Faculty of Education - Theses

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    Evaluation of a Cancer/Palliative Nursing Care subject and a comparison of processes and outcomes for traditional classroom and distance education teaching modes of delivery
    Pittman, Elizabeth ( 2000)
    This Evaluation is concerned with the educational outcomes of a postgraduate subject, 'Cancer/palliative care nursing 1'. The subject is taught in the classroom as well as by distance education in the print medium and, as well as considering the outcomes for the subject per se, the Evaluation also compares the outcomes for each teaching mode. The questions addressed in the Evaluation are: a) does the delivery of the subject (regardless of the method used) have the outcomes that might be expected of a postgraduate diploma level subject? and b) are students taught by distance education mode disadvantaged by comparison with students who are taught by traditional classroom methods? There is an abundance of literature on distance education, most of which uses, explicitly or implicitly, classroom teaching as a largely unexamined exemplar by which distance education is judged. This thesis critically examines the distance education literature and identifies factors salient to a comparison of these two methods of teaching. The Evaluation method is based on the theory-driven approach advocated by Chen (1990) and incorporates an adaptation of the program logic framework put forward by Funnell (1996). It incorporates two methods of evaluation: the subject's outcomes measured against a prescription; and, a comparison of the distance education outcomes with classroom teaching outcomes. A prescription of how the subject should be delivered and the outcomes that should be expected was developed from stakeholder interviews, informed by a critical review of the distance education literature and the evaluator's knowledge of the discipline. A method of measuring the actual delivery of the subject against the prescription (regardless of the teaching mode) was devised and a minimum acceptable standard of success established. Substantive methods used include both qualitative and quantitative data gathered by questionnaires, interviews, classroom observations and a content analysis of the study guide used by distance education students. The Evaluation findings are that on most, but not all, outcome measures the subject met the set standard of success. One outcome unspecified in the prescription (although implied) was the increased clinical confidence engendered by undertaking this subject. Students taught by the traditional mode gained from classroom interaction although the degree of interactivity was found to depend on the personal qualities of lecturers and students and the structure of teaching sessions. Distance education students were not disadvantaged by this teaching mode and on some measures, such as being able to study at their own pace or the grades they achieved, could be said to be advantaged.
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    Clinical congruence : where graduate nurse clinical reality meets organisational clinical requirements
    Pisani, Heather ( 2004)
    In the mid 1980s, education associated with the requirement for registration as a Nurse in the State of Victoria moved from a hospital-based system into the university setting. This move brought with it many and varied requirements for change within the health care setting. The students of nursing were now no longer a part of the workforce, they were transient visitors in the patient care setting with very specific clinical requirements to be met; and they were there for less time! This research project is not about whether this change in preparation should have occurred. It is well accepted amongst the profession that this was necessary to raise the status of the nursing professional. We now have registered nurses with a primary degree in nursing or health science. The question here however, is what clinical capacities do the newly graduates and registered nurses have when they enter the clinical workforce, and what clinical capacities are required by the health care institutions that are employing them. Have these institutions an accurate and realistic knowledge of the clinical capacities of the newly graduated registered nurses they employ? This research concentrated on the self-perceived and reported clinical capacities of newly graduated registered nurses as they entered the clinical environment and the clinical capacities required by the clinical areas that employed them. Clinical congruence was then measured between these two sources. The findings demonstrated that in a supported environment, where graduates can expect and receive clinical support and mentorship, clinical congruence:is likely to be achieved. However, in an environment where clinical skills are required to be undertaken at an unsupervised level, there were a significant number of distinct clinical skills for which the graduates report unpreparedness. Graduates and Nurse Managers alike agreed that increased clinical experience during the undergraduate preparation time is optimal, but the universities indicated that the fiscal and chronological constraints of a three-year degree program, in an environment where there is a cost incurred for the clinical experience, is difficult to achieve. This research demonstrates, in a tangible way, the need for a supported Graduate Transition Program to facilitate the consolidation and / or achievement of clinical competency for the graduates as they enter the workforce. This support will assist in ensuring the maintenance of a dynamic nursing workforce into the 21st century to meet the needs of the Victorian community at a time when it is most vulnerable during the period of ill health.
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    The clinical learning of pre-registration student nurses: challenges for clinicians' practice
    Havard, Margaret Elaine ( 2005)
    This research investigated to what extent does workplace supervision of undergraduate nursing students by registered nurse clinicians confront clinical practice in the acute care hospital setting. Significant aspects of this are clinical education of nursing students mainly in Australia, the persisting difficulties of access to clinical placements, educational preparation of clinical supervisors and the clinical learning environment. This contextual study was an iterative case study, which was undertaken in five stages, each stage prerequisite to, and informing the next. The findings revealed the extent of collaboration between four participating universities and a major metropolitan teaching hospital. Perceptions of the educational role of the registered nurse clinician were explored as seen by nurse unit managers, the undergraduate student nurses, clinical teachers and the clinicians themselves. Also factors were identified in the clinical environment which the participants thought could influence undergraduate students' learning. The study concludes with recommendations to increase accessibility to clinical places, and the preparation, support, and recognition of the clinicians for their clinical education role.