Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Caught in the middle : teachers' perceptions of the usefulness of the Record of oral language when used with ESL students
    Staunton-Burke, Christina Therese ( 2004)
    In the present educational context, large-scale literacy reform has been hotly debated in the media by various stakeholders while on the other hand the " voice that has been largely absent from these debates has been that of teachers". This study attempts to correct this imbalance by reporting on a study of teachers' perceptions of the usefulness of the ROL as a testing tool for students learning English as a second language. It was designed to offer the researcher, the participants and other stakeholders great insight into the current complexities that teachers face when assessing the oral competence of students learning English as a second language. Teachers were given the opportunity to critically examine their own assumptions, beliefs and practices about oral language learning and assessment and challenge the current use of the ROL in the Children's Literacy Success Strategy (CLaSS) program. A qualitative case study approach was selected to allow the voices of the participants and the researcher to be heard in a familiar setting. Thirty minute semi-structured interviews were conducted separately so that teachers could speak freely thus enabling the researcher to follow individual trains of thought and obtain in-depth responses. The study concluded that the usefulness of the Record of Oral Language as a testing tool for students from language backgrounds other than English was not the central issue. Research findings instead highlighted the difficulties faced by mainstream teachers expected to effectively assess the oral language skills of students for whom English is a second language without effective Professional Development support. The central issue that has emerged in this study is the place of teacher professional knowledge for these teachers of ESL students. Not only are ESL students disadvantaged in the current educational climate but so are the mainstream teachers. Teachers' responses to this study reaffirm the need for Professional Development in ESL pedagogy as a way to effectively support the Oral Language and Literacy Learning of ESL which was valued pre Literacy Advance.
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    Assessing critical reading performance in an EAP classroom
    Moloney, Brendan ( 2003)
    A widespread perception among EAP teachers and course designers in Australia is that Asian university students need some formal training in text analysis and critical thought. To be more precise, Asian students are often portrayed as victims of Asian education, where students are taught to rote learn and memorise, rather than question and analyse as they might be taught in Australia. EAP classes often rest on generalisations about cultural differences, constructing critical reading tasks on the assumption that the problems students encounter in completing critical reading tasks relates to the way they read rather than how they respond to what they read (that is, their familiarity and ability to reproduce arguments in acceptable and culturally expected ways). While EAP researchers have spent considerable energy on improving critical reading methodologies, there has been very little research on the assessment of critical reading in EAP classes. In particular, very little research has offered any explanation of what might constitute evidence of learning to read and respond at a high level. In this thesis, I develop a criterion-referenced critical reading performance rubric, informed by Ballard and Clanchy's (1984; 1988; 1997) research on critical analysis and Toulmin's (1958; 1972; 1984) theories on reasoning and argumentation, to examine the clarity, evidence and logic (CEL) of students' critical reading responses and the influence of text selection on student reasoning skills. Secondly, I explore with students some factors they perceive as affecting their reading performances including text selection. The findings of this research reveal that there are distinct patterns in critical reading performances characterising low, medium and high level students, and that subject matter may be less significant to students' reading performances than they seem to believe. In discussing critical reading performances with students, they identified several factors such as a lack of subject knowledge, a lack of time and a misunderstanding of their purpose in completing the task which significantly affected their performance. Additionally, students perceived their future performances could be improved by choosing texts with subject matter more closely aligned to their academic field. The findings also reveal that most students feel that critically examining topics relating to Australian social issues are not helpful to the overall development of their critical reading skills.
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    From EAP to university: a case study of Chinese students in Melbourne
    Banfield, Julie A. ( 2006)
    Using qualitative research methods, this thesis examines the experiences of four international students from Mainland China during their transition from language study to tertiary study in Melbourne in 2005. The study explores, through the narratives of students, language teachers and university tutors, the challenges of providing tertiary , level education to students whose cultural and educational background is significantly different to that in Australia. The research is set within the context of the declining government funding to Australian universities and their consequent reliance on full fee paying international students. The student participants in the study attended a private language centre which provides English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses through its English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) programs, followed by enrolment in the business faculty of a large university. The issues that were identified are analysed following a narrative approach. The study found that the students were not receiving a positive educational experience and identified some of the difficulties they had in adapting to the demands of the Australian higher education system. These included the impact of the differences in teaching and learning approaches, level of English language skills, lack of prior education in the discipline, segregation, isolation and lack of support. The significant issues raised by the university tutors' included international students' inadequate language skills, mismatch of expectations, plagiarism, entry requirements, the changing face of the university, and lack of support. � The study concludes with the implications of international students not receiving a positive Australian educational experience and some recommendations for strengthening the Australian higher education system.