ballarat becoming a multicultural community
    Ellis, Margaret Lenan ( 2005)
    This research is based on a close study of the experiences of four migrant women of non-English speaking background, focusing primarily on their opportunities, in the city of Ballarat for learning English as a foreign or second language, and how adequately these have contributed to their success in settling into regional Victoria. The 'educational implications' investigated included focusing on provision of English as a Second Language (ESL) learning resources, provision of Languages Other than English (LOTE), and the education of native local residents in multicultural awareness. Ballarat is rapidly becoming more multicultural thereby raising issues which the traditionally Anglo-Celtic population of this rural city will have to consider, if community harmony is to be maintained. The study investigates whether the city might need to review the adequacy of its provision of ESL classes, the adequacy of' its libraries in providing literature to cater for the needs of ethnic groups from non-English speaking backgrounds, the adequacy of the provision of LOTE in the community, as well as familiarising Ballarat's predominantly Caucasian community with multicultural cultures, customs and languages.
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    Second class theatre: theatre for young people in Victoria 1966-2000
    Butler, John Patrick ( 2003)
    The thesis examines the formation of theatre companies servicing schools and the community in Victoria. It traces the evolution of amateur children's theatre to the formation of full-time professional theatre companies. Many of these were called Theatre In Education (TIE) or Theatre For Young People (TYP) companies. The lack of historical research in this field contrasts with the number of journals and research articles on the growth and development of Drama In Education. There exists no comprehensive history of these theatre companies and their contribution to the development of Australian Theatre for Young People. The research in this thesis involves the use of primary research using audio recordings of oral histories, archival materials, company reports and supporting secondary research materials. The thesis sees the parallel growth of theatre and drama in education as integral to the operations and survival of these companies. Drama and Theatre Studies arc now part of the Victorian Certificate of Education for students in Years 11 and 12. Subsidy provided by State and Federal arts bodies has fostered and maintained a small number of companies in Victoria over a thirty two year period. Self sufficient, unfunded companies co-exist with subsidised companies by focusing on the Curriculum Standards Framework. Subsidised and non subsidised companies vary in the range and quality of theatre presented in schools and other venues. The research findings support the thesis that Theatre for Young People in Victoria has been undervalued in terms of its contribution to Victoria's theatre history. It has been treated as second class or less important than adult theatre. Funding bodies and theatre companies have placed an over emphasis on cultivating young people as the audiences of the future. Victorian Education policies have failed to regulate standards for artists and adequately support them in schools. This has resulted in a high turnover of artists and companies servicing schools.